Number of One Stop stores in the United Kingdom in 2024

Last updated on May 02, 2024

How many One Stop stores are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 1,040 One Stop stores in the United Kingdom as of May 02, 2024. The country with the most number of One Stop locations in the UK is England, with 965 stores, which is about 93% of all One Stop stores in the UK.


How can I download a list of One Stop stores in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 1,040 One Stop locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 3 Countries with the most One Stop stores


965 (93%)

A store for every 58,328 people, in England with about 93% of the total number of One Stop stores


65 (6%)

A store for every 48,508 people, in Wales with about 6% of the total number of One Stop stores


10 (1%)

A store for every 546,300 people, in Scotland with about 1% of the total number of One Stop stores

Country Number of stores Population Population per store
England 965 (93%) 56.29M 58.33K
Wales 65 (6%) 3.15M 48.51K
Scotland 10 (1%) 5.46M 546.30K

There are One Stop stores in 3 countries in the United Kingdom

Countries without any One Stop stores

These countries do not have any One Stop stores

  • Channel Islands
  • Isle of Man
  • Northern Ireland

There are 3 countries without One Stop stores in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of One Stop stores in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
Birmingham England 22
Doncaster England 19
Coventry England 18
Nottingham England 14
Southampton England 12
Leeds England 11
Manchester England 11
Leicester England 11
Solihull England 10
Lancashire England 10

Download the complete database of One Stop Locations in UK

You can download the full list of One Stop locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
One Stop Vicarage Road One Stop Community Stores Ltd 337-339 Vicarage Road Kings Heath Birmingham England B14 7NN 01543 363133 52.42888 -1.90287 One Stop Community Stores Ltd 337-339 Vicarage Road Kings Heath, Birmingham, England, B14 7NN 2024-05-02
One Stop Kingsbury Road 622 Kingsbury Road Erdington Birmingham England B24 9PJ 52.51709 -1.82052 622 Kingsbury Road Erdington, Birmingham, England, B24 9PJ 2024-05-02
One Stop Shirley 355 Haslucks Green Road Shirley Solihull England B90 2NG 07587 866205 52.403511 -1.84415 355 Haslucks Green Road Shirley, Solihull, England, B90 2NG 2024-05-02
One Stop Henfield One Stop Community Stores Ltd High Street Henfield England BN5 9HP 01273 495824 50.931572 -0.272093 One Stop Community Stores Ltd High Street, Henfield, England, BN5 9HP 2024-05-02
One Stop Barry Sellys One Stop 110 Park Crescent Barry Wales CF62 6HE 01446 734541 51.400294 -3.2885216 Sellys One Stop 110 Park Crescent, Barry, Wales, CF62 6HE 2024-05-02
One Stop Rhiwbina 100-102 Pant Bach Rhiwbina Cardiff Wales CF14 1TX 029 2115 5776 51.514238 -3.205258 100-102 Pant Bach Rhiwbina, Cardiff, Wales, CF14 1TX 2024-05-02
One Stop Darlington 218-220 Yarm Road Darlington England DL1 1XD 01325 789754 54.52296007 -1.5303787 218-220 Yarm Road, Darlington, England, DL1 1XD 2024-05-02
One Stop Ottery St Mary 2-4 Yonder Street Ottery St Mary England EX11 1HD 01543 363029 50.75137 -3.27652 2-4 Yonder Street, Ottery St Mary, England, EX11 1HD 2024-05-02
One Stop Kingsholm Road 7 Kingsholm Road Gloucester England GL1 3AX 01452 529135 51.871141 -2.242308 7 Kingsholm Road, Gloucester, England, GL1 3AX 2024-05-02
One Stop Heswall 138a Irby Road Wirral England CH61 6XQ 0151 792 7013 53.342055 -3.109879 138a Irby Road, Wirral, England, CH61 6XQ 2024-05-02

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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