Number of Deichmann stores in the United Kingdom in 2025

Last updated on January 17, 2025

How many Deichmann stores are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 135 Deichmann stores in the United Kingdom as of January 17, 2025. The country with the most number of Deichmann locations in the UK is England, with 119 stores, which is about 88% of all Deichmann stores in the UK.


How can I download a list of Deichmann stores in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 135 Deichmann locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 4 Countries with the most Deichmann stores


119 (88%)

A store for every 473,000 people, in England with about 88% of the total number of Deichmann stores


11 (8%)

A store for every 496,636 people, in Scotland with about 8% of the total number of Deichmann stores


4 (3%)

A store for every 788,250 people, in Wales with about 3% of the total number of Deichmann stores

Country Number of stores Population Population per store
England 119 (88%) 56.29M 473.00K
Scotland 11 (8%) 5.46M 496.64K
Wales (3%) 3.15M 788.25K
Northern Ireland (1%) 1.89M 1.89M

There are Deichmann stores in 4 countries in the United Kingdom

Countries without any Deichmann stores

These countries do not have any Deichmann stores

  • Channel Islands
  • Isle of Man

There are 2 countries without Deichmann stores in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of Deichmann stores in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
Sheffield England 3
Peterborough England 2
Leeds England 2
Northampton England 2
Redditch England 1
Horsham England 1
Cardiff Wales 1
Walthamstow England 1
Newbury England 1
Camberley England 1

Download the complete database of Deichmann Locations in UK

You can download the full list of Deichmann locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
Deichmann Ashford 33 County Square Ashford Tn23 1yd United Kingdom Ashford England TN23 1YD 01233 665673 51.148655 0.869614 33 County Square Ashford Tn23 1yd United Kingdom, Ashford, England, TN23 1YD 2025-01-17
Deichmann Northampton 26 Princes Walk Grosvenor Centre Northampton Nn1 2el United Kingdom Northampton England NN1 2EL 01604 624619 52.239049 -0.894463 26 Princes Walk Grosvenor Centre Northampton Nn1 2el United Kingdom, Northampton, England, NN1 2EL 2025-01-17
Deichmann Norwich 138 Lower Ground Floor Chapelfield Merchants Hall Norwich Nr2 1sh United Kingdom Norwich England NR2 1SH 01603 663303 52.626037 1.289453 138 Lower Ground Floor Chapelfield Merchants Hall Norwich Nr2 1sh United Kingdom, Norwich, England, NR2 1SH 2025-01-17
Deichmann Rochdale Unit 5 Riverside Walk Rochdale Ol16 1be United Kingdom Rochdale England OL16 1BE 01706 335014 53.61787 -2.15495 Unit 5 Riverside Walk Rochdale Ol16 1be United Kingdom, Rochdale, England, OL16 1BE 2025-01-17
Deichmann Cowley 1b Templars Shopping Park Cowley Ox4 3jp United Kingdom Cowley England OX4 3JP 01865 748790 51.73368 -1.21862 1b Templars Shopping Park Cowley Ox4 3jp United Kingdom, Cowley, England, OX4 3JP 2025-01-17
Deichmann Peterborough 14 Hampton Sepentine Green Shopping Peterborough Pe7 8be United Kingdom Peterborough England PE7 8BE 01733 569528 52.5403 -0.26255 14 Hampton Sepentine Green Shopping Peterborough Pe7 8be United Kingdom, Peterborough, England, PE7 8BE 2025-01-17
Deichmann Peterborough 11 Queensgate Centre Peterborough Pe1 1nh United Kingdom Peterborough England PE1 1NH 01733 561824 52.573494 -0.244027 11 Queensgate Centre Peterborough Pe1 1nh United Kingdom, Peterborough, England, PE1 1NH 2025-01-17
Deichmann Kings Lynn 19 Vancouver Centre Broad Street Kings Lynn Pe30 1dp United Kingdom Kings Lynn England PE30 1DP 01553 766296 52.754137 0.397543 19 Vancouver Centre Broad Street Kings Lynn Pe30 1dp United Kingdom, Kings Lynn, England, PE30 1DP 2025-01-17
Deichmann Plymouth 30 New George Street Plymouth Pl1 1rw United Kingdom Plymouth England PL1 1RW 01752 251755 50.371459 -4.141101 30 New George Street Plymouth Pl1 1rw United Kingdom, Plymouth, England, PL1 1RW 2025-01-17
Deichmann Sunderland 74 The Bridges Sunderland Sr1 3le United Kingdom Sunderland England SR1 3LE 0191 500 1869 54.906006 -1.384912 74 The Bridges Sunderland Sr1 3le United Kingdom, Sunderland, England, SR1 3LE 2025-01-17

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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