We offer compelling incentives to switch from a competing provider
The landscape of Web Scraping Providers is very varied. There are low cost and low quality providers but there are also many high cost but low service providers.
During your initial selection for vendors, some of these characteristics are hard to quantify, but as time goes on the reason for the low cost gets evident.
The lack of attention to detail and quality gets clearer.
The lack of service levels and responsiveness drops off after the hand-off from Sales to Service happens.
We want to mitigate some of the regret from these initial decisions and help you move to a great service provider with a 98% customer retention rate and the experience of working with thousands of companies globally.
We are confident in our abilities and are willing to offer you a discount and meet or beat our competitor’s pricing. Just let us know that you want to avail of this program when you contact us and we will take care of the rest.
Contact us to schedule a brief, introductory call with our experts and learn how we can assist your needs.