10 Largest grocery chains in the United Kingdom in 2024

Last updated on December 02, 2024

What is the largest grocery chain in the United Kingdom?

Co-op Food is the largest grocery chain the United Kingdom in 2024.
Co-op Food




Largest grocery chain in 4 out of 6 Countries





Largest grocery chain in 1 out of 6 Countries





Largest grocery chain in 1 out of 6 Countries

What are the largest grocery chains in the United Kingdom in 2024?

Co-op Food, Tesco and Londis are the largest grocery chains in the United Kingdom in 2024 based on the number of locations. Co-op Food has the most number of locations with 3,727 locations across 6 countries. Tesco has 2,918 and Londis has 1,833 locations in the UK. These three together make 47.59% of the largest 10 grocery chains in the UK.

Rank Brand Number of Locations States Present In Cities Present In Download Dataset
Co-op Food
Co-op Food 3,727 6 1,159
Tesco 2,918 5 1,005
Londis 1,833 3 997
SPAR 1,766 4 1,061
Morrisons 1,735 4 742
Sainsbury's 1,443 4 557
Nisa 1,293 4 503
ASDA 1,106 4 607
ALDI 1,029 3 768
McColl's Retail Group
McColl's Retail Group 966 3 495

Learn more about 10 Largest grocery chains in the United Kingdom in 2024

Co-op Food

There are 3,727 Co-op Food locations in the United Kingdom as of April 09, 2024. The country with the most number of Co-op Food locations in the UK is England, with 3,000 locations, which is about 80% of all Co-op Food locations in the UK.

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There are 2,918 Tesco stores in the United Kingdom as of September 23, 2024. The country with the most number of Tesco locations in the UK is England, with 2,505 stores, which is about 86% of all Tesco stores in the UK.

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There are 1,833 Londis stores in the United Kingdom as of April 16, 2024. The country with the most number of Londis locations in the UK is England, with 1,575 stores, which is about 86% of all Londis stores in the UK.

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There are 1,754 SPAR stores in the United Kingdom as of December 03, 2024. The country with the most number of SPAR locations in the UK is England, with 1,281 stores, which is about 73% of all SPAR stores in the UK.

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There are 1,735 Morrisons stores in the United Kingdom as of September 23, 2024. The country with the most number of Morrisons locations in the UK is England, with 1,421 stores, which is about 82% of all Morrisons stores in the UK.

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There are 1,443 Sainsbury's stores in the United Kingdom as of December 02, 2024. The country with the most number of Sainsbury's locations in the UK is England, with 1,303 stores, which is about 90% of all Sainsbury's stores in the UK.

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There are 1,293 Nisa stores in the United Kingdom as of April 23, 2024. The country with the most number of Nisa locations in the UK is England, with 992 stores, which is about 77% of all Nisa stores in the UK.

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There are 1,106 ASDA stores in the United Kingdom as of November 26, 2024. The country with the most number of ASDA locations in the UK is England, with 924 stores, which is about 84% of all ASDA stores in the UK.

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There are 1,029 ALDI stores in the United Kingdom as of October 01, 2024. The country with the most number of ALDI locations in the UK is England, with 861 stores, which is about 84% of all ALDI stores in the UK.

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McColl's Retail Group

There are 966 McColl's Retail Group stores in the United Kingdom as of July 19, 2024. The country with the most number of McColl's Retail Group locations in the UK is England, with 794 stores, which is about 82% of all McColl's Retail Group stores in the UK.

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