Number of Hyatt SLH hotels in the United States in 2023

Last updated on November 20, 2023

How many Hyatt SLH hotels are there in the United States?

There are 14 Hyatt SLH hotels in the United States as of November 20, 2023. The state and territory with the most number of Hyatt SLH locations in the US is New York, with 4 hotels, which is about 29% of all Hyatt SLH hotels in the US.


How can I download a list of Hyatt SLH hotels in the United States into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 14 Hyatt SLH locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Hyatt SLH hotels

New York

4 (29%)

A hotel for every 4,863,500 people, in New York with about 29% of the total number of Hyatt SLH hotels


2 (14%)

A hotel for every 10,739,000 people, in Florida with about 14% of the total number of Hyatt SLH hotels


1 (7%)

A hotel for every 579,000 people, in Wyoming with about 7% of the total number of Hyatt SLH hotels

State / Territory Number of hotels Population Population per hotel
New York (29%) 19.45M 4.86M
Florida (14%) 21.48M 10.74M
Wyoming (7%) 579.00K 579.00K
Utah (7%) 3.21M 3.21M
South Carolina (7%) 5.15M 5.15M
Washington (7%) 7.62M 7.62M
Colorado (7%) 5.76M 5.76M
Kentucky (7%) 4.47M 4.47M
Virginia (7%) 8.54M 8.54M
California (7%) 39.51M 39.51M

There are Hyatt SLH hotels in 10 states and territories in the United States

States and Territories without any Hyatt SLH hotels

These states and territories do not have any Hyatt SLH hotels

  • New Mexico
  • Montana
  • Delaware
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Pennsylvania
  • North Dakota
  • Connecticut
  • Minnesota
  • Idaho
  • New Hampshire
  • Puerto Rico
  • Hawaii
  • Missouri
  • Alaska
  • Texas
  • Massachusetts
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Nevada
  • Ohio
  • Arkansas
  • Vermont
  • Alabama
  • Nebraska
  • Michigan
  • Louisiana
  • North Carolina
  • Iowa
  • Illinois
  • Mississippi
  • West Virginia
  • Oklahoma
  • District of Columbia
  • Maryland
  • American Samoa
  • Oregon
  • Guam
  • New Jersey
  • Wisconsin
  • Arizona
  • Kansas
  • Maine
  • Georgia
  • Rhode Island
  • Indiana

There are 46 states and territories without Hyatt SLH hotels in the United States

Cities with the most number of Hyatt SLH hotels in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Miami Beach Florida 2
Lake Placid New York 1
Oakhurst California 1
Bridgehampton New York 1
New York New York 1
Glendevey Colorado 1
Keswick Virginia 1
Jackson Wyoming 1
Torrey Utah 1
Louisville Kentucky 1

Hyatt SLH vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Hyatt SLH   vs   Hilton Group Hotels & Resorts 6,193 (+6,179 locations than Hyatt SLH) 53 (+43 states than Hyatt SLH) 2,100 (+2,087 cities than Hyatt SLH)
Hyatt SLH   vs   Choice International Group Hotels 6,101 (+6,087 locations than Hyatt SLH) 52 (+42 states than Hyatt SLH) 2,383 (+2,370 cities than Hyatt SLH)
Hyatt SLH   vs   Wyndham Group Hotels and Resorts 6,007 (+5,993 locations than Hyatt SLH) 54 (+44 states than Hyatt SLH) 2,383 (+2,370 cities than Hyatt SLH)
Hyatt SLH   vs   Marriott Group Hotels & Resorts 5,977 (+5,963 locations than Hyatt SLH) 51 (+41 states than Hyatt SLH) 1,704 (+1,691 cities than Hyatt SLH)
Hyatt SLH   vs   IHG Group Hotels & Resorts 3,996 (+3,982 locations than Hyatt SLH) 51 (+41 states than Hyatt SLH) 1,994 (+1,981 cities than Hyatt SLH)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Hyatt SLH with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Hyatt SLH Locations in USA

You can download the full list of Hyatt SLH locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 5 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Hounds Tooth Inn 42071 Highway 41 Ca-41 Oakhurst CA 93644 559-642-6600 37.330065 -119.656623 42071 Highway 41 Ca-41, Oakhurst, CA, 93644 USA 2023-11-20
Rawah Ranch 11447 County Road 103 Glendevey CO 82063 970-435-5715 40.743012 -105.876165 11447 County Road 103, Glendevey, CO, 82063 USA 2023-11-20
The Plymouth South Beach 336 21st Street Miami Beach FL 33139 305-602-5000 25.796733 -80.13061 336 21st Street, Miami Beach, FL, 33139 USA 2023-11-20
The Grady 601 W Main Street Louisville KY 40202 502-434-3700 38.257365 -85.760027 601 W Main Street, Louisville, KY, 40202 USA 2023-11-20
Lennox Miami Beach 1900 Collins Ave Miami Beach FL 33139 305-531-6800 25.795259 -80.12964 1900 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL, 33139 USA 2023-11-20

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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