Number of KFC restaurants in Australia in 2024
How many KFC restaurants are there in Australia?
There are 772 KFC restaurants in Australia as of December 03, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of KFC locations in Australia is New South Wales, with 243 restaurants, which is about 31% of all KFC restaurants in Australia.
How can I download a list of KFC restaurants in Australia into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 772 KFC locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 8 States and Territories with the most KFC restaurants
New South Wales
243 (31%)
A restaurant for every 33,634 people, in New South Wales with about 31% of the total number of KFC restaurants
206 (27%)
A restaurant for every 32,340 people, in Victoria with about 27% of the total number of KFC restaurants
172 (22%)
A restaurant for every 30,203 people, in Queensland with about 22% of the total number of KFC restaurants
State / Territory | Number of restaurants | Population | Population per restaurant |
New South Wales | 243 (31%) | 8.17M | 33.63K |
Victoria | 206 (27%) | 6.66M | 32.34K |
Queensland | 172 (22%) | 5.20M | 30.20K |
Western Australia | 65 (8%) | 2.67M | 41.08K |
South Australia | 52 (7%) | 1.77M | 34.06K |
Tasmania | 17 (2%) | 542.00K | 31.88K |
Australian Capital Territory | 10 (1%) | 432.00K | 43.20K |
Northern Territory | 7 (1%) | 247.00K | 35.29K |
There are no states and territories without KFC restaurants in Australia
Cities with the most number of KFC restaurants in Australia
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
Melbourne | Victoria | 5 |
Blacktown | New South Wales | 4 |
Caboolture | Queensland | 4 |
Sydney | New South Wales | 4 |
Adelaide | South Australia | 4 |
Newcastle | New South Wales | 4 |
Dandenong | Victoria | 3 |
Liverpool | New South Wales | 3 |
Mascot | New South Wales | 3 |
Officer | Victoria | 3 |
KFC vs competitors
Number of locations | Number of States | Number of cities | |||
KFC | vs | Subway | 1,233 (+461 locations than KFC) | 8 (Same as KFC) | 1,013 (+377 cities than KFC) |
KFC | vs | McDonald's | 1,044 (+272 locations than KFC) | 8 (Same as KFC) | 860 (+224 cities than KFC) |
KFC | vs | Dominos Pizza | 729 ( -43 locations than KFC) | 8 (Same as KFC) | 707 (+71 cities than KFC) |
KFC | vs | Bakers Delight | 513 ( -259 locations than KFC) | 7 ( -1 states than KFC) | 462 ( -174 cities than KFC) |
KFC | vs | Hungry Jack's | 476 ( -296 locations than KFC) | 8 (Same as KFC) | 444 ( -192 cities than KFC) |
If you would like to get a detailed report comparing KFC with any other company, please contact our sales team
Download the complete database of KFC Locations in Australia
You can download the full list of KFC locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Kfc Taree Service Centre | Shop 3 201 Manning River Drive | Glenthorne | NSW | 2430 | (02) 6550 0039 | -31.943493 | 152.470896 | Shop 3 201 Manning River Drive, Glenthorne, NSW, 2430 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Kfc Cooma | Snowstop Village Sharp St | Cooma | NSW | 2630 | (02) 6438 5844 | -36.232547 | 149.131979 | Snowstop Village Sharp St, Cooma, NSW, 2630 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Kfc Nambucca Heads | 10 Nambucca Heads Travel Centre | Nambucca Heads | NSW | 2448 | (02) 7232 0176 | -30.6267583 | 152.9724518 | 10 Nambucca Heads Travel Centre, Nambucca Heads, NSW, 2448 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Kfc Gatton | 69 Railway Street | Gatton | QLD | 4343 | (07) 5462 5386 | -27.55918573 | 152.2757479 | 69 Railway Street, Gatton, QLD, 4343 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Kfc Wellington | Cnr Lee And Gisbourne | Wellington | NSW | 2820 | (02) 6845 4599 | -32.549253 | 148.940676 | Cnr Lee And Gisbourne, Wellington, NSW, 2820 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Kfc Ballina Travel Centre | Shop 1 41 Bruxner Highway | West Ballina | NSW | 2478 | (02) 5630 1169 | -28.8607364 | 153.5171789 | Shop 1 41 Bruxner Highway, West Ballina, NSW, 2478 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Kfc Benalla | 132 Bridge Street | Benalla | VIC | 3672 | (03) 5762 3458 | -36.5509106 | 145.988196 | 132 Bridge Street, Benalla, VIC, 3672 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Kfc Bairnsdale | 303 Main St | Bairnsdale | VIC | 3875 | (03) 5152 6188 | -37.828329 | 147.622431 | 303 Main St, Bairnsdale, VIC, 3875 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Kfc Ellenbrook | 11 Deloraine Way | Ellenbrook | WA | 6069 | (08) 9297 6382 | -31.796586 | 115.978513 | 11 Deloraine Way, Ellenbrook, WA, 6069 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Kfc Atherton | 1-3 Mabel Street | Atherton | QLD | 4883 | (07) 4091 5029 | -17.2629746 | 145.4784345 | 1-3 Mabel Street, Atherton, QLD, 4883 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
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