Number of Hollister stores in Germany in 2024

Last updated on December 26, 2024

How many Hollister stores are there in Germany?

There are 36 Hollister stores in Germany as of December 26, 2024. The federal state with the most number of Hollister locations in Germany is North Rhine-Westphalia, with 8 stores, which is about 22% of all Hollister stores in Germany.


How can I download a list of Hollister stores in Germany into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 36 Hollister locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 federal states with the most Hollister stores

North Rhine-Westphalia

8 (22%)

A store for every 2,240,750 people, in North Rhine-Westphalia with about 22% of the total number of Hollister stores


7 (19%)

A store for every 1,586,143 people, in Baden-Württemberg with about 19% of the total number of Hollister stores


4 (11%)

A store for every 463,000 people, in Hamburg with about 11% of the total number of Hollister stores

State Number of stores Population Population per store
North Rhine-Westphalia (22%) 17.93M 2.24M
Baden-Württemberg (19%) 11.10M 1.59M
Hamburg (11%) 1.85M 463.00K
Hesse (11%) 6.29M 1.57M
Bavaria (8%) 13.14M 4.38M
Saxony (6%) 4.06M 2.03M
Lower Saxony (6%) 8.00M 4.00M
Bremen (6%) 680.00K 340.00K
Berlin (6%) 3.66M 1.83M
Rhineland-Palatinate (3%) 4.10M 4.10M

There are Hollister stores in 11 federal states in Germany

federal states without any Hollister stores

These federal states do not have any Hollister stores

  • Saarland
  • Thuringia
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
  • Schleswig-Holstein
  • Brandenburg

There are 5 federal states without Hollister stores in Germany

Cities with the most number of Hollister stores in Germany

City State Number of Locations
Hamburg Hamburg 4
Munich Bavaria 3
Berlin Berlin 2
Sulzbach Hesse 2
Essen North Rhine-Westphalia 2
Bremen Bremen 2
Ludwigsburg Baden-Württemberg 2
Koln North Rhine-Westphalia 2
Mannheim Baden-Württemberg 2
Hannover Lower Saxony 2

Download the complete database of Hollister Locations in Germany

You can download the full list of Hollister locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Ernst August Ernst-August-Platz 2 Hannover NI 30159 0511 20239997 52.37695 9.73925 Ernst-August-Platz 2, 30159 Hannover Germany 2024-12-26
Mall Of Berlin Leipziger Platz 12-13 Berlin BE 10117 030 20607910 52.51018 13.37953 Leipziger Platz 12-13, 10117 Berlin Germany 2024-12-26
Mall Of Berlin Leipziger Platz 12-13 Berlin BE 10117 030 22152950 52.51018 13.37953 Leipziger Platz 12-13, 10117 Berlin Germany 2024-12-26
Centro Oberhausen Centroallee 142-143 Oberhausen NW 46047 0208 98909949 51.49006 6.8788 Centroallee 142-143, 46047 Oberhausen Germany 2024-12-26
Rhein Center Aachener Strasse 1253 Koln NW 50858 02234 9812979 50.93755 6.83534 Aachener Strasse 1253, 50858 Koln Germany 2024-12-26
Rhein Center Aachener Strasse 1253 Koln NW 50858 02234 6956560 50.93755 6.83534 Aachener Strasse 1253, 50858 Koln Germany 2024-12-26
Vivatsgasse Vivatsgasse 2-4 Bonn NW 53111 0228 50489983 50.73507 7.09912 Vivatsgasse 2-4, 53111 Bonn Germany 2024-12-26
Nova Nova Shopping Center 1 Leuna ST 06237 034638 895999 51.3442624 12.1756062 Nova Shopping Center 1, 06237 Leuna Germany 2024-12-26
Limbecker Platz Limbecker Pl 1a Essen NW 45127 0201 51789997 51.45636 7.00649 Limbecker Pl 1a, 45127 Essen Germany 2024-12-26
Ernst August Ernst-August-Platz 2 Hannover NI 30159 0511 65500680 52.37695 9.73925 Ernst-August-Platz 2, 30159 Hannover Germany 2024-12-26

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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