Number of Caltex gas stations in Australia in 2024
How many Caltex gas stations are there in Australia?
There are 360 Caltex gas stations in Australia as of December 11, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Caltex locations in Australia is Queensland, with 144 gas stations, which is about 40% of all Caltex gas stations in Australia.
How can I download a list of Caltex gas stations in Australia into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 360 Caltex locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 7 States and Territories with the most Caltex gas stations
144 (40%)
A gas station for every 36,076 people, in Queensland with about 40% of the total number of Caltex gas stations
Western Australia
95 (26%)
A gas station for every 28,105 people, in Western Australia with about 26% of the total number of Caltex gas stations
36 (10%)
A gas station for every 185,056 people, in Victoria with about 10% of the total number of Caltex gas stations
State / Territory | Number of gas stations | Population | Population per gas station |
Queensland | 144 (40%) | 5.20M | 36.08K |
Western Australia | 95 (26%) | 2.67M | 28.11K |
Victoria | 36 (10%) | 6.66M | 185.06K |
New South Wales | 33 (9%) | 8.17M | 247.67K |
South Australia | 29 (8%) | 1.77M | 61.07K |
Northern Territory | 22 (6%) | 247.00K | 11.23K |
Tasmania | 1 (0%) | 542.00K | 542.00K |
States and Territories without any Caltex gas stations
These states and territories do not have any Caltex gas stations
- Australian Capital Territory
There are 1 states and territories without Caltex gas stations in Australia
Cities with the most number of Caltex gas stations in Australia
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
Kalgoorlie | Western Australia | 3 |
Rockhampton | Queensland | 3 |
Alice Springs | Northern Territory | 3 |
Landsdale | Western Australia | 2 |
Berrimah | Northern Territory | 2 |
Kunda Park | Queensland | 2 |
Maddington | Western Australia | 2 |
Henderson | Western Australia | 2 |
Cloncurry | Queensland | 2 |
Coopers Plains | Queensland | 2 |
Download the complete database of Caltex Locations in Australia
You can download the full list of Caltex locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Puma Energy Woree | 656 Bruce Highway | Woree | QLD | 4868 | (07) 4054 2317 | -16.95508335 | 145.7466925 | 656 Bruce Highway, Woree, QLD, 4868 | Australia | 2024-12-11 |
Puma Energy Stratford | 35-39 Arnold Street | Stratford | QLD | 4870 | (07) 4058 0777 | -16.87107842 | 145.73906092 | 35-39 Arnold Street, Stratford, QLD, 4870 | Australia | 2024-12-11 |
Caltex Hamilton Café | 365 Macarthur Avenue | Hamilton | QLD | 4007 | (07) 3727 1802 | -27.44058534 | 153.08393632 | 365 Macarthur Avenue, Hamilton, QLD, 4007 | Australia | 2024-12-11 |
Caltex Ord River | 5 Messmate Way | Kununurra | WA | 6743 | (08) 9169 1188 | -15.77835202 | 128.73989118 | 5 Messmate Way, Kununurra, WA, 6743 | Australia | 2024-12-11 |
Caltex Guildford | 22 Johnson St | Guildford | WA | 6055 | (08) 9279 3866 | -31.90110486 | 115.96907151 | 22 Johnson St, Guildford, WA, 6055 | Australia | 2024-12-11 |
Puma Energy Opt Cullen Bay Marina | 3/68 Marina Boulevard | Larrakeyah | NT | 0820 | -12.4511682 | 130.82120468 | 3/68 Marina Boulevard, Larrakeyah, NT, 0820 | Australia | 2024-12-11 | |
Puma Energy Opt Cloncurry | Lot 3 Sir Hudson Fysh Drive | Cloncurry | QLD | 4824 | -20.66929055 | 140.50819486 | Lot 3 Sir Hudson Fysh Drive, Cloncurry, QLD, 4824 | Australia | 2024-12-11 | |
Caltex Opt Kunda Park | 584 Maroochydore Road | Kunda Park | QLD | 4556 | -26.66198393 | 153.03650451 | 584 Maroochydore Road, Kunda Park, QLD, 4556 | Australia | 2024-12-11 | |
Caltex Hamilton (Londsdale St) | 72 Londsdale Street | Hamilton Central | VIC | 3015 | -37.7421888 | 142.0227215 | 72 Londsdale Street, Hamilton Central, VIC, 3015 | Australia | 2024-12-11 | |
Puma Energy Opt Richmond | Lot 45 Flinders Highway | Richmond | QLD | 4822 | -20.73380431 | 143.13853815 | Lot 45 Flinders Highway, Richmond, QLD, 4822 | Australia | 2024-12-11 |
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