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Online mentions about ScrapeHero

Online mentions about ScrapeHero

ScrapeHero provides periodic eCommerce data which is used by various publications and research papers. In our ongoing quest for our own Brand Monitoring, we come across some mentions about our data. Here are some recent ones. eBook An eBook about “Internet Retailing and Future Perspectives By Eleonora Pantano, Bang Nguyen, Charles Dennis, Sabine Gerlach” with […]

Free or Discounted Data for Research

Free or Discounted Data for Research

Hello Researchers, We know life is hard enough for you and the paucity of data doesn’t help. To top it up you are asked to pay for data when you can barely pay for Ramen noodles ! ScrapeHero is here to help. While, we too need to eat we feel we can spare some of […]

Number of products sold on vs – December 2016

Number of products sold on vs – December 2016 has a total of 16,249,629 products for sale as of December 2016 vs’s 405,435,416 products. has 4% the number of products that has for sale Last year, Walmart Management made it clear that they were determined to increase their online sales after their disappointing earnings (here is our post about that) . They […]

Dynamic Online Pricing with Incomplete Information Using Multi-Armed Bandit Experiments

Dynamic Online Pricing with Incomplete Information Using Multi-Armed Bandit Experiments

ScrapeHero was referenced in another research article from the Chicago Booth School. The paper about “Dynamic Online Pricing with Incomplete Information Using Multi-Armed Bandit Experiments” by Eric M. Schwartz, Kanishka Misra and Jacob Abernethy published September 2016 talks about what we discuss in the Competition Monitoring service we offer. It talks about the choices pricing […]

Bestselling Toy Brands on Amazon UK – December 2016

Bestselling Toy Brands on Amazon UK – December 2016

After analyzing Toys & Games bestsellers, we gathered data from Amazon UK – Toys & Games, to find out which are the most popular Toy Brands in the United Kindom. We have laid all our findings down as a Tableau Story, embedded below. You can view it as full screen by clicking on the […]

Bestselling Toy Brands on – December 2016

Bestselling Toy Brands on – December 2016

We analyzed about 2000+ products listed under Bestsellers of the category “Toys & Games” and its first level sub-categories of Below is a quick summary infographic of our findings on the Bestselling toy brands in as on December 14, 2016. Courtesy of Venngage Hasbro has the largest number of products listed in Toys & Games’ […]

How to scrape TripAdvisor for Hotel Data, Pricing and Reviews using Python

How to scrape TripAdvisor for Hotel Data, Pricing and Reviews using Python

Step by step tutorial to scrape Tripadvisor reviews and hotel data – Name, Price Per Night, Deals Reviews, and Ratings using Python and LXML.

How many products does sell – December 2016

How many products does sell – December 2016

Amazon sells about 368,876,590 products as of Dec 1, 2016 EDIT: January 2017 Update is available here The total number of products sold by Amazon is 368 million, but when you add up the product totals in various categories and subcategories the total ends up being 411,548,523 – almost 42.1 million more products than the […]

Evaluation of the Challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse Development

Evaluation of the Challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse Development

ScrapeHero’s data gathering was recently referenced in a research paper about “Evaluation of the Challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse Development” by Nedim Dedić and Clare Stanier of Staffordshire University. The article talks about the support of different languages and the effects in Business Intelligence. We also refer to the uses of web scraping as […]

The best web scraping service

The best web scraping service

This is an open thread and the goal is to solicit comments on what the best web scraping service may look like. Please go ahead a type away and write down the ideas or requirements you think would define the best web scraping service or data scraping service. No ideas or comments are bad – […]

ScrapeHero site stats

ScrapeHero site stats

We publish a lot of data from around the web and people visit us from all around the world to read about the data and articles we publish. In this data bite we wanted to publish a map of where our visitors came from among the various countries in the world. We had visitors from […]

How Local Governments can use Web Scraping

How Local Governments can use Web Scraping

The internet is a wonderful thing and so is globalization. But when a new upstart wins big on the global scene it can cause problems in some unexpected places – small towns and cities. Companies such as Airbnb and Uber have revolutionized some industries making vast profits for themselves and even the consumer. Airbnb allows […]

Turn the Internet into meaningful, structured and usable data