Number of DIA stores in Spain in 2024

Last updated on August 15, 2024

How many DIA stores are there in Spain?

There are 3,294 DIA stores in Spain as of August 15, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of DIA locations in Spain is Barcelona, with 538 stores, which is about 16% of all DIA stores in Spain.


How can I download a list of DIA stores in Spain into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 3,294 DIA locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 Provinces and Territories with the most DIA stores


538 (16%)

A store for every 10,623 people, in Barcelona with about 16% of the total number of DIA stores


452 (14%)

A store for every 14,936 people, in Madrid with about 14% of the total number of DIA stores


138 (4%)

A store for every 7,007 people, in Zaragoza with about 4% of the total number of DIA stores

Province / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
Barcelona 538 (16%) 5.71M 10.62K
Madrid 452 (14%) 6.75M 14.94K
Zaragoza 138 (4%) 967.00K 7.01K
Seville 134 (4%) 1.95M 14.54K
Tarragona 123 (4%) 822.00K 6.68K
Badajoz 97 (3%) 670.00K 6.91K
Málaga 97 (3%) 1.70M 17.48K
Navarre 96 (3%) 662.00K 6.90K
Cádiz 82 (2%) 1.25M 15.20K
Girona 79 (2%) 787.00K 9.96K

There are DIA stores in 52 provinces and territories in Spain

Provinces and Territories without any DIA stores

These provinces and territories do not have any DIA stores

  • Las Palmas
  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife

There are 2 provinces and territories without DIA stores in Spain

Cities with the most number of DIA stores in Spain

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Madrid Madrid 263
Barcelona Barcelona 155
Zaragoza Zaragoza 73
Sevilla Seville 61
Málaga Málaga 37
Valladolid Valladolid 26
Badalona Barcelona 25
Hospitalet De Llobregat ( Barcelona 24
Pamplona/Iruña Navarre 22
Tarragona Tarragona 20

Download the complete database of DIA Locations in Spain

You can download the full list of DIA locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Dia Madrid CL De Narvaez 28 Madrid Madrid 28009 620 32 39 36 40.42116249 -3.67622243 CL De Narvaez 28, Madrid, Madrid, 28009 Spain 2024-08-15
Dia Madrid CL De Ramon Gomez De La Serna 4 Madrid Madrid 28035 626 03 06 06 40.48117625 -3.7234957 CL De Ramon Gomez De La Serna 4, Madrid, Madrid, 28035 Spain 2024-08-15
Dia Madrid CL San Luciano 2 4 Madrid Madrid 28041 672 60 04 90 40.36296501 -3.69937551 CL San Luciano 2 4, Madrid, Madrid, 28041 Spain 2024-08-15
Dia Madrid Av Moratalaz 181 Madrid Madrid 28030 626 07 82 89 40.40779705 -3.64639149 Av Moratalaz 181, Madrid, Madrid, 28030 Spain 2024-08-15
Dia Algete Av Guadalix 35 Algete Madrid 28110 620 26 83 82 40.62889426 -3.58263735 Av Guadalix 35, Algete, Madrid, 28110 Spain 2024-08-15
Dia Madrid Av Betanzos 69 Madrid Madrid 28029 647 80 37 61 40.47894847 -3.71346222 Av Betanzos 69, Madrid, Madrid, 28029 Spain 2024-08-15
Dia Madrid CL Chile 20 Madrid Madrid 28016 626 06 52 46 40.45674376 -3.67582823 CL Chile 20, Madrid, Madrid, 28016 Spain 2024-08-15
Dia Benalmádena 01 Cortijo De Mena Parcela 3 Benalmádena Málaga 29630 682 61 75 88 36.6013889 -4.5257958 01 Cortijo De Mena Parcela 3, Benalmádena, Málaga, 29630 Spain 2024-08-15
Dia Torrox CL Urano Urbanizacion La Charca S/N Torrox Málaga 29770 636 23 45 24 36.73190663 -3.96413997 CL Urano Urbanizacion La Charca S/N, Torrox, Málaga, 29770 Spain 2024-08-15
Dia Balaguer Ps De Lestació 20 Balaguer Lleida 25005 682 38 64 40 41.78917325 0.80973711 Ps De Lestació 20, Balaguer, Lleida, 25005 Spain 2024-08-15

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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