Number of Michael Kors stores in Australia in 2024

Last updated on November 21, 2024

How many Michael Kors stores are there in Australia?

There are 9 Michael Kors stores in Australia as of November 21, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Michael Kors locations in Australia is New South Wales, with 3 stores, which is about 33% of all Michael Kors stores in Australia.


How can I download a list of Michael Kors stores in Australia into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 9 Michael Kors locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 4 States and Territories with the most Michael Kors stores

New South Wales

3 (33%)

A store for every 2,724,333 people, in New South Wales with about 33% of the total number of Michael Kors stores


3 (33%)

A store for every 2,220,667 people, in Victoria with about 33% of the total number of Michael Kors stores

Western Australia

2 (22%)

A store for every 1,335,000 people, in Western Australia with about 22% of the total number of Michael Kors stores

State / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
New South Wales (33%) 8.17M 2.72M
Victoria (33%) 6.66M 2.22M
Western Australia (22%) 2.67M 1.33M
Queensland (11%) 5.20M 5.20M

There are Michael Kors stores in 4 states and territories in Australia

States and Territories without any Michael Kors stores

These states and territories do not have any Michael Kors stores

  • Tasmania
  • Australian Capital Territory
  • Northern Territory
  • South Australia

There are 4 states and territories without Michael Kors stores in Australia

Cities with the most number of Michael Kors stores in Australia

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Biggera Waters Queensland 1
Homebush New South Wales 1
South Wharf Victoria 1
Chadstone Victoria 1
Karrinyup Western Australia 1
Perth Western Australia 1
Drummoyne New South Wales 1
Essendon Fields Victoria 1
Sydney New South Wales 1

Michael Kors vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Michael Kors   vs   Lorna Jane 97 (+88 locations than Michael Kors) 8 (+4 states than Michael Kors) 93 (+84 cities than Michael Kors)
Michael Kors   vs   JACK & JONES 55 (+46 locations than Michael Kors) 6 (+2 states than Michael Kors) 55 (+46 cities than Michael Kors)
Michael Kors   vs   Calvin Klein 33 (+24 locations than Michael Kors) 6 (+2 states than Michael Kors) 28 (+19 cities than Michael Kors)
Michael Kors   vs   Tommy Hilfiger 29 (+20 locations than Michael Kors) 6 (+2 states than Michael Kors) 27 (+18 cities than Michael Kors)
Michael Kors   vs   Superdry 20 (+11 locations than Michael Kors) 5 (+1 states than Michael Kors) 15 (+6 cities than Michael Kors)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Michael Kors with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Michael Kors Locations in Australia

You can download the full list of Michael Kors locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 5 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Chadstone 1341 Dandenong Road Shop G-20 Chadstone Shopping Centre Chadstone VIC 3148 (03) 9564 7889 -37.8828621 145.1000519 1341 Dandenong Road Shop G-20 Chadstone Shopping Centre, Chadstone, VIC, 3148 Australia 2024-11-21
South Wharf Dfo 20 Convention Centre Place Direct Factory Outlets B022 South Wharf VIC 3006 (03) 9686 7243 -37.824356 144.948889 20 Convention Centre Place Direct Factory Outlets B022, South Wharf, VIC, 3006 Australia 2024-11-21
Perth Direct Factory Outlet 11 High Street Shop G-055 Perth Airport Perth WA 6105 (08) 6155 9155 -31.9384407 115.9486475 Direct Factory Outlet 11 High Street Shop G-055 Perth Airport, Perth, WA, 6105 Australia 2024-11-21
Karrinyup 200 Karrinyup Road Shop No Sp1262 Karrinyup WA 6018 (08) 9459 0153 -31.87687 115.77892 200 Karrinyup Road Shop No Sp1262, Karrinyup, WA, 6018 Australia 2024-11-21
Sydney Westfield Westfield Sydney 188 Pitt St Shop 2006-7 Level 2 Sydney NSW 2000 (02) 8115 9565 -33.87013995 151.20887828 Westfield Sydney 188 Pitt St Shop 2006-7 Level 2, Sydney, NSW, 2000 Australia 2024-11-21

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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