Number of Burger King stores in Spain in 2024

Last updated on January 19, 2024

How many Burger King stores are there in Spain?

There are 955 Burger King stores in Spain as of January 19, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Burger King locations in Spain is Madrid, with 200 stores, which is about 21% of all Burger King stores in Spain.


How can I download a list of Burger King stores in Spain into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 955 Burger King locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 Provinces and Territories with the most Burger King stores


200 (21%)

A store for every 33,755 people, in Madrid with about 21% of the total number of Burger King stores


74 (8%)

A store for every 77,230 people, in Barcelona with about 8% of the total number of Burger King stores


58 (6%)

A store for every 44,638 people, in Valencia with about 6% of the total number of Burger King stores

Province / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
Madrid 200 (21%) 6.75M 33.76K
Barcelona 74 (8%) 5.71M 77.23K
Valencia 58 (6%) 2.59M 44.64K
Málaga 55 (6%) 1.70M 30.84K
Seville 50 (5%) 1.95M 38.96K
Alicante 49 (5%) 1.88M 38.41K
Balearic Islands 42 (4%) 1.17M 27.93K
Cádiz 36 (4%) 1.25M 34.61K
Murcia 30 (3%) 1.52M 50.60K
Las Palmas 27 (3%) 1.13M 41.81K

There are no provinces and territories without Burger King stores in Spain

Cities with the most number of Burger King stores in Spain

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Madrid Madrid 95
Barcelona Barcelona 36
Sevilla Seville 33
Malaga Málaga 26
Valencia Valencia 24
Madrid (Madrid) Madrid 15
Palma De Mallorca Balearic Islands 13
Alicante Alicante 13
Cadiz Cádiz 11
Huelva Huelva 10

Download the complete database of Burger King Locations in Spain

You can download the full list of Burger King locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Avd Liberta 7, (30009) Murcia Avd Liberta 7 Murcia Murcia 30009 37.990594 -1.134509 Avd Liberta 7, Murcia, Murcia, 30009 Spain 2024-01-19
Paseo Alfonso XII S/N Paseo Alfonso XII S/N Cartagena (Murcia) Murcia 30202 37.597722 -0.984444 Paseo Alfonso XII S/N, Cartagena (Murcia), Murcia, 30202 Spain 2024-01-19
Mu-30 Alcantarilla- El Palmar (30835) Sangonera La Seca (Murcia) Mu-30 Alcantarilla- El Palmar Sangonera Murcia Murcia 30835 37.957065 -1.21841 Mu-30 Alcantarilla- El Palmar, Sangonera Murcia, Murcia, 30835 Spain 2024-01-19
Ronda Ciudad De La Union 30 Ronda Ciudad De La Union 30 Cartagena Murcia 30203 37.616022 -0.982941 Ronda Ciudad De La Union 30, Cartagena, Murcia, 30203 Spain 2024-01-19
Calle Andres Segovia, 7 Calle Andres Segovia 7 Aguilas Murcia Murcia 30880 37.410111 -1.565028 Calle Andres Segovia 7, Aguilas Murcia, Murcia, 30880 Spain 2024-01-19
Avda. Miguel De Cervantes, 106. C.C. Carrefour Zaraiche. (30.009) Murcia Avda Miguel De Cervantes 106 CC Carrefour Zaraiche (30009) Murcia Murcia Murcia 30009 38.00171 -1.141488 Avda Miguel De Cervantes 106 CC Carrefour Zaraiche (30009) Murcia, Murcia, Murcia, 30009 Spain 2024-01-19
Calle Lomica, Av. Feria, Esquina, 30510 Yecla, Murcia Calle Lomica Av Feria Esquina Yecla Murcia Murcia 30510 38.615411 -1.103459 Calle Lomica Av Feria Esquina, Yecla Murcia, Murcia, 30510 Spain 2024-01-19
Autovía A7, Km 606 Autovía A7 Km 606 Alhama De Murcia Murcia 30840 37.795039 -1.428764 Autovía A7 Km 606, Alhama De Murcia, Murcia, 30840 Spain 2024-01-19
Carretera Nacional 332, Km 34, C.C. Dos Mares Carretera Nacional 332 Km 34 CC Dos Mares San Javier (Murcia) Murcia 30730 37.820083 -0.813472 Carretera Nacional 332 Km 34 CC Dos Mares, San Javier (Murcia), Murcia, 30730 Spain 2024-01-19
Calle Riga S/N, C.C. Parque Mediterráneo Calle Riga S/N CC Parque Mediterráneo Cartagena (Murcia) Murcia 30395 37.624722 -0.950028 Calle Riga S/N CC Parque Mediterráneo, Cartagena (Murcia), Murcia, 30395 Spain 2024-01-19

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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