Number of BP gas stations in the United States in 2024

Last updated on December 02, 2024

How many BP gas stations are there in the United States?

There are 7,442 BP gas stations in the United States as of December 02, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of BP locations in the US is Wisconsin, with 707 gas stations, which is about 10% of all BP gas stations in the US.


How can I download a list of BP gas stations in the United States into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 7,442 BP locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most BP gas stations


707 (10%)

A gas station for every 8,235 people, in Wisconsin with about 10% of the total number of BP gas stations


683 (9%)

A gas station for every 18,553 people, in Illinois with about 9% of the total number of BP gas stations


640 (9%)

A gas station for every 16,589 people, in Georgia with about 9% of the total number of BP gas stations

State / Territory Number of gas stations Population Population per gas station
Wisconsin 707 (10%) 5.82M 8.23K
Illinois 683 (9%) 12.67M 18.55K
Georgia 640 (9%) 10.62M 16.59K
Michigan 625 (8%) 9.99M 15.98K
North Carolina 578 (8%) 10.49M 18.14K
Ohio 501 (7%) 11.69M 23.33K
New York 428 (6%) 19.45M 45.45K
Florida 371 (5%) 21.48M 57.89K
Indiana 329 (4%) 6.73M 20.46K
Virginia 278 (4%) 8.54M 30.70K

There are BP gas stations in 33 states and territories in the United States

States and Territories without any BP gas stations

These states and territories do not have any BP gas stations

  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • Guam
  • Arizona
  • Maine
  • California
  • New Mexico
  • Montana
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • North Dakota
  • Idaho
  • Puerto Rico
  • Hawaii
  • Alaska
  • Texas
  • Nevada
  • Vermont
  • Utah
  • Louisiana
  • Colorado
  • Oklahoma
  • Wyoming
  • American Samoa

There are 24 states and territories without BP gas stations in the United States

Cities with the most number of BP gas stations in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Chicago Illinois 128
Detroit Michigan 86
Indianapolis Indiana 75
Brooklyn New York 69
Atlanta Georgia 56
Jacksonville Florida 51
Milwaukee Wisconsin 50
St Louis Missouri 45
Memphis Tennessee 44
Bronx New York 38

BP vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
BP   vs   Shell 13,293 (+5,851 locations than BP) 51 (+19 states than BP) 4,367 (+1,493 cities than BP)
BP   vs   Exxon Mobil 11,892 (+4,450 locations than BP) 47 (+15 states than BP) 4,049 (+1,175 cities than BP)
BP   vs   Marathon Petroleum 7,264 ( -178 locations than BP) 39 (+7 states than BP) 2,943 (+69 cities than BP)
BP   vs   Chevron 6,996 ( -446 locations than BP) 21 ( -11 states than BP) 2,256 ( -618 cities than BP)
BP   vs   ConocoPhillips 5,934 ( -1,508 locations than BP) 43 (+11 states than BP) 2,462 ( -412 cities than BP)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing BP with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of BP Locations in USA

You can download the full list of BP locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
BP Austell 4805 Austell Rd Austell GA 30106 33.83622571 -84.6110931 4805 Austell Rd, Austell, GA, 30106 USA 2024-12-02
BP Alto 3834 Ga-365 Alto GA 30510 1 706-778-0310 34.485639 -83.582382 3834 Ga-365, Alto, GA, 30510 USA 2024-12-02
BP Atlanta 1856 Piedmont Rd Ne Atlanta GA 30324 1 404-875-3903 33.80662236 -84.36700422 1856 Piedmont Rd Ne, Atlanta, GA, 30324 USA 2024-12-02
BP Lowndesboro 20 Us Highway 80 E Lowndesboro AL 36752 1 334-278-4440 32.266052 -86.607448 20 Us Highway 80 E, Lowndesboro, AL, 36752 USA 2024-12-02
BP Phenix City 3764 Opelika Rd Phenix City AL 36870 1 334-448-5007 32.495876 -85.051885 3764 Opelika Rd, Phenix City, AL, 36870 USA 2024-12-02
BP Washington 4400 Benning Rd Ne Washington DC 20019 1 202-396-1567 38.8915627 -76.9388183 4400 Benning Rd Ne, Washington, DC, 20019 USA 2024-12-02
BP Seaford 701 Stein Hwy Seaford DE 19973 1 302-628-8405 38.64570049 -75.62665808 701 Stein Hwy, Seaford, DE, 19973 USA 2024-12-02
BP Felton 12984 S Dupont Hwy Felton DE 19943 1 302-284-2193 38.983448 -75.567352 12984 S Dupont Hwy, Felton, DE, 19943 USA 2024-12-02
BP Jacksonville 7211 Lem Turner Rd Jacksonville FL 32208 1 904-768-8183 30.38462 -81.67455 7211 Lem Turner Rd, Jacksonville, FL, 32208 USA 2024-12-02
BP Fairburn 41 Dodd St Fairburn GA 30213 1 770-964-6125 33.568901 -84.581253 41 Dodd St, Fairburn, GA, 30213 USA 2024-12-02

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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