Number of KFC restaurants in United Arab Emirates in 2024
How many KFC restaurants are there in United Arab Emirates?
There are 205 KFC restaurants in United Arab Emirates as of November 28, 2024. The emirate with the most number of KFC locations in UAE is Dubai, with 84 restaurants, which is about 41% of all KFC restaurants in UAE.
How can I download a list of KFC restaurants in United Arab Emirates into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 205 KFC locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 7 Emirates with the most KFC restaurants
84 (41%)
A restaurant for every 49,726 people, in Dubai with about 41% of the total number of KFC restaurants
Abu Dhabi
59 (29%)
A restaurant for every 47,186 people, in Abu Dhabi with about 29% of the total number of KFC restaurants
34 (17%)
A restaurant for every 69,824 people, in Sharjah with about 17% of the total number of KFC restaurants
Emirate | Number of restaurants | Population | Population per restaurant |
Dubai | 84 (41%) | 4.18M | 49.73K |
Abu Dhabi | 59 (29%) | 2.78M | 47.19K |
Sharjah | 34 (17%) | 2.37M | 69.82K |
Ajman | 10 (5%) | 505.00K | 50.50K |
Fujairah | 8 (4%) | 256.00K | 32.00K |
Ras Al Khaimah | 6 (3%) | 417.00K | 69.50K |
Umm Al Quwain | 4 (2%) | 72.00K | 18.00K |
There are no emirates without KFC restaurants in United Arab Emirates
Cities with the most number of KFC restaurants in United Arab Emirates
City | Emirate | Number of Locations |
Dubai | Dubai | 84 |
Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi | 44 |
Sharjah | Sharjah | 31 |
Al Ain | Abu Dhabi | 15 |
Ajman | Ajman | 10 |
Fujairah | Fujairah | 8 |
Ras Al Khaimah | Ras Al Khaimah | 6 |
Umm Al Quwain | Umm Al Quwain | 4 |
Kalba | Sharjah | 2 |
Khor Fakkan | Sharjah | 1 |
KFC vs competitors
Number of locations | Number of States | Number of cities | |||
KFC | vs | Starbucks | 324 (+119 locations than KFC) | 7 (Same as KFC) | 275 (+265 cities than KFC) |
KFC | vs | Pizza Hut | 156 ( -49 locations than KFC) | 7 (Same as KFC) | 10 ( Same as KFC) |
KFC | vs | McDonald's | 113 ( -92 locations than KFC) | 6 ( -1 states than KFC) | 105 (+95 cities than KFC) |
KFC | vs | Subway | 100 ( -105 locations than KFC) | 7 (Same as KFC) | 10 ( Same as KFC) |
KFC | vs | Domino's | 67 ( -138 locations than KFC) | 7 (Same as KFC) | 9 ( -1 cities than KFC) |
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Download the complete database of KFC Locations in UAE
You can download the full list of KFC locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | Emirate | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Khabisi - Al Ain | Zafrana Area Behind Safeer Centre | Al Ain | Abu Dhabi | 055 602 6415 | 24.236461 | 55.720264 | Zafrana Area Behind Safeer Centre, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi | UAE | 2024-11-28 | |
Qusais Grand Lube - Dubai | Grand Lube Al Nahda Baghdad Street Dubai | Dubai | Dubai | 055 708 9564 | 25.28348022 | 55.37381068 | Grand Lube Al Nahda Baghdad Street Dubai, Dubai | UAE | 2024-11-28 | |
Jbr - Dubai | Jbr The Walk Amwaj 4 | Dubai | Dubai | 055 602 6254 | 25.07426671 | 55.13051631 | Jbr The Walk Amwaj 4, Dubai | UAE | 2024-11-28 | |
Al Salamah - Kfc | Inside Emirates Petrol Station Al Ittihad Street After Al Salama Police Station Al Salamah District 2 Umm Al Quwain | Umm Al Quwain | Umm Al Quwain | 25.502056 | 55.5805 | Inside Emirates Petrol Station Al Ittihad Street After Al Salama Police Station Al Salamah District 2 Umm Al Quwain, Umm Al Quwain | UAE | 2024-11-28 | ||
Marina Walk-Kfc | Mesk Tower | Dubai | Dubai | 25.084525 | 55.148169 | Mesk Tower, Dubai | UAE | 2024-11-28 | ||
Al Falah - Kfc | Inside Al Falah Central Mall Al Falah Area | Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi | 24.25395 | 54.42511 | Inside Al Falah Central Mall Al Falah Area, Abu Dhabi | UAE | 2024-11-28 | ||
Al Mafraq - Kfc | Inside Adnoc Service Station (Mahawi 917) Abu Dhabi Al Ain Road Al Mafraq Area | Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi | 24.322167 | 54.588778 | Inside Adnoc Service Station (Mahawi 917) Abu Dhabi Al Ain Road Al Mafraq Area, Abu Dhabi | UAE | 2024-11-28 | ||
Marina Mall - Kfc -Nodelivery | Inside Marina Mall Food Court Area Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi | 24.476025 | 54.321779 | Inside Marina Mall Food Court Area Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi | UAE | 2024-11-28 | ||
Al Maqta Mall - Kfc | Armed Forces Co Op Society 2nd St Rabdan Bawabat Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi | Abu Dhabi | 055 609 3560 | 24.23513 | 54.29544 | Armed Forces Co Op Society 2nd St Rabdan Bawabat Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi | UAE | 2024-11-28 | |
Dubai Hills - Kfc-Nodelivery | Dubai | Dubai | 25.10025 | 55.240056 | Dubai | UAE | 2024-11-28 |
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