Amazon Handmade vs Etsy


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    Nicole Leinbach-Reyhle at Forbes recently wrote an article comparing Etsy and Amazon in the “handmade” category.

    It explored the foray of Amazon into this category where Etsy has been the dominant player.

    When Amazon tries to enter a space, everyone sits up and takes notice.

    At ScrapeHero, we decide to look at this comparison through the eyes of data and here are some observations.

    Etsy sells around 45.6 million products

    Amazon sells 198,000 products in comparison

    A massive difference you might say, similar to probably how Amazon and Walmart compare online.

    Let’s look at what sells best on these two sites and if Amazon decide to just copy the Etsy model category by category by (ahem!) scraping Etsy seller data and reaching out to them with some sweet deals to sell to Amazon.

    The two charts below show the Top 10 categories from each site in the “handmade” business

    Amazon Handmade Top 10 Categories

    Etsy Top 10 Categories

    It doesn’t appear that the relative size of the Top 10 categories is the same. Etsy seems to sell a lot of “Home and Living” but that category doesn’t seem to show up in Amazon Handmade.

    If you would like access to the full data, don’t feel shy – just ask for it by adding a comment below.

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