Number of Microtel Inn locations in Canada in 2024

Last updated on December 23, 2024

How many Microtel Inn locations are there in Canada?

There are 27 Microtel Inn locations in Canada as of December 23, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Microtel Inn locations in Canada is Ontario, with 7 locations, which is about 26% of all Microtel Inn locations in Canada.


How can I download a list of Microtel Inn locations in Canada into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 27 Microtel Inn locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 8 Provinces and Territories with the most Microtel Inn locations


7 (26%)

A location for every 2,063,857 people, in Ontario with about 26% of the total number of Microtel Inn locations


6 (22%)

A location for every 1,405,500 people, in Quebec with about 22% of the total number of Microtel Inn locations


5 (19%)

A location for every 869,200 people, in Alberta with about 19% of the total number of Microtel Inn locations

Province / Territory Number of locations Population Population per location
Ontario (26%) 14.45M 2.06M
Quebec (22%) 8.43M 1.41M
Alberta (19%) 4.35M 869.20K
Saskatchewan (11%) 1.17M 389.33K
British Columbia (11%) 5.02M 1.67M
Nova Scotia (4%) 965.00K 965.00K
Prince Edward Island (4%) 155.00K 155.00K
Manitoba (4%) 1.36M 1.36M

There are Microtel Inn locations in 8 provinces and territories in Canada

Provinces and Territories without any Microtel Inn locations

These provinces and territories do not have any Microtel Inn locations

  • New Brunswick
  • Nunavut
  • Northwest Territories
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Yukon

There are 5 provinces and territories without Microtel Inn locations in Canada

Cities with the most number of Microtel Inn locations in Canada

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Ladysmith British Columbia 1
Lloydminster Saskatchewan 1
Sudbury Ontario 1
Kitimat British Columbia 1
Boisbriand Quebec 1
Estevan Saskatchewan 1
Dorval Quebec 1
Fort Mcmurray Alberta 1
Kirkland Lake Ontario 1
Weyburn Saskatchewan 1

Microtel Inn Hotels by Wyndham vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Microtel Inn Hotels by Wyndham   vs   Choice International Group Hotels 359 (+332 locations than Microtel Inn) 12 (+4 states than Microtel Inn) 212 (+185 cities than Microtel Inn)
Microtel Inn Hotels by Wyndham   vs   Marriott Group Hotels & Resorts 280 (+253 locations than Microtel Inn) 10 (+2 states than Microtel Inn) 98 (+71 cities than Microtel Inn)
Microtel Inn Hotels by Wyndham   vs   Best Western Group Hotels & Resorts 224 (+197 locations than Microtel Inn) 10 (+2 states than Microtel Inn) 169 (+142 cities than Microtel Inn)
Microtel Inn Hotels by Wyndham   vs   Hilton Group Hotels & Resorts 197 (+170 locations than Microtel Inn) 10 (+2 states than Microtel Inn) 94 (+67 cities than Microtel Inn)
Microtel Inn Hotels by Wyndham   vs   Super 8 Hotels by Wyndham 117 (+90 locations than Microtel Inn) 9 (+1 states than Microtel Inn) 107 (+80 cities than Microtel Inn)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Microtel Inn with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Microtel Inn Hotels by Wyndham Locations in Canada

You can download the full list of Microtel Inn Hotels by Wyndham locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 5 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Microtel Inn & Suites By Wyndham Fort Mcmurray 317 Sakitawaw Trail Fort Mcmurray AB T9H 5E7 1 587-674-0257 56.684717 -111.353957 317 Sakitawaw Trail, Fort Mcmurray, AB, T9H 5E7 Canada 2024-12-23
Microtel Inn & Suites By Wyndham Timmins 1960 Riverside Drive Timmins ON P4R 0A2 1 705-264-1477 48.472637 -81.396629 1960 Riverside Drive, Timmins, ON, P4R 0A2 Canada 2024-12-23
Microtel Inn & Suites By Wyndham Lloydminster 4257 44th Street Lloydminster SK S9V 2H1 1 306-993-0877 53.277767 -109.98661 4257 44th Street, Lloydminster, SK, S9V 2H1 Canada 2024-12-23
Microtel Inn & Suites By Wyndham Oyster Bay 12570 Trans Canada Highway Ladysmith BC V9G 1M5 1 866-759-9739 49.014071 -123.850868 12570 Trans Canada Highway, Ladysmith, BC, V9G 1M5 Canada 2024-12-23
Microtel By Wyndham Casselman 17 Rue Industriel Casselman ON K0A 1M0 1 613-427-3550 45.306511 -75.080353 17 Rue Industriel, Casselman, ON, K0A 1M0 Canada 2024-12-23

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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