Number of Marriott Vacation Club locations in the United States in 2024

Last updated on February 20, 2024

How many Marriott Vacation Club locations are there in the United States?

There are 54 Marriott Vacation Club locations in the United States as of February 20, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Marriott Vacation Club locations in the US is Florida, with 15 locations, which is about 28% of all Marriott Vacation Club locations in the US.


How can I download a list of Marriott Vacation Club locations in the United States into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 54 Marriott Vacation Club locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Marriott Vacation Club locations


15 (28%)

A location for every 1,431,867 people, in Florida with about 28% of the total number of Marriott Vacation Club locations


10 (19%)

A location for every 3,951,200 people, in California with about 19% of the total number of Marriott Vacation Club locations

South Carolina

8 (15%)

A location for every 643,625 people, in South Carolina with about 15% of the total number of Marriott Vacation Club locations

State / Territory Number of locations Population Population per location
Florida 15 (28%) 21.48M 1.43M
California 10 (19%) 39.51M 3.95M
South Carolina (15%) 5.15M 643.62K
Hawaii (13%) 1.42M 202.29K
Colorado (7%) 5.76M 1.44M
Utah (4%) 3.21M 1.60M
Nevada (2%) 3.08M 3.08M
Virginia (2%) 8.54M 8.54M
Massachusetts (2%) 6.89M 6.89M
District of Columbia (2%) 706.00K 706.00K

There are Marriott Vacation Club locations in 15 states and territories in the United States

States and Territories without any Marriott Vacation Club locations

These states and territories do not have any Marriott Vacation Club locations

  • Maine
  • Georgia
  • Rhode Island
  • Indiana
  • New Mexico
  • Montana
  • Delaware
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Pennsylvania
  • North Dakota
  • Connecticut
  • Minnesota
  • Idaho
  • New Hampshire
  • Puerto Rico
  • Alaska
  • Texas
  • Kentucky
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Ohio
  • Arkansas
  • Vermont
  • Alabama
  • Nebraska
  • Michigan
  • Louisiana
  • North Carolina
  • Iowa
  • Illinois
  • Mississippi
  • West Virginia
  • Oklahoma
  • Maryland
  • Wyoming
  • American Samoa
  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • Guam
  • Wisconsin
  • Kansas

There are 42 states and territories without Marriott Vacation Club locations in the United States

Cities with the most number of Marriott Vacation Club locations in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Orlando Florida 7
Hilton Head Island South Carolina 4
Palm Desert California 4
Vail Colorado 3
Hilton Head South Carolina 3
South Lake Tahoe California 3
Park City Utah 2
Lihue - Kauai Hawaii 2
Lahaina - Maui Hawaii 2
Branson Missouri 1

Download the complete database of Marriott Vacation Club Locations in USA

You can download the full list of Marriott Vacation Club locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Marriott's Oceanwatch Villas At Grande Dunes 8550 Costa Verde Drive Myrtle Beach SC 29572 1 843-692-5500 33.750376 -78.807324 8550 Costa Verde Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC, 29572 USA 2024-02-20
Marriott's Heritage Club 12 Lighthouse Lane Hilton Head Island SC 29928 1 843-363-3012 32.13581 -80.81148 12 Lighthouse Lane, Hilton Head Island, SC, 29928 USA 2024-02-20
Marriott's Surfwatch 10 Surfwatch Way Hilton Head SC 29928 1 843-363-3400 32.196716 -80.699785 10 Surfwatch Way, Hilton Head, SC, 29928 USA 2024-02-20
Marriott's Harbour Club 144 Lighthouse Road Hilton Head Island SC 29928 1 843-363-3020 32.137909 -80.809486 144 Lighthouse Road, Hilton Head Island, SC, 29928 USA 2024-02-20
Marriott's Barony Beach Club 5 Grasslawn Avenue Hilton Head SC 29928 1 843-342-1608 32.209896 -80.683815 5 Grasslawn Avenue, Hilton Head, SC, 29928 USA 2024-02-20
Marriott's Canyon Villas 5220 East Marriott Drive Phoenix AZ 85054 1 480-629-3200 33.684697 -111.97044 5220 East Marriott Drive, Phoenix, AZ, 85054 USA 2024-02-20
Marriott's Shadow Ridge II- The Enclaves 9003 Shadow Ridge Rd Palm Desert CA 92211 1 760-674-2600 33.782471 -116.384853 9003 Shadow Ridge Rd, Palm Desert, CA, 92211 USA 2024-02-20
Marriott Vacation Club Pulse, San Francisco 2620 Jones Street San Francisco CA 94133 1 415-885-4700 37.805361 -122.416847 2620 Jones Street, San Francisco, CA, 94133 USA 2024-02-20
Marriott's Shadow Ridge I-The Villages 9003 Shadow Ridge Road Palm Desert CA 92211 1 760-674-2600 33.782556 -116.384853 9003 Shadow Ridge Road, Palm Desert, CA, 92211 USA 2024-02-20
Marriott's Monarch At Sea Pines 91 N Sea Pines Drive Hilton Head Island SC 29928 1 843-363-3040 32.126218 -80.787949 91 N Sea Pines Drive, Hilton Head Island, SC, 29928 USA 2024-02-20

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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