Number of Jojo Maman Bebe stores in the United Kingdom in 2024

Last updated on September 18, 2024

How many Jojo Maman Bebe stores are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 54 Jojo Maman Bebe stores in the United Kingdom as of September 18, 2024. The country with the most number of Jojo Maman Bebe locations in the UK is England, with 48 stores, which is about 89% of all Jojo Maman Bebe stores in the UK.


How can I download a list of Jojo Maman Bebe stores in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 54 Jojo Maman Bebe locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 4 Countries with the most Jojo Maman Bebe stores


48 (89%)

A store for every 1,172,646 people, in England with about 89% of the total number of Jojo Maman Bebe stores


4 (7%)

A store for every 1,365,750 people, in Scotland with about 7% of the total number of Jojo Maman Bebe stores


1 (2%)

A store for every 3,153,000 people, in Wales with about 2% of the total number of Jojo Maman Bebe stores

Country Number of stores Population Population per store
England 48 (89%) 56.29M 1.17M
Scotland (7%) 5.46M 1.37M
Wales (2%) 3.15M 3.15M
Channel Islands (2%) 174.00K 174.00K

There are Jojo Maman Bebe stores in 4 countries in the United Kingdom

Countries without any Jojo Maman Bebe stores

These countries do not have any Jojo Maman Bebe stores

  • Isle of Man
  • Northern Ireland

There are 2 countries without Jojo Maman Bebe stores in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of Jojo Maman Bebe stores in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
London England 3
Edinburgh Scotland 2
Cardiff Wales 1
Farnham England 1
Ilkley England 1
Knutsford England 1
Horsham England 1
Reigate England 1
Stroud England 1
Perth Scotland 1

Download the complete database of Jojo Maman Bebe Locations in UK

You can download the full list of Jojo Maman Bebe locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
Balham - Jojo Maman Bebe 39 Bedford Hill Balham London England SW12 9EY 020 8675 1906 51.44385675 -0.15010755 39 Bedford Hill Balham, London, England, SW12 9EY 2024-09-18
Tunbridge Wells - Jojo Maman Bebe 50 Mount Pleasant Road Tunbridge Wells England TN1 1RB 01892 533347 51.1311348 0.26362663 50 Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells, England, TN1 1RB 2024-09-18
Sevenoaks - Jojo Maman Bebe 6 Blighs Court Blighs Meadow Sevenoaks England TN13 1DD 01732 455360 51.2715699 0.19177 6 Blighs Court Blighs Meadow, Sevenoaks, England, TN13 1DD 2024-09-18
Truro - Jojo Maman Bebe 14 River Street Truro England TR1 2SQ 01872 225368 50.26340761 -5.05441113 14 River Street, Truro, England, TR1 2SQ 2024-09-18
Chiswick - Jojo Maman Bebe 206 Chiswick High Road Chiswick England W4 1PD 020 8994 0379 51.49269925 -0.2591191 206 Chiswick High Road, Chiswick, England, W4 1PD 2024-09-18
Chester - Jojo Maman Bebe 44-50 Bridge Street Chester England CH1 1NQ 01244 324572 53.18933977 -2.89152422 44-50 Bridge Street, Chester, England, CH1 1NQ 2024-09-18
Shrewsbury - Jojo Maman Bebe Princess House 23 The Square Shrewsbury England SY1 1JZ 01743 368111 52.70759583 -2.7539962 Princess House 23 The Square, Shrewsbury, England, SY1 1JZ 2024-09-18
Bath - Jojo Maman Bebe 5 Cheap Street Bath England BA1 1NE 01225 335870 51.38172687 -2.35976561 5 Cheap Street, Bath, England, BA1 1NE 2024-09-18
Bristol - Jojo Maman Bebe 56 The Mall Clifton Village Bristol England BS8 4JG 0117 923 9957 51.45609093 -2.62165074 56 The Mall Clifton Village, Bristol, England, BS8 4JG 2024-09-18
Glasgow - Jojo Maman Bebe 170-174 Great George Street Glasgow Scotland G12 8AJ 0141 357 7386 55.8756831 -4.2925456 170-174 Great George Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G12 8AJ 2024-09-18

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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