Number of Merrell stores in Canada in 2024

Last updated on October 16, 2024

How many Merrell stores are there in Canada?

There are 1,774 Merrell stores in Canada as of October 16, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Merrell locations in Canada is Ontario, with 571 stores, which is about 32% of all Merrell stores in Canada.


How can I download a list of Merrell stores in Canada into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 1,774 Merrell locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 Provinces and Territories with the most Merrell stores


571 (32%)

A store for every 25,301 people, in Ontario with about 32% of the total number of Merrell stores


408 (23%)

A store for every 20,669 people, in Quebec with about 23% of the total number of Merrell stores

British Columbia

259 (15%)

A store for every 19,382 people, in British Columbia with about 15% of the total number of Merrell stores

Province / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
Ontario 571 (32%) 14.45M 25.30K
Quebec 408 (23%) 8.43M 20.67K
British Columbia 259 (15%) 5.02M 19.38K
Alberta 255 (14%) 4.35M 17.04K
Manitoba 67 (4%) 1.36M 20.30K
Saskatchewan 62 (3%) 1.17M 18.84K
Nova Scotia 60 (3%) 965.00K 16.08K
New Brunswick 53 (3%) 772.00K 14.57K
Newfoundland and Labrador 24 (1%) 524.00K 21.83K
Prince Edward Island (0%) 155.00K 19.38K

Provinces and Territories without any Merrell stores

These provinces and territories do not have any Merrell stores

  • Nunavut

There are 1 provinces and territories without Merrell stores in Canada

Cities with the most number of Merrell stores in Canada

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Calgary Alberta 60
Edmonton Alberta 50
Winnipeg Manitoba 36
Québec Quebec 34
Toronto Ontario 32
Montréal Quebec 26
Vancouver British Columbia 25
Ottawa Ontario 24
Victoria British Columbia 20
London Ontario 20

Download the complete database of Merrell Locations in Canada

You can download the full list of Merrell locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Mark's 1090 Hoover Park Dr Whitchurch-Stouffville ON L4A 0K2 905-642-4622 43.9543272 -79.2768313 1090 Hoover Park Dr, Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON, L4A 0K2 Canada 2024-10-16
Atmosphere 200 Rue Bouvier Québec QC G2J 1R8 418-627-6665 48.239844 -79.0220709 200 Rue Bouvier, Québec, QC, G2J 1R8 Canada 2024-10-16
Chaussures Pop 295 Boulevard Armand-Thériault Local 5 Rivière-Du-Loup QC G5R 5H3 418-867-4811 47.825503 -69.5493174 295 Boulevard Armand-Thériault Local 5, Rivière-Du-Loup, QC, G5R 5H3 Canada 2024-10-16
Mark's 300 Stonegate Melfort SK S0E 1A0 306-752-4844 52.85288866 -104.59019171 300 Stonegate, Melfort, SK, S0E 1A0 Canada 2024-10-16
Mark's 33277 Highway 17 W Deep River ON K0J 1P0 613-584-2727 46.09992755 -77.50045127 33277 Highway 17 W, Deep River, ON, K0J 1P0 Canada 2024-10-16
Mark's 209 Chain Lake Drive Halifax NS B3S 1C1 902-450-5159 44.65185732 -63.67735104 209 Chain Lake Drive, Halifax, NS, B3S 1C1 Canada 2024-10-16
Chaussures Panda (Joliette) 1075 Boulevard Firestone Porte 5 Joliette QC J6E 6X6 450-756-6644 46.03378754 -73.4260712 1075 Boulevard Firestone Porte 5, Joliette, QC, J6E 6X6 Canada 2024-10-16
Sport Chek Bayshore 100 Bayshore Dr Nepean ON K2B 8C1 613-829-7680 45.3478185 -75.8056714 100 Bayshore Dr, Nepean, ON, K2B 8C1 Canada 2024-10-16
Mark's 2055 Old 10 Line Rd Unit 7 Orléans ON K4A 4C5 613-824-7729 45.48277745 -75.49788124 2055 Old 10 Line Rd Unit 7, Orléans, ON, K4A 4C5 Canada 2024-10-16
Running Room Bedford 1595 Bedford Hwy 22 Bedford NS B4A 3Y4 902-832-5240 44.73122741 -63.65669177 1595 Bedford Hwy 22, Bedford, NS, B4A 3Y4 Canada 2024-10-16

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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