Number of Nisa stores in the United Kingdom in 2024
How many Nisa stores are there in the United Kingdom?
There are 1,293 Nisa stores in the United Kingdom as of April 23, 2024. The country with the most number of Nisa locations in the UK is England, with 992 stores, which is about 77% of all Nisa stores in the UK.
How can I download a list of Nisa stores in the United Kingdom into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 1,293 Nisa locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 4 Countries with the most Nisa stores
992 (77%)
A store for every 56,741 people, in England with about 77% of the total number of Nisa stores
117 (9%)
A store for every 46,692 people, in Scotland with about 9% of the total number of Nisa stores
100 (8%)
A store for every 31,530 people, in Wales with about 8% of the total number of Nisa stores
Country | Number of stores | Population | Population per store |
England | 992 (77%) | 56.29M | 56.74K |
Scotland | 117 (9%) | 5.46M | 46.69K |
Wales | 100 (8%) | 3.15M | 31.53K |
Northern Ireland | 84 (6%) | 1.89M | 22.55K |
There are Nisa stores in 4 countries in the United Kingdom
Countries without any Nisa stores
These countries do not have any Nisa stores
- Channel Islands
- Isle of Man
There are 2 countries without Nisa stores in the United Kingdom
Cities with the most number of Nisa stores in the United Kingdom
City | Country | Number of Locations |
London | England | 107 |
Birmingham | England | 32 |
Glasgow | Scotland | 20 |
Coventry | England | 19 |
Leeds | England | 19 |
Test | England | 16 |
Peterborough | England | 16 |
Manchester | England | 15 |
Swansea | Wales | 15 |
Belfast | Northern Ireland | 13 |
Nisa vs competitors
Number of locations | Number of States | Number of cities | |||
Nisa | vs | Co-op Food | 3,727 (+2,434 locations than Nisa) | 6 (+2 states than Nisa) | 1,159 (+656 cities than Nisa) |
Nisa | vs | Tesco | 2,918 (+1,625 locations than Nisa) | 5 (+1 states than Nisa) | 1,005 (+502 cities than Nisa) |
Nisa | vs | Londis | 1,849 (+556 locations than Nisa) | 3 ( -1 states than Nisa) | 998 (+495 cities than Nisa) |
Nisa | vs | SPAR | 1,754 (+461 locations than Nisa) | 4 (Same as Nisa) | 1,055 (+552 cities than Nisa) |
Nisa | vs | Morrisons | 1,735 (+442 locations than Nisa) | 4 (Same as Nisa) | 742 (+239 cities than Nisa) |
If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Nisa with any other company, please contact our sales team
Download the complete database of Nisa Locations in UK
You can download the full list of Nisa locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | Country | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Last Updated Date |
Merseyrail - M To Go | Hamilton Square Station | Birkenhead | England | CH41 1AL | 0151 955 2493 | 53.39465439 | -3.0139851 | Hamilton Square Station, Birkenhead, England, CH41 1AL | 2024-04-23 |
Ck Supermarkets | Penparcau Rd | Aberystwyth | Wales | SY23 1RR | 52.4014304 | -4.0727242 | Penparcau Rd, Aberystwyth, Wales, SY23 1RR | 2024-04-23 | |
Chandras Trading | 184-186 Gospel Ln | Birmingham | England | B27 7AG | 0121 572 0202 | 52.4377339 | -1.8158099 | 184-186 Gospel Ln, Birmingham, England, B27 7AG | 2024-04-23 |
Nisa Local | 687 Bury Rd | Bolton | England | BL2 6HP | 01204 529676 | 53.5814029 | -2.3897175 | 687 Bury Rd, Bolton, England, BL2 6HP | 2024-04-23 |
Mr Vikash Amin | 32 Marion Crescent | Orpington | England | BR5 2DD | 01689 822447 | 51.3901138 | 0.1065566 | 32 Marion Crescent, Orpington, England, BR5 2DD | 2024-04-23 |
Nisa Local | 25 Main St | Portrush | Northern Ireland | BT56 8BL | 028 7082 3715 | 55.2065324 | -6.653008 | 25 Main St, Portrush, Northern Ireland, BT56 8BL | 2024-04-23 |
Newbridge Stores | 2 Meadowlands | Magherafelt | Northern Ireland | BT45 8EW | 028 7965 0012 | 54.760512 | -6.5107364 | 2 Meadowlands, Magherafelt, Northern Ireland, BT45 8EW | 2024-04-23 |
Nisa Local | Unit 2 Hobson Square | Cambridge | England | CB2 9FN | 01223 607430 | 52.1673642 | 0.1214062 | Unit 2 Hobson Square, Cambridge, England, CB2 9FN | 2024-04-23 |
Nisa Local | North Rd | Halstead | England | CO9 4QD | 01787 238226 | 52.0167073 | 0.56429924 | North Rd, Halstead, England, CO9 4QD | 2024-04-23 |
Loco | 7-8 King William St | Coventry | England | CV1 5JD | 024 7625 8526 | 52.4137974 | -1.499357 | 7-8 King William St, Coventry, England, CV1 5JD | 2024-04-23 |
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