Number of Arctic Cat dealers in the United States in 2024
How many Arctic Cat dealers are there in the United States?
There are 293 Arctic Cat dealers in the United States as of March 20, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Arctic Cat locations in the US is Minnesota, with 22 dealers, which is about 8% of all Arctic Cat dealers in the US.
How can I download a list of Arctic Cat dealers in the United States into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 293 Arctic Cat locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 10 States and Territories with the most Arctic Cat dealers
22 (8%)
A dealer for every 256,364 people, in Minnesota with about 8% of the total number of Arctic Cat dealers
21 (7%)
A dealer for every 277,238 people, in Wisconsin with about 7% of the total number of Arctic Cat dealers
19 (6%)
A dealer for every 525,632 people, in Michigan with about 6% of the total number of Arctic Cat dealers
State / Territory | Number of dealers | Population | Population per dealer |
Minnesota | 22 (8%) | 5.64M | 256.36K |
Wisconsin | 21 (7%) | 5.82M | 277.24K |
Michigan | 19 (6%) | 9.99M | 525.63K |
New York | 17 (6%) | 19.45M | 1.14M |
Pennsylvania | 14 (5%) | 12.80M | 914.43K |
Maine | 12 (4%) | 1.34M | 112.00K |
Colorado | 11 (4%) | 5.76M | 523.54K |
Missouri | 11 (4%) | 6.14M | 557.91K |
Montana | 11 (4%) | 1.07M | 97.18K |
New Hampshire | 10 (3%) | 1.36M | 136.00K |
There are Arctic Cat dealers in 45 states and territories in the United States
States and Territories without any Arctic Cat dealers
These states and territories do not have any Arctic Cat dealers
- District of Columbia
- Maryland
- American Samoa
- Guam
- Rhode Island
- Delaware
- U.S. Virgin Islands
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Puerto Rico
- Florida
- Louisiana
There are 11 states and territories without Arctic Cat dealers in the United States
Cities with the most number of Arctic Cat dealers in the United States
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
Visalia | California | 2 |
Philipsburg | Montana | 2 |
Pembine | Wisconsin | 2 |
Shingleton | Michigan | 1 |
Festus | Missouri | 1 |
De Smet | South Dakota | 1 |
Columbus | Mississippi | 1 |
Bemidji | Minnesota | 1 |
Idaho Falls | Idaho | 1 |
Bryan | Texas | 1 |
Download the complete database of Arctic Cat Locations in USA
You can download the full list of Arctic Cat locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
The Bay Company | 1250 Hilltop Dr | Craig | AK | 99921 | 907-826-3341 | 55.476341 | -133.140718 | 1250 Hilltop Dr, Craig, AK, 99921 | USA | 2024-03-20 |
Alaska House Of Yamaha | 2563 Rosalie Court | Big Lake | AK | 99652 | 907-892-1000 | 61.552401 | -149.819034 | 2563 Rosalie Court, Big Lake, AK, 99652 | USA | 2024-03-20 |
The Bay Company | 431 Front St | Wrangell | AK | 99929 | 907-874-3340 | 56.469625 | -132.380599 | 431 Front St, Wrangell, AK, 99929 | USA | 2024-03-20 |
Northern Power Sports | 1980 Van Horn Rd | Fairbanks | AK | 99701 | 907-452-2762 | 64.813468 | -147.758531 | 1980 Van Horn Rd, Fairbanks, AK, 99701 | USA | 2024-03-20 |
Alaska Motorsports & Equipment | 3054 Commercial Drive | Anchorage | AK | 99501 | 907-272-2412 | 61.223881 | -149.823528 | 3054 Commercial Drive, Anchorage, AK, 99501 | USA | 2024-03-20 |
Morgan Sales & Service | 505 West C St | Nome | AK | 99762 | 907-443-2155 | 64.502139 | -165.41007 | 505 West C St, Nome, AK, 99762 | USA | 2024-03-20 |
Eagle River Polaris & Arctic Cat | 16835 Snowmobile Ln | Eagle River | AK | 99577 | 907-694-6700 | 61.33994 | -149.568189 | 16835 Snowmobile Ln, Eagle River, AK, 99577 | USA | 2024-03-20 |
Artrac Outdoors | 219 E Taylor Rd | Clarksville | AR | 72830 | 479-705-2200 | 35.451753 | -93.460367 | 219 E Taylor Rd, Clarksville, AR, 72830 | USA | 2024-03-20 |
Moix Equipment & Toy Company | 1213 Collier Drive | Conway | AR | 72032 | 501-327-2255 | 35.096298 | -92.426237 | 1213 Collier Drive, Conway, AR, 72032 | USA | 2024-03-20 |
Lower Peninsula Power Sports | 61284 East End Rd | Homer | AK | 99603 | 907-235-6341 | 59.665137 | -151.468047 | 61284 East End Rd, Homer, AK, 99603 | USA | 2024-03-20 |
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