Number of New World stores in New Zealand in 2024

Last updated on July 11, 2024

How many New World stores are there in New Zealand?

There are 147 New World stores in New Zealand as of July 11, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of New World locations in New Zealand is Auckland, with 30 stores, which is about 20% of all New World stores in New Zealand.


How can I download a list of New World stores in New Zealand into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 147 New World locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most New World stores


30 (20%)

A store for every 47,200 people, in Auckland with about 20% of the total number of New World stores


22 (15%)

A store for every 21,409 people, in Wellington with about 15% of the total number of New World stores


21 (14%)

A store for every 25,667 people, in Canterbury with about 14% of the total number of New World stores

State / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
Auckland 30 (20%) 1.42M 47.20K
Wellington 22 (15%) 471.00K 21.41K
Canterbury 21 (14%) 539.00K 25.67K
Waikato 15 (10%) 404.00K 26.93K
Manawatu-Wanganui 13 (9%) 223.00K 17.15K
Otago 11 (7%) 202.00K 18.36K
Hawke's Bay (4%) 151.00K 25.17K
Northland (3%) 152.00K 30.40K
Taranaki (3%) 110.00K 22.00K
Southland (3%) 93.00K 23.25K

There are New World stores in 14 states and territories in New Zealand

States and Territories without any New World stores

These states and territories do not have any New World stores

  • Bay of Plenty
  • Chatham Islands
  • Gisborne

There are 3 states and territories without New World stores in New Zealand

Cities with the most number of New World stores in New Zealand

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Christchurch Canterbury 11
Auckland Auckland 11
Wellington Wellington 11
Hamilton Waikato 4
Invercargill Southland 2
Oamaru Otago 2
Whangarei Northland 2
Wanaka Otago 2
Napier Hawke's Bay 2
Palmerston North Manawatu-Wanganui 2

Download the complete database of New World Locations in New Zealand

You can download the full list of New World locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
New World Levin 21 Bath St Levin Manawatu-Wanganui 5510 06-368 6538 -40.62312261 175.28339125 21 Bath St, Levin, Manawatu-Wanganui, 5510 New Zealand 2024-07-11
New World Hokitika 116 Revell Street Hokitika West Coast 7858 03-755 8390 -42.7166124 170.9629809 116 Revell Street, Hokitika, West Coast, 7858 New Zealand 2024-07-11
New World Hobsonville 120 Hobsonville Road Hobsonville Auckland Auckland 1026 09-869 3839 -36.7993 174.645016 120 Hobsonville Road Hobsonville, Auckland, Auckland, 1026 New Zealand 2024-07-11
New World Eastridge 209 Kepa Road Mission Bay Auckland 09-521 4680 -36.86098661 174.82876067 209 Kepa Road, Mission Bay, Auckland New Zealand 2024-07-11
New World Newmarket 42 Nuffield Street Newmarket Auckland Auckland 1023 09-558 2850 -36.87208171 174.77797345 42 Nuffield Street Newmarket, Auckland, Auckland, 1023 New Zealand 2024-07-11
New World Kumeu 108-110 Main Rd Kumeu Auckland 0810 09-412 7044 -36.7750368 174.5539304 108-110 Main Rd, Kumeu, Auckland, 0810 New Zealand 2024-07-11
New World Waiuku 49 Bowen Street Waiuku Auckland 2341 09-236 5050 -37.2502355 174.7283729 49 Bowen Street, Waiuku, Auckland, 2341 New Zealand 2024-07-11
New World Papakura 29-31 East Street Papakura Auckland 2254 09-299 6503 -37.06418155 174.94152872 29-31 East Street, Papakura, Auckland, 2254 New Zealand 2024-07-11
New World Long Bay 55b Glenvar Ridge Road Long Bay Auckland Auckland 0630 09-869 4577 -36.684304 174.739577 55b Glenvar Ridge Road Long Bay, Auckland, Auckland, 0630 New Zealand 2024-07-11
New World Rangiora 10 Good Street Rangiora Canterbury 7476 03-311 8130 -43.30258097 172.59465304 10 Good Street, Rangiora, Canterbury, 7476 New Zealand 2024-07-11

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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