Number of Costa Express locations in the United Kingdom in 2024

Last updated on July 16, 2024

How many Costa Express locations are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 13,524 Costa Express locations in the United Kingdom as of July 16, 2024. The country with the most number of Costa Express locations in the UK is England, with 11,409 locations, which is about 84% of all Costa Express locations in the UK.


How can I download a list of Costa Express locations in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 13,524 Costa Express locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 5 Countries with the most Costa Express locations


11,409 (84%)

A location for every 4,934 people, in England with about 84% of the total number of Costa Express locations


1,323 (10%)

A location for every 4,129 people, in Scotland with about 10% of the total number of Costa Express locations


732 (5%)

A location for every 4,307 people, in Wales with about 5% of the total number of Costa Express locations

Country Number of locations Population Population per location
England 11,409 (84%) 56.29M 4.93K
Scotland 1,323 (10%) 5.46M 4.13K
Wales 732 (5%) 3.15M 4.31K
Northern Ireland 48 (0%) 1.89M 39.46K
Channel Islands 12 (0%) 174.00K 14.50K

Countries without any Costa Express locations

These countries do not have any Costa Express locations

  • Isle of Man

There are 1 countries without Costa Express locations in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of Costa Express locations in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
London England 572
Birmingham England 172
Bristol England 165
Manchester England 165
Glasgow Scotland 154
Nottingham England 138
Liverpool England 129
Leeds England 123
Sheffield England 115
Edinburgh Scotland 108

Download the complete database of Costa Express Locations in UK

You can download the full list of Costa Express locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
Nisa Way @ Western Road 151 Western Road Cambuslang Glasgow Scotland G72 8EG 55.809 -4.17975 151 Western Road Cambuslang, Glasgow, Scotland, G72 8EG 2024-07-16
Wm Morrisons @ Dumbarton Mdaily 4645 Lomond Drive Dumbarton Scotland G82 3AS 55.955598 -4.554655 Lomond Drive, Dumbarton, Scotland, G82 3AS 2024-07-16
Tesco Express @ Crookston 4803 590-592 Crookston Road Glasgow Scotland G53 7TZ 55.833 -4.36281 590-592 Crookston Road, Glasgow, Scotland, G53 7TZ 2024-07-16
Scotmid @ Old Kilpatrick 2 Freelands Place Old Kilpatrick Scotland G60 5ED 55.9166 -4.44383 2 Freelands Place, Old Kilpatrick, Scotland, G60 5ED 2024-07-16
Wm Morrisons @ Cardonald Supermarket 136 Paisley Road West Cardonald Scotland G52 3TP 55.845725 -4.341632 Paisley Road West, Cardonald, Scotland, G52 3TP 2024-07-16
Grove Retail @ Thorn Ss 25 Hawthorn Street Glasgow Scotland G22 6HY 55.8867 -4.25577 25 Hawthorn Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G22 6HY 2024-07-16
Tesco Express Costa @ Glasgow Union Street 2227 132 Union Street Glasgow Scotland G1 3QQ 55.860443 -4.256468 132 Union Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G1 3QQ 2024-07-16
Cj Lang @ Cleveden Rd, Glasgow 105-107 Cleveden Road Kelvinside Scotland G12 0JU 55.888132 -4.306665 105-107 Cleveden Road, Kelvinside, Scotland, G12 0JU 2024-07-16
Rt Braeside Ltd @ Braeside Braeside Services 224 Cumbernauld Road Chryston Glasgow Scotland G69 9NB 55.902284 -4.098704 Braeside Services 224 Cumbernauld Road Chryston, Glasgow, Scotland, G69 9NB 2024-07-16
Tesco Extra Costa @ Cumbernauld 2361 Tryst Road North Carbrain Cumbernauld Scotland G67 1JW 55.9453 -3.99129 Tryst Road North Carbrain, Cumbernauld, Scotland, G67 1JW 2024-07-16

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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