Number of Beyond Meat stores in the United States in 2024

Last updated on January 31, 2024

How many Beyond Meat stores are there in the United States?

There are 41,722 Beyond Meat stores in the United States as of January 31, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Beyond Meat locations in the US is California, with 6,300 stores, which is about 15% of all Beyond Meat stores in the US.


How can I download a list of Beyond Meat stores in the United States into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 41,722 Beyond Meat locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Beyond Meat stores


6,300 (15%)

A store for every 6,272 people, in California with about 15% of the total number of Beyond Meat stores


3,796 (9%)

A store for every 5,658 people, in Florida with about 9% of the total number of Beyond Meat stores


2,743 (7%)

A store for every 10,571 people, in Texas with about 7% of the total number of Beyond Meat stores

State / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
California 6,300 (15%) 39.51M 6.27K
Florida 3,796 (9%) 21.48M 5.66K
Texas 2,743 (7%) 29.00M 10.57K
New York 1,822 (4%) 19.45M 10.68K
Pennsylvania 1,795 (4%) 12.80M 7.13K
North Carolina 1,522 (4%) 10.49M 6.89K
Illinois 1,458 (3%) 12.67M 8.69K
Virginia 1,292 (3%) 8.54M 6.61K
Georgia 1,229 (3%) 10.62M 8.64K
New Jersey 1,217 (3%) 8.88M 7.30K

There are Beyond Meat stores in 52 states and territories in the United States

States and Territories without any Beyond Meat stores

These states and territories do not have any Beyond Meat stores

  • Puerto Rico
  • American Samoa
  • Guam
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Northern Mariana Islands

There are 5 states and territories without Beyond Meat stores in the United States

Cities with the most number of Beyond Meat stores in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Los Angeles California 270
Houston Texas 236
Las Vegas Nevada 232
Miami Florida 225
Chicago Illinois 211
Orlando Florida 211
Dallas Texas 197
San Diego California 189
Phoenix Arizona 184
Philadelphia Pennsylvania 167

Download the complete database of Beyond Meat Locations in USA

You can download the full list of Beyond Meat locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Tgi Fridays 7910 Kew Ave Rancho Cucamonga CA 91739 34.1102738 -117.53119103 7910 Kew Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, 91739 USA 2024-01-31
Walmart 3795 Buford Dr Buford GA 30519 34.088969 -83.989995 3795 Buford Dr, Buford, GA, 30519 USA 2024-01-31
Piggly Wiggly 1042 Us-80 Pooler GA 31322 32.12336 -81.26639 1042 Us-80, Pooler, GA, 31322 USA 2024-01-31
Caribou 4605 Fleur Dr Des Moines IA 50321 41.54262799 -93.644904 4605 Fleur Dr, Des Moines, IA, 50321 USA 2024-01-31
Jewel Osco 16 S Waukegan Rd Deerfield IL 60015 847-272-7420 42.1516 -87.8347 16 S Waukegan Rd, Deerfield, IL, 60015 USA 2024-01-31
Denny's 1086 W Lake St Hanover Park IL 60133 41.99403893 -88.16366387 1086 W Lake St, Hanover Park, IL, 60133 USA 2024-01-31
Sullivans Foods 103 W North Ave Stockton IL 61085 815-947-3318 42.3571 -90.0072 103 W North Ave, Stockton, IL, 61085 USA 2024-01-31
Marianos Fresh Market 3358 W Touhy Ave Skokie IL 60076 847-763-8801 42.0119 -87.7137 3358 W Touhy Ave, Skokie, IL, 60076 USA 2024-01-31
Denny's 200 Springhill Rd Carpentersville IL 60110 42.10615302 -88.29323601 200 Springhill Rd, Carpentersville, IL, 60110 USA 2024-01-31
Sprouts Farmers Market 401 Kenilworth Dr Suite 1040 Petaluma CA 94952 707-789-4976 38.24352 -122.62661 401 Kenilworth Dr Suite 1040, Petaluma, CA, 94952 USA 2024-01-31

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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