Analyzing Restaurants in TripAdvisor for Top 10 US Cities



TripAdvisor is a trusted source of hotel and restaurant reviews among travelers and casual diners. They have also partnered with companies such as OpenTable, DoorDash, GrubHub, and Deliveroo, by allowing users to make dining reservations and also order online. In this Tripadvisor restaurant data analysis, we analyzed TripAdvisor data from the Top 10 most populated US cities – New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose.

Here are insights of restaurants in these cities which are listed in TripAdvisor.

Quick Hits

  • New York has the most number of restaurants listed on TripAdvisor – 15K
  • The most popular cuisine listed among restaurants is American (10.9K)
  • Los Angeles has the highest percentage of restaurants rated five stars by users
  • Ellen’s Stardust Diner (19.4K) has the most number of reviews among non-chain restaurants
  • Most Restaurants predominantly fall within mid-range price category (17K)

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Which US city has the most number of restaurants?


There are a total of 64,221 restaurants from these cities listed on TripAdvisor and New York tops with 15,087 restaurants. Los Angeles and Chicago follow with 13.4K and 8.4K restaurants respectively.


There are 128 different cuisines listed on the website and it’s no surprise that American cuisine is the most popular, with 10.9K restaurants serving American food. Mexican (5.2K) and Asian (4.2K) restaurants come in second and third place respectively. Which again is not a surprise as the larger cities tend to be ethnically diverse.

While New York has the highest count of restaurants for most cuisines, it ranks in the sixth place when it comes to Mexican food. The top 3 cities that have the most number of Mexican restaurants are concentrated in the west and south, Los Angeles leads with 1.1K restaurants followed by Houston (795) and San Antonio (758) both in Texas.


Which US city has the highest rated restaurants?

The breakdown of restaurants in each city classified using their customer assigned rating is shown in a series of charts below.

In our tripadvisor restaurant data analysis, ratings are one of the major factors among users when deciding where to dine especially when they are in a new area or are evaluating new places to try.

Los Angeles has the highest share of restaurants rated 5 stars by users and is closely followed by New York. Los Angeles also has the most share of restaurants rated 2 and 3 stars.

Most restaurants rated 4 and 4.5 by users are in New York.

The city with the most 1 star restaurants

Chicago has the dubious distinction of having the largest share of restaurants which were rated 1 star.

What is the most reviewed restaurant in the US?

Fast food chains had the most number of reviews, however, for non-chain restaurants, Ellen’s Stardust Diner in New York tops as the non-chain restaurant with the most number of reviews with 19.4K reviews.

Katz’s Deli (15.4K) and Carmine’s Italian Restaurant (11K) also located in New York have a great following and are listed second and third respectively.


TripAdvisor’s foray into restaurant reservation and online food ordering

In order to ensure that users don’t leave their website, TripAdvisor has partnered with OpenTable, allowing users to book tables at restaurants directly from their website. This feature is being rolled out slowly and is currently available in 3.8K restaurants in these cities with more than 40% of those located in New York.

TripAdvisor also provides online ordering services through companies such as DoorDash, GrubHub, and Deliveroo. There are 15.4K restaurants that offer this service and New York has close to 30% of them, making it the city which offers this service the most.

The charts below show the percentage of restaurants that have online reservation and online booking available through TripAdvisor:



How expensive are the restaurants in the Top US cities?

In out Tripadvisor restaurant data analysis, a large number of restaurants in TripAdvisor are not classified into any pricing range, the ones that do have price ranges listed, fall under three categories – mid-range (17K), cheap eats (6.6K) and fine dining (1.4K).

New York has most number of restaurants in all 3 categories.



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