Number of Dominos Pizza restaurants in Australia in 2024
How many Dominos Pizza restaurants are there in Australia?
There are 729 Dominos Pizza restaurants in Australia as of November 27, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Dominos Pizza locations in Australia is New South Wales, with 243 restaurants, which is about 33% of all Dominos Pizza restaurants in Australia.
How can I download a list of Dominos Pizza restaurants in Australia into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 729 Dominos Pizza locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 8 States and Territories with the most Dominos Pizza restaurants
New South Wales
243 (33%)
A restaurant for every 33,634 people, in New South Wales with about 33% of the total number of Dominos Pizza restaurants
205 (28%)
A restaurant for every 25,341 people, in Queensland with about 28% of the total number of Dominos Pizza restaurants
121 (17%)
A restaurant for every 55,058 people, in Victoria with about 17% of the total number of Dominos Pizza restaurants
State / Territory | Number of restaurants | Population | Population per restaurant |
New South Wales | 243 (33%) | 8.17M | 33.63K |
Queensland | 205 (28%) | 5.20M | 25.34K |
Victoria | 121 (17%) | 6.66M | 55.06K |
Western Australia | 79 (11%) | 2.67M | 33.80K |
South Australia | 45 (6%) | 1.77M | 39.36K |
Australian Capital Territory | 15 (2%) | 432.00K | 28.80K |
Tasmania | 14 (2%) | 542.00K | 38.71K |
Northern Territory | 7 (1%) | 247.00K | 35.29K |
There are no states and territories without Dominos Pizza restaurants in Australia
Cities with the most number of Dominos Pizza restaurants in Australia
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
Quakers Hill | New South Wales | 2 |
Parramatta | New South Wales | 2 |
Surfers Paradise | Queensland | 2 |
Melbourne | Victoria | 2 |
Dubbo | New South Wales | 2 |
Redbank Plains | Queensland | 2 |
Doncaster East | Victoria | 2 |
Saint Kilda | Victoria | 2 |
Port Macquarie | New South Wales | 2 |
Shellharbour | New South Wales | 2 |
Download the complete database of Dominos Pizza Locations in Australia
You can download the full list of Dominos Pizza locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Earlwood | 259 Homer Street | Earlwood | NSW | 2206 | (02) 8514 3720 | -33.926707 | 151.128672 | 259 Homer Street, Earlwood, NSW, 2206 | Australia | 2024-11-27 |
Unanderra | 1/114 - 118 Princes Hwy | Unanderra | NSW | 2526 | (02) 4286 7020 | -34.455286 | 150.844351 | 1/114 - 118 Princes Hwy, Unanderra, NSW, 2526 | Australia | 2024-11-27 |
Wilton | Shop T5 Wilton Plaza 1 Greenbridge Dr | Wilton | NSW | 2571 | (02) 4631 8020 | -34.228537 | 150.683487 | Shop T5 Wilton Plaza 1 Greenbridge Dr, Wilton, NSW, 2571 | Australia | 2024-11-27 |
Strathfield | 187 The Boulevarde | Strathfield | NSW | 2135 | (02) 8753 4420 | -33.887325 | 151.091187 | 187 The Boulevarde, Strathfield, NSW, 2135 | Australia | 2024-11-27 |
Castle Hill | 259b Old Northern Road | Castle Hill | NSW | 2154 | (02) 9407 6820 | -33.734673 | 151.003616 | 259b Old Northern Road, Castle Hill, NSW, 2154 | Australia | 2024-11-27 |
Midland | Shop 4 182 Great Eastern Highway | Midland | WA | 6056 | (08) 9462 1220 | -31.892391 | 116.018817 | Shop 4 182 Great Eastern Highway, Midland, WA, 6056 | Australia | 2024-11-27 |
Gosnells | Shop 21a 2158 Albany Hwy Gosnells Shopping Centre Albany Hwy | Gosnells | WA | 6110 | (08) 9234 7620 | -32.069843 | 116.000763 | Shop 21a 2158 Albany Hwy Gosnells Shopping Centre Albany Hwy, Gosnells, WA, 6110 | Australia | 2024-11-27 |
Kelmscott | 4/2756 Albany Highway | Kelmscott | WA | 6111 | (08) 9234 9120 | -32.112297 | 116.014223 | 4/2756 Albany Highway, Kelmscott, WA, 6111 | Australia | 2024-11-27 |
Mundaring | Shop 19b 7295 Great Eastern Highway | Mundaring | WA | 6073 | (08) 9294 6820 | -31.901532 | 116.167234 | Shop 19b 7295 Great Eastern Highway, Mundaring, WA, 6073 | Australia | 2024-11-27 |
Wadalba | Shop 4 1 A London Drive | Wadalba | NSW | 2259 | (02) 4307 7444 | -33.264542 | 151.454322 | Shop 4 1 A London Drive, Wadalba, NSW, 2259 | Australia | 2024-11-27 |
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