Top 10 US destinations New Year’s Eve Hotel Price spikes


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    Ever thought about watching the ball drop in Times Square on New Year’s eve in New York City?

    Well you’re not alone – a lot of people are thinking the same way and unless you have a thousand dollars for a hotel, it will just stay a dream.

    We analyzed average hotel prices in the Top 25 destinations in the United States for the dates Dec 28 2016 to Jan 4 2017 to get and idea if there was any truth that New Year’s eve is really popular with hotels.

    New York City hotels average a rate of almost $1000 for New Year’s eve and then drop off to an average of $385 the very next night. Almost a 3 times spike for that one night.

    The ball drop at New York and the sea of people they show on TV aren’t some CGI effects after all !

    How about Las Vegas? The average room price is $190 a room on Jan 1 but the night before it is $515 !

    Orlando seems to be somewhat tempered with a $100 price difference between the boisterous New Year’s eve peak and the sober night after.

    Chicago takes the top spot with the cheapest room rates among the Top 10 with a average price of $313 a night.

    Here is a look at summary data from the Top 10 cities from the Tripadvisor list of Top 25 destinations.

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