Number of Clarion hotels in Canada in 2024

Last updated on March 20, 2024

How many Clarion hotels are there in Canada?

There are 8 Clarion hotels in Canada as of March 20, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Clarion locations in Canada is Alberta, with 2 hotels, which is about 25% of all Clarion hotels in Canada.


How can I download a list of Clarion hotels in Canada into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 8 Clarion locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 5 Provinces and Territories with the most Clarion hotels


2 (25%)

A hotel for every 2,173,000 people, in Alberta with about 25% of the total number of Clarion hotels


2 (25%)

A hotel for every 4,216,500 people, in Quebec with about 25% of the total number of Clarion hotels


2 (25%)

A hotel for every 7,223,500 people, in Ontario with about 25% of the total number of Clarion hotels

Province / Territory Number of hotels Population Population per hotel
Alberta (25%) 4.35M 2.17M
Quebec (25%) 8.43M 4.22M
Ontario (25%) 14.45M 7.22M
Manitoba (12%) 1.36M 1.36M
British Columbia (12%) 5.02M 5.02M

There are Clarion hotels in 5 provinces and territories in Canada

Provinces and Territories without any Clarion hotels

These provinces and territories do not have any Clarion hotels

  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Yukon
  • Northwest Territories
  • Saskatchewan
  • New Brunswick
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Nunavut
  • Nova Scotia

There are 8 provinces and territories without Clarion hotels in Canada

Cities with the most number of Clarion hotels in Canada

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Medicine Hat Alberta 1
Sudbury Ontario 1
Abbotsford British Columbia 1
Kenora Ontario 1
Brandon Manitoba 1
Quebec Quebec 1
Sherwood Park Alberta 1
La Malbaie Quebec 1

Download the complete database of Clarion Locations in Canada

You can download the full list of Clarion locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 5 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Clarion Hotel & Conference Centre 2100 Premier Way Sherwood Park AB T8H 2G4 780-464-4900 53.560307 -113.314681 2100 Premier Way, Sherwood Park, AB, T8H 2G4 Canada 2024-03-20
Clarion Lakeside Inn & Conference Centre 470 1st Avenue South Kenora ON P9N 1W5 807-468-5521 49.761297 -94.488313 470 1st Avenue South, Kenora, ON, P9N 1W5 Canada 2024-03-20
Clarion Hotel & Conference Centre 36035 North Parallel Road Abbotsford BC V3G 2C6 604-870-1050 49.036303 -122.227463 36035 North Parallel Road, Abbotsford, BC, V3G 2C6 Canada 2024-03-20
Clarion Pointe La Malbaie 185 Blvd De Comporte La Malbaie QC G5A 2Y3 418-665-6421 47.636845 -70.144798 185 Blvd De Comporte, La Malbaie, QC, G5A 2Y3 Canada 2024-03-20
Clarion Hotel 117 Elm Street Sudbury ON P3C 1T3 705-674-7517 46.492987 -80.998776 117 Elm Street, Sudbury, ON, P3C 1T3 Canada 2024-03-20

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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