Number of Ember Inns locations in the United Kingdom in 2024
How many Ember Inns locations are there in the United Kingdom?
There are 150 Ember Inns locations in the United Kingdom as of November 01, 2024. The country with the most number of Ember Inns locations in the UK is England, with 145 locations, which is about 97% of all Ember Inns locations in the UK.
How can I download a list of Ember Inns locations in the United Kingdom into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 150 Ember Inns locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 3 Countries with the most Ember Inns locations
145 (97%)
A location for every 388,186 people, in England with about 97% of the total number of Ember Inns locations
3 (2%)
A location for every 1,821,000 people, in Scotland with about 2% of the total number of Ember Inns locations
2 (1%)
A location for every 1,576,500 people, in Wales with about 1% of the total number of Ember Inns locations
Country | Number of locations | Population | Population per location |
England | 145 (97%) | 56.29M | 388.19K |
Scotland | 3 (2%) | 5.46M | 1.82M |
Wales | 2 (1%) | 3.15M | 1.58M |
There are Ember Inns locations in 3 countries in the United Kingdom
Countries without any Ember Inns locations
These countries do not have any Ember Inns locations
- Channel Islands
- Isle of Man
- Northern Ireland
There are 3 countries without Ember Inns locations in the United Kingdom
Cities with the most number of Ember Inns locations in the United Kingdom
City | Country | Number of Locations |
London | England | 6 |
Birmingham | England | 6 |
Leeds | England | 5 |
Solihull | England | 5 |
Liverpool | England | 4 |
Nottingham | England | 4 |
Sutton Coldfield | England | 4 |
Coventry | England | 4 |
Hornchurch | England | 3 |
Derby | England | 3 |
Ember Inns vs competitors
Number of locations | Number of States | Number of cities | |||
Ember Inns | vs | Premier Inn | 862 (+712 locations than Ember Inns) | 5 (+2 states than Ember Inns) | 406 (+309 cities than Ember Inns) |
Ember Inns | vs | Travelodge | 588 (+438 locations than Ember Inns) | 4 (+1 states than Ember Inns) | 345 (+248 cities than Ember Inns) |
Ember Inns | vs | Best Western Group Hotels & Resorts | 197 (+47 locations than Ember Inns) | 5 (+2 states than Ember Inns) | 148 (+51 cities than Ember Inns) |
Ember Inns | vs | Radisson Hotels | 56 ( -94 locations than Ember Inns) | 4 (+1 states than Ember Inns) | 22 ( -75 cities than Ember Inns) |
Ember Inns | vs | J D Wetherspoon Hotels | 54 ( -96 locations than Ember Inns) | 3 (Same as Ember Inns) | 54 ( -43 cities than Ember Inns) |
If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Ember Inns with any other company, please contact our sales team
Download the complete database of Ember Inns Locations in UK
You can download the full list of Ember Inns locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | Country | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Last Updated Date |
The Three Stags | Church Road | Wirral | England | CH63 3EA | 0151 334 8115 | 53.341682 | -3.004263 | Church Road, Wirral, England, CH63 3EA | 2024-11-01 |
The Acton Park | Chester Road | Wrexham | Wales | LL11 2SN | 01978 314336 | 53.060811 | -2.989855 | Chester Road, Wrexham, Wales, LL11 2SN | 2024-11-01 |
The King William IV | 185 Sandridge Road | St Albans | England | AL1 4AH | 01727 869272 | 51.766306 | -0.322717 | 185 Sandridge Road, St Albans, England, AL1 4AH | 2024-11-01 |
The Attimore Hall | Ridgeway | Welwyn Garden City | England | AL7 2AD | 01707 299332 | 51.799811 | -0.181226 | Ridgeway, Welwyn Garden City, England, AL7 2AD | 2024-11-01 |
Three Hammers, St. Albans | 210 Watford Road | St Albans | England | AL2 3EA | 01727 846218 | 51.728301 | -0.359963 | 210 Watford Road, St Albans, England, AL2 3EA | 2024-11-01 |
Red Lion, Knowle | 1672 High Street | Solihull | England | B93 0LY | 01564 771522 | 52.387906 | -1.734084 | 1672 High Street, Solihull, England, B93 0LY | 2024-11-01 |
The Royal Oak | Manor Lane | Halesowen | England | B62 8PZ | 0121 421 5371 | 52.454281 | -2.022601 | Manor Lane, Halesowen, England, B62 8PZ | 2024-11-01 |
The Selly Park Tavern | 592 Pershore Road | Birmingham | England | B29 7HQ | 0121 472 4392 | 52.447419 | -1.913305 | 592 Pershore Road, Birmingham, England, B29 7HQ | 2024-11-01 |
The Fieldhouse | 10 Knightcote Drive | Solihull | England | B91 3JU | 0121 703 9209 | 52.396724 | -1.786396 | 10 Knightcote Drive, Solihull, England, B91 3JU | 2024-11-01 |
The Greave Dunning | 73 Greasby Road | Wirral | England | CH49 3NF | 0151 606 1061 | 53.376727 | -3.123695 | 73 Greasby Road, Wirral, England, CH49 3NF | 2024-11-01 |
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