10 Largest convenience stores in the United States in 2024

Last updated on December 09, 2024

What is the largest convenience store in the United States?

7-Eleven is the largest convenience store the United States in 2024.




Largest convenience store in 14 out of 56 States and Territories

Circle K




Largest convenience store in 14 out of 56 States and Territories

Alimentation Couche Tard

Largest convenience store in 8 out of 56 States and Territories

What are the largest convenience stores in the United States in 2024?

7-Eleven, Circle K and Alimentation Couche Tard are the largest convenience stores in the United States in 2024 based on the number of locations. 7-Eleven has the most number of locations with 9,402 locations across 38 states and territories. Circle K has 6,932 and Alimentation Couche Tard has 6,407 locations in the US. These three together make 68.6% of the largest 10 convenience stores in the US.

Rank Brand Number of Locations States Present In Cities Present In Download Dataset
7-Eleven 9,402 38 2,365
Circle K
Circle K 6,932 46 2,279
Alimentation Couche Tard
Alimentation Couche Tard 6,407 44 2,193
Speedway 3,215 36 1,550
Casey's 2,694 17 1,551
GPM Investments
GPM Investments 1,492 27 767
QuikTrip 1,116 19 402
Stripes Convenience Stores
Stripes Convenience Stores 729 4 224
Southeastern Grocers
Southeastern Grocers 590 5 264
Cumberland Farms
Cumberland Farms 573 8 397

Learn more about 10 Largest convenience stores in the United States in 2024


There are 9,402 7eleven stores in the United States as of June 12, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of 7eleven locations in the US is California, with 1,896 stores, which is about 20% of all 7eleven stores in the US.

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Circle K

There are 6,932 Circle K stores in the United States as of December 09, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Circle K locations in the US is Florida, with 935 stores, which is about 13% of all Circle K stores in the US.

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Alimentation Couche Tard

There are 6,407 Alimentation Couche Tard stores in the United States as of May 08, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Alimentation Couche Tard locations in the US is Florida, with 893 stores, which is about 14% of all Alimentation Couche Tard stores in the US.

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There are 3,215 Speedway gas stations in the United States as of November 04, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Speedway locations in the US is Ohio, with 462 gas stations, which is about 14% of all Speedway gas stations in the US.

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There are 2,694 Caseys stores in the United States as of November 26, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Caseys locations in the US is Iowa, with 560 stores, which is about 21% of all Caseys stores in the US.

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GPM Investments

There are 1,492 GPM Investments locations in the United States as of November 26, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of GPM Investments locations in the US is Michigan, with 204 locations, which is about 14% of all GPM Investments locations in the US.

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There are 1,116 QuikTrip locations in the United States as of November 26, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of QuikTrip locations in the US is Texas, with 288 locations, which is about 26% of all QuikTrip locations in the US.

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Stripes Convenience Stores

There are 729 Stripes Convenience Stores locations in the United States as of December 18, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Stripes Convenience Stores locations in the US is Texas, with 681 locations, which is about 93% of all Stripes Convenience Stores locations in the US.

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Southeastern Grocers

There are 590 Southeastern Grocers stores in the United States as of September 17, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Southeastern Grocers locations in the US is Florida, with 500 stores, which is about 85% of all Southeastern Grocers stores in the US.

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Cumberland Farms

There are 573 Cumberland Farms locations in the United States as of October 22, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Cumberland Farms locations in the US is Massachusetts, with 207 locations, which is about 36% of all Cumberland Farms locations in the US.

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