Number of Boots Opticians clinics in the United Kingdom in 2025

Last updated on January 21, 2025

How many Boots Opticians clinics are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 503 Boots Opticians clinics in the United Kingdom as of January 21, 2025. The country with the most number of Boots Opticians locations in the UK is England, with 443 clinics, which is about 88% of all Boots Opticians clinics in the UK.


How can I download a list of Boots Opticians clinics in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 503 Boots Opticians locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 6 Countries with the most Boots Opticians clinics


443 (88%)

A clinic for every 127,059 people, in England with about 88% of the total number of Boots Opticians clinics


37 (7%)

A clinic for every 147,649 people, in Scotland with about 7% of the total number of Boots Opticians clinics


15 (3%)

A clinic for every 210,200 people, in Wales with about 3% of the total number of Boots Opticians clinics

Country Number of clinics Population Population per clinic
England 443 (88%) 56.29M 127.06K
Scotland 37 (7%) 5.46M 147.65K
Wales 15 (3%) 3.15M 210.20K
Northern Ireland (1%) 1.89M 315.67K
Isle of Man (0%) 85.00K 85.00K
Channel Islands (0%) 174.00K 174.00K

There are no countries without Boots Opticians clinics in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of Boots Opticians clinics in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
London England 39
Bristol England 10
Glasgow Scotland 9
Birmingham England 9
Manchester England 5
Bournemouth England 5
Coventry England 4
Edinburgh Scotland 4
Nottingham England 4
Sheffield England 4

Download the complete database of Boots Opticians Locations in UK

You can download the full list of Boots Opticians locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
Opticians - Bournemouth Castlepoint Castlepoint Bournemouth England BH8 9UB 01202 538787 50.75255203 -1.83867002 Castlepoint, Bournemouth, England, BH8 9UB 2025-01-21
Opticians - London East Ham 114 High Street North London England E6 2HT 020 8472 3720 51.53674185 0.05233794 114 High Street North, London, England, E6 2HT 2025-01-21
Opticians - Hereford Maylord Orchard 24 Gomond St Hereford England HR1 2DA 01432 352860 52.05724463 -2.71492928 24 Gomond St, Hereford, England, HR1 2DA 2025-01-21
Opticians - Birmingham Northfield 816 Bristol Road South Birmingham England B31 2NS 0121 475 1072 52.41359085 -1.97204791 816 Bristol Road South, Birmingham, England, B31 2NS 2025-01-21
Opticians - Thornton Heath 87 High St Thornton Heath England CR7 8RY 020 8684 1155 51.39851823 -0.09672917 87 High St, Thornton Heath, England, CR7 8RY 2025-01-21
Opticians - Bristol Kingswood 10-11 Kings Chase Shopping Centre Bristol England BS15 8LP 0117 960 8379 51.46300888 -2.50875401 10-11 Kings Chase Shopping Centre, Bristol, England, BS15 8LP 2025-01-21
Opticians - Ledbury The Homend 9 The Homend Ledbury England HR8 1BN 01531 635126 52.03755185 -2.42314182 9 The Homend, Ledbury, England, HR8 1BN 2025-01-21
Opticians - Chester Foregate Street 47-55 Foregate St Chester England CH1 1NA 01244 312843 53.19184586 -2.88677908 47-55 Foregate St, Chester, England, CH1 1NA 2025-01-21
Opticians - Chester Broughton Shopping Centre Broughton Shopping Park Chester Wales CH4 0DP 01244 528935 53.16738892 -2.97203779 Broughton Shopping Park, Chester, Wales, CH4 0DP 2025-01-21
Opticians - Honiton High Street 58 High St Honiton England EX14 1PQ 01404 42862 50.79997525 -3.18724617 58 High St, Honiton, England, EX14 1PQ 2025-01-21

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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