Number of Chevrolet dealerships in the United States in 2024
How many Chevrolet dealerships are there in the United States?
There are 2,885 Chevrolet dealerships in the United States as of November 07, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Chevrolet locations in the US is Texas, with 225 dealerships, which is about 8% of all Chevrolet dealerships in the US.
How can I download a list of Chevrolet dealerships in the United States into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 2,885 Chevrolet locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 10 States and Territories with the most Chevrolet dealerships
225 (8%)
A dealership for every 128,871 people, in Texas with about 8% of the total number of Chevrolet dealerships
146 (5%)
A dealership for every 68,404 people, in Michigan with about 5% of the total number of Chevrolet dealerships
145 (5%)
A dealership for every 80,614 people, in Ohio with about 5% of the total number of Chevrolet dealerships
State / Territory | Number of dealerships | Population | Population per dealership |
Texas | 225 (8%) | 29.00M | 128.87K |
Michigan | 146 (5%) | 9.99M | 68.40K |
Ohio | 145 (5%) | 11.69M | 80.61K |
Illinois | 144 (5%) | 12.67M | 88.00K |
Pennsylvania | 141 (5%) | 12.80M | 90.79K |
California | 132 (5%) | 39.51M | 299.33K |
New York | 124 (4%) | 19.45M | 156.89K |
Wisconsin | 110 (4%) | 5.82M | 52.93K |
Florida | 98 (3%) | 21.48M | 219.16K |
Indiana | 94 (3%) | 6.73M | 71.62K |
There are Chevrolet dealerships in 56 states and territories in the United States
States and Territories without any Chevrolet dealerships
These states and territories do not have any Chevrolet dealerships
- District of Columbia
- American Samoa
- Northern Mariana Islands
There are 3 states and territories without Chevrolet dealerships in the United States
Cities with the most number of Chevrolet dealerships in the United States
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
Houston | Texas | 8 |
Indianapolis | Indiana | 6 |
Jacksonville | Florida | 4 |
Charlotte | North Carolina | 4 |
Cincinnati | Ohio | 4 |
San Antonio | Texas | 4 |
Orlando | Florida | 4 |
Baton Rouge | Louisiana | 4 |
Louisville | Kentucky | 4 |
Dallas | Texas | 4 |
Chevrolet vs competitors
Number of locations | Number of States | Number of cities | |||
Chevrolet | vs | Ford | 2,851 ( -34 locations than Chevrolet) | 50 ( -3 states than Chevrolet) | 2,235 ( -27 cities than Chevrolet) |
Chevrolet | vs | Ram Trucks | 2,446 ( -439 locations than Chevrolet) | 51 ( -2 states than Chevrolet) | 1,909 ( -353 cities than Chevrolet) |
Chevrolet | vs | Chrysler | 2,404 ( -481 locations than Chevrolet) | 51 ( -2 states than Chevrolet) | 1,906 ( -356 cities than Chevrolet) |
Chevrolet | vs | Dodge | 2,403 ( -482 locations than Chevrolet) | 51 ( -2 states than Chevrolet) | 1,908 ( -354 cities than Chevrolet) |
Chevrolet | vs | Jeep | 2,402 ( -483 locations than Chevrolet) | 50 ( -3 states than Chevrolet) | 1,902 ( -360 cities than Chevrolet) |
If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Chevrolet with any other company, please contact our sales team
Download the complete database of Chevrolet Locations in USA
You can download the full list of Chevrolet locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Champion Chevrolet Buick Gmc | 502 South 1st Street | Lagrange | KY | 40031 | 502-565-4571 | 502-565-4577 | 38.4015 | -85.3762 | 502 South 1st Street, Lagrange, KY, 40031 | USA | 2024-11-07 |
Franklin Chevrolet Gmc | 57 West Steve Wariner Drive | Russell Springs | KY | 42642 | 270-208-4959 | 877-288-8016 | 37.06593 | -85.07182 | 57 West Steve Wariner Drive, Russell Springs, KY, 42642 | USA | 2024-11-07 |
Tom Gill Chevrolet | 7830 Commerce Drive | Florence | KY | 41042 | 859-371-7566 | 39.00352 | -84.64447 | 7830 Commerce Drive, Florence, KY, 41042 | USA | 2024-11-07 |
Windham Motor Co., Inc | 1344 Hwy 80 E | Demopolis | AL | 36732 | 334-341-4891 | 334-341-4896 | 32.50302 | -87.82045 | 1344 Hwy 80 E, Demopolis, AL, 36732 | USA | 2024-11-07 |
Orr Chevrolet Of Fort Smith | 6500 Auto Park Dr | Fort Smith | AR | 72908 | 479-646-7301 | 35.32133 | -94.3974 | 6500 Auto Park Dr, Fort Smith, AR, 72908 | USA | 2024-11-07 |
Liberty Chevrolet | 2755 Auto Mall Drive | Selma | CA | 93662 | 559-896-5000 | 36.57153 | -119.62569 | 2755 Auto Mall Drive, Selma, CA, 93662 | USA | 2024-11-07 |
Big Bend Chevrolet | 1424 N Young Blvd | Chiefland | FL | 32626 | 352-493-4263 | 29.4947 | -82.8672 | 1424 N Young Blvd, Chiefland, FL, 32626 | USA | 2024-11-07 |
Key Chevrolet Of Perry | 2128 S Byron Butler Pkwy | Perry | FL | 32348 | 850-584-6221 | 30.098 | -83.5821 | 2128 S Byron Butler Pkwy, Perry, FL, 32348 | USA | 2024-11-07 |
Atkins Kroll Chevrolet | 443 S Marine Corps Drive | Tamuning | GU | 96913 | 671-646-1886 | 13.50228 | 144.7944 | 443 S Marine Corps Drive, Tamuning, GU, 96913 | USA | 2024-11-07 |
Mann Chevrolet Llc | 449 Hwy 15 S | Campton | KY | 41301 | 888-363-2756 | 888-594-3098 | 37.72828 | -83.54461 | 449 Hwy 15 S, Campton, KY, 41301 | USA | 2024-11-07 |
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