Number of Caltex gas stations in New Zealand in 2024

Last updated on February 15, 2024

How many Caltex gas stations are there in New Zealand?

There are 192 Caltex gas stations in New Zealand as of February 15, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Caltex locations in New Zealand is Auckland, with 42 gas stations, which is about 22% of all Caltex gas stations in New Zealand.


How can I download a list of Caltex gas stations in New Zealand into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 192 Caltex locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Caltex gas stations


42 (22%)

A gas station for every 33,714 people, in Auckland with about 22% of the total number of Caltex gas stations


24 (12%)

A gas station for every 22,458 people, in Canterbury with about 12% of the total number of Caltex gas stations


23 (12%)

A gas station for every 17,565 people, in Waikato with about 12% of the total number of Caltex gas stations

State / Territory Number of gas stations Population Population per gas station
Auckland 42 (22%) 1.42M 33.71K
Canterbury 24 (12%) 539.00K 22.46K
Waikato 23 (12%) 404.00K 17.57K
Manawatu-Wanganui 16 (8%) 223.00K 13.94K
Northland 14 (7%) 152.00K 10.86K
Wellington 12 (6%) 471.00K 39.25K
Otago 10 (5%) 202.00K 20.20K
Hawke's Bay (4%) 151.00K 18.88K
Southland (4%) 93.00K 13.29K
Taranaki (3%) 110.00K 22.00K

There are Caltex gas stations in every states and territories in New Zealand

States and Territories without any Caltex gas stations

These states and territories do not have any Caltex gas stations

  • Bay of Plenty
  • Chatham Islands

There are no states and territories without Caltex gas stations in New Zealand

Cities with the most number of Caltex gas stations in New Zealand

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Auckland Auckland 41
Christchurch Canterbury 11
Hamilton Waikato 6
Palmerston North Manawatu-Wanganui 4
Lower Hutt Wellington 4
Wellington Wellington 4
Whangarei Northland 4
Timaru Canterbury 3
Gisborne Gisborne 3
Masterton Wellington 3

Download the complete database of Caltex Locations in New Zealand

You can download the full list of Caltex locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Caltex Warkworth 5 Morrison Drive Warkworth Auckland Auckland 0910 -36.408 174.653 5 Morrison Drive Warkworth, Auckland, Auckland, 0910 New Zealand 2024-02-15
Caltex Seaview 53 Seaview Road Seaview Lower Hutt Wellington 5010 -41.2436 174.91 53 Seaview Road Seaview, Lower Hutt, Wellington, 5010 New Zealand 2024-02-15
Caltex Old Hutt Road Self-Serve 208 Old Hutt Road Kaiwharawhara Wellington Wellington 6001 -41.2554 174.798 208 Old Hutt Road Kaiwharawhara, Wellington, Wellington, 6001 New Zealand 2024-02-15
Caltex Westport 197 Palmerston St Westport West Coast 7825 03-789 7819 -41.7588 171.6 197 Palmerston St, Westport, West Coast, 7825 New Zealand 2024-02-15
Caltex Westport 7-9 Rintoul Street Westport West Coast 7825 -41.7583 171.599 7-9 Rintoul Street, Westport, West Coast, 7825 New Zealand 2024-02-15
Caltex Tauranga Corner Mirrielees Road & Reid Place Tauranga Bay Of Plenty 3110 -37.6704 176.17 Corner Mirrielees Road & Reid Place, Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty, 3110 New Zealand 2024-02-15
Caltex Kaingaroa Red Stag Red Stag Road Kaingaroa Forest Bay Of Plenty 0500 -38.41019 176.53929 Red Stag Road, Kaingaroa Forest, 0500 New Zealand 2024-02-15
Caltex Napier 16 Severn Street Napier Hawke's Bay 4110 -39.4932 176.884 16 Severn Street, Napier, Hawke's Bay, 4110 New Zealand 2024-02-15
Caltex Dunedin Diesel Stop Fryatt Street Dunedin Otago 9001 -45.8763 170.516 Fryatt Street, Dunedin, Otago, 9001 New Zealand 2024-02-15
Caltex Dairy Flat 1433 State Highway 17 Dairy Flat Auckland Auckland 0632 -36.649 174.642 1433 State Highway 17 Dairy Flat, Auckland, Auckland, 0632 New Zealand 2024-02-15

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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