How many products does sell in comparison to

UPDATE (April 2017): Please find the updated post here


The data in this post is current as of April 2015.
If you would like to see updated data, please check the other related posts on this site for Walmart or Amazon. sells 4,259,605 products

and sells 356,227,986 products sells a mere 1.1% of what sells

This is an interesting point of comparison on how online and offline retailers compare to each other. Rather, how the the online sites of “brick and mortar” stores compare to pure online stores.

It is a small percentage and shows you how much ground Walmart has to cover to catch up to Amazon.


David July 22, 2015

Excuse me. I am very intrigued with online retailers, especially the traditional stores competing with Amazon. Could you please inform me where you got the Amazon’s or’s numbers for this article? Or if you have additional data on the number of products offered by other major retailers, I would be very thankful. I am interested in comparing different SKU numbers of online retailers.

    scrapehero July 23, 2015

    Hi David,
    These numbers come from Amazon and Walmart websites themselves.
    We turn such publicly available information into data.
    If we can help you compare SKUs do reach out to us from our website and send us more details and we will see what we can do.

      David July 23, 2015

      Thank you for the quick reply. I am interested in comparing SKUs of the top major retailers in the US and just the general amount of SKUs available online through eCommerce in the US. Could you help provide me with this data? If yes, what other details would you need and what is the best way to reach out to you?

        scrapehero July 23, 2015

        Hi David, please reach out to our sales team through our website

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