Number of Deciem stores in the United Kingdom in 2024

Last updated on May 02, 2024

How many Deciem stores are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 52 Deciem stores in the United Kingdom as of May 02, 2024. The country with the most number of Deciem locations in the UK is England, with 50 stores, which is about 96% of all Deciem stores in the UK.


How can I download a list of Deciem stores in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 52 Deciem locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Countries without any Deciem stores

These countries do not have any Deciem stores

  • Channel Islands
  • Isle of Man
  • Wales
  • Northern Ireland

There are 4 countries without Deciem stores in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of Deciem stores in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
London England 15
Manchester England 4
Kingston Upon Thames England 3
York England 3
Liverpool England 2
Grays England 1
Leeds England 1
Canterbury England 1
Bromley England 1
Bracknell Berkshire England 1

Deciem vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Deciem   vs   Superdrug 761 (+709 locations than Deciem) 6 (+4 states than Deciem) 625 (+595 cities than Deciem)
Deciem   vs   The Perfume Shop 197 (+145 locations than Deciem) 4 (+2 states than Deciem) 151 (+121 cities than Deciem)
Deciem   vs   Neal's Yard Remedies 195 (+143 locations than Deciem) 6 (+4 states than Deciem) 144 (+114 cities than Deciem)
Deciem   vs   The Body Shop 120 (+68 locations than Deciem) 4 (+2 states than Deciem) 116 (+86 cities than Deciem)
Deciem   vs   Lush 101 (+49 locations than Deciem) 4 (+2 states than Deciem) 82 (+52 cities than Deciem)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Deciem with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Deciem Locations in UK

You can download the full list of Deciem locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
London Covent Garden 5b The Market The Piazza London England WC2E 8RA 020 3900 1711 51.512223 -0.122863 5b The Market The Piazza, London, England, WC2E 8RA 2024-05-02
London Seven Dials 73-75 Monmouth Street London England WC2H 9DG 020 3971 4820 51.512955 -0.127059 73-75 Monmouth Street, London, England, WC2H 9DG 2024-05-02
Next Intu Watford 201 Queen's Rd Watford England WD17 2UB 51.654076 -0.39269 Intu Watford 201 Queen's Rd, Watford, England, WD17 2UB 2024-05-02
Fenwick Coppergate Centre York England YO1 9WY 53.9568 -1.0796 Coppergate Centre, York, England, YO1 9WY 2024-05-02
Browns 21 Davygate York England YO1 8QT 53.9598 -1.0827 21 Davygate, York, England, YO1 8QT 2024-05-02
Browns 22 Market Pl Helmsley York England YO62 5BJ 54.246938 -1.060998 22 Market Pl Helmsley, York, England, YO62 5BJ 2024-05-02
Selfridges The Bullring Upper Mall East Birmingham Birmingham England B5 4BP 52.4778 -1.8929 The Bullring Upper Mall East Birmingham, Birmingham, England, B5 4BP 2024-05-02
Boots 234 The Glades Shopping Centre Bromley England BR1 1HD 51.4038 0.0166 234 The Glades Shopping Centre, Bromley, England, BR1 1HD 2024-05-02
& Other Stories Cabot Circus Broadmead Bristol England BS1 3BH 51.458495 -2.585342 Cabot Circus Broadmead, Bristol, England, BS1 3BH 2024-05-02
London Westfield White City Unit 1165 Westfield Shopping Centre Ariel Way White City London England W12 7GF 020 3970 4864 51.50788 -0.21924 Unit 1165 Westfield Shopping Centre Ariel Way White City, London, England, W12 7GF 2024-05-02

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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