Number of Domino's restaurants in United Arab Emirates in 2024

Last updated on November 07, 2024

How many Domino's restaurants are there in United Arab Emirates?

There are 67 Domino's restaurants in United Arab Emirates as of November 07, 2024. The emirate with the most number of Domino's locations in UAE is Dubai, with 31 restaurants, which is about 46% of all Domino's restaurants in UAE.


How can I download a list of Domino's restaurants in United Arab Emirates into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 67 Domino's locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 7 Emirates with the most Domino's restaurants


31 (46%)

A restaurant for every 134,742 people, in Dubai with about 46% of the total number of Domino's restaurants

Abu Dhabi

21 (31%)

A restaurant for every 132,571 people, in Abu Dhabi with about 31% of the total number of Domino's restaurants


8 (12%)

A restaurant for every 296,750 people, in Sharjah with about 12% of the total number of Domino's restaurants

Emirate Number of restaurants Population Population per restaurant
Dubai 31 (46%) 4.18M 134.74K
Abu Dhabi 21 (31%) 2.78M 132.57K
Sharjah (12%) 2.37M 296.75K
Ajman (4%) 505.00K 168.33K
Ras Al Khaimah (3%) 417.00K 208.50K
Umm Al Quwain (1%) 72.00K 72.00K
Fujairah (1%) 256.00K 256.00K

There are no emirates without Domino's restaurants in United Arab Emirates

Cities with the most number of Domino's restaurants in United Arab Emirates

City Emirate Number of Locations
Dubai Dubai 30
Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 16
Sharjah Sharjah 8
Al Ain Abu Dhabi 5
Ajman Ajman 3
Ras Al Khaimah Ras Al Khaimah 2
Fujairah Fujairah 1
Al Quoz Dubai 1
Umm Al Quwain Umm Al Quwain 1

Download the complete database of Domino's Locations in UAE

You can download the full list of Domino's locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Emirate Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Al Taawun Al Taawun Al Taawun St Sharjah Sharjah 600 541111 25.313845 55.375336 Al Taawun Al Taawun St, Sharjah UAE 2024-11-07
Muweilah Muweilah University City Rd Sharjah Sharjah 600 541111 25.310715 55.460025 Muweilah University City Rd, Sharjah UAE 2024-11-07
Al Qasimia Cbd - Al Qasimiya King Abdulaziz St Sharjah Sharjah 600 541111 25.347312 55.390152 Cbd - Al Qasimiya King Abdulaziz St, Sharjah UAE 2024-11-07
Domino's Expo Rd Opportunity Pavilion Dubai Dubai 24.96381667 55.152184 Expo Rd Opportunity Pavilion, Dubai UAE 2024-11-07
Al Khalidiya Khalidiya Khalidiya Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 600 541111 24.479658 54.35491111 Khalidiya Khalidiya, Abu Dhabi UAE 2024-11-07
The Courtyard The Courtyard - Riyad City Ahd St - Madinat Al Riyad Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 600 541111 24.327541 54.750285 The Courtyard - Riyad City Ahd St - Madinat Al Riyad, Abu Dhabi UAE 2024-11-07
Hamdan Hamdan Hamdan 1 Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 600 541111 24.488899 54.358901 Hamdan Hamdan 1, Abu Dhabi UAE 2024-11-07
Electra Electra Electra St Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 600 541111 24.490975 54.370885 Electra Electra St, Abu Dhabi UAE 2024-11-07
Central Mall Central Mall - Khalifa City Khalifa City Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 600 541111 24.411965 54.590525 Central Mall - Khalifa City Khalifa City, Abu Dhabi UAE 2024-11-07
Production City Production City Dubai Dubai 600 541111 25.03475906 55.20374167 Production City, Dubai UAE 2024-11-07

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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