Number of McDonald's restaurants in Australia in 2024

Last updated on October 21, 2024

How many McDonald's restaurants are there in Australia?

There are 1,044 McDonald's restaurants in Australia as of October 21, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of McDonald's locations in Australia is New South Wales, with 332 restaurants, which is about 32% of all McDonald's restaurants in Australia.


How can I download a list of McDonald's restaurants in Australia into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 1,044 McDonald's locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 8 States and Territories with the most McDonald's restaurants

New South Wales

332 (32%)

A restaurant for every 24,617 people, in New South Wales with about 32% of the total number of McDonald's restaurants


265 (25%)

A restaurant for every 25,140 people, in Victoria with about 25% of the total number of McDonald's restaurants


234 (22%)

A restaurant for every 22,201 people, in Queensland with about 22% of the total number of McDonald's restaurants

State / Territory Number of restaurants Population Population per restaurant
New South Wales 332 (32%) 8.17M 24.62K
Victoria 265 (25%) 6.66M 25.14K
Queensland 234 (22%) 5.20M 22.20K
Western Australia 103 (10%) 2.67M 25.92K
South Australia 64 (6%) 1.77M 27.67K
Australian Capital Territory 21 (2%) 432.00K 20.57K
Tasmania 16 (2%) 542.00K 33.88K
Northern Territory (1%) 247.00K 27.44K

There are no states and territories without McDonald's restaurants in Australia

Cities with the most number of McDonald's restaurants in Australia

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Melbourne Victoria 8
Sydney New South Wales 6
Adelaide South Australia 5
Mascot New South Wales 5
Cairns Queensland 5
Penrith New South Wales 4
Werribee Victoria 4
Toowoomba Queensland 4
Baldivis Western Australia 4
Blacktown New South Wales 4

McDonald's vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
McDonald's   vs   Subway 1,233 (+189 locations than McDonald's) 8 (Same as McDonald's) 1,013 (+153 cities than McDonald's)
McDonald's   vs   KFC 772 ( -272 locations than McDonald's) 8 (Same as McDonald's) 636 ( -224 cities than McDonald's)
McDonald's   vs   Dominos Pizza 729 ( -315 locations than McDonald's) 8 (Same as McDonald's) 707 ( -153 cities than McDonald's)
McDonald's   vs   Bakers Delight 513 ( -531 locations than McDonald's) 7 ( -1 states than McDonald's) 462 ( -398 cities than McDonald's)
McDonald's   vs   Hungry Jack's 476 ( -568 locations than McDonald's) 8 (Same as McDonald's) 444 ( -416 cities than McDonald's)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing McDonald's with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of McDonald's Locations in Australia

You can download the full list of McDonald's locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Sydney Central Westfield Plaza, Nsw Lower Ground Floor Westfield Central Plaza Sydney NSW 2000 (02) 9231 2564 -33.87050463 151.20747328 Lower Ground Floor Westfield Central Plaza, Sydney, NSW, 2000 Australia 2024-10-21
Manoora Qld 145-157 Pease Street Cairns QLD 4870 (07) 4032 2666 -16.91265017 145.7400316 145-157 Pease Street, Cairns, QLD, 4870 Australia 2024-10-21
Nerang Qld 1-9 Hinkler Drive Nerang QLD 4211 (07) 5596 1233 -28.00801396 153.34210664 1-9 Hinkler Drive, Nerang, QLD, 4211 Australia 2024-10-21
Ballan Westbound VIc Bp Service Centre Western Highway Ballan VIC 3342 (03) 5368 1633 -37.59186792 144.2421627 Bp Service Centre Western Highway, Ballan, VIC, 3342 Australia 2024-10-21
Tea Tree Westfield Food Court, Sa Tea Tree Plaza 976 North East Road Modbury SA 5092 (08) 8396 3880 -34.83184115 138.691535 Tea Tree Plaza 976 North East Road, Modbury, SA, 5092 Australia 2024-10-21
Rockbank Inbound VIc 1789-1913 Western Highway Rockbank VIC 3335 (03) 9747 1513 -37.706764 144.629241 1789-1913 Western Highway, Rockbank, VIC, 3335 Australia 2024-10-21
Burnley VIc 625-631 Bridge Road Richmond VIC 3121 (03) 9428 2957 -37.81962854 145.01183063 625-631 Bridge Road, Richmond, VIC, 3121 Australia 2024-10-21
Lithgow Nsw Cnr Great Western Highway & Main Street Lithgow NSW 2790 (02) 6352 3522 -33.48099488 150.13740867 Cnr Great Western Highway & Main Street, Lithgow, NSW, 2790 Australia 2024-10-21
Toronto Nsw Cnr Cary & Bay Streets Toronto NSW 2283 (02) 4959 5616 -33.00932928 151.59433901 Cnr Cary & Bay Streets, Toronto, NSW, 2283 Australia 2024-10-21
Delahey VIc Cnr Taylors & Kings Roads Delahey VIC 3037 (03) 9367 9055 -37.72693236 144.78141278 Cnr Taylors & Kings Roads, Delahey, VIC, 3037 Australia 2024-10-21

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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