Number of Penske Automotive dealers in the United Kingdom in 2024

Last updated on November 26, 2024

How many Penske Automotive dealers are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 156 Penske Automotive dealers in the United Kingdom as of November 26, 2024. The country with the most number of Penske Automotive locations in the UK is England, with 136 dealers, which is about 87% of all Penske Automotive dealers in the UK.


How can I download a list of Penske Automotive dealers in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 156 Penske Automotive locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 3 Countries with the most Penske Automotive dealers


136 (87%)

A dealer for every 413,875 people, in England with about 87% of the total number of Penske Automotive dealers


13 (8%)

A dealer for every 242,538 people, in Wales with about 8% of the total number of Penske Automotive dealers


7 (4%)

A dealer for every 780,429 people, in Scotland with about 4% of the total number of Penske Automotive dealers

Country Number of dealers Population Population per dealer
England 136 (87%) 56.29M 413.88K
Wales 13 (8%) 3.15M 242.54K
Scotland (4%) 5.46M 780.43K

There are Penske Automotive dealers in 3 countries in the United Kingdom

Countries without any Penske Automotive dealers

These countries do not have any Penske Automotive dealers

  • Channel Islands
  • Isle of Man
  • Northern Ireland

There are 3 countries without Penske Automotive dealers in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of Penske Automotive dealers in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
Nottingham England 7
West Midlands England 7
Northampton England 5
Edinburgh Scotland 5
London England 4
Leicester England 4
Bristol England 4
North Wales Wales 4
Loughton England 4
Wakefield England 3

Penske Automotive vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Penske Automotive   vs   Bristol Street Motors 234 (+78 locations than Penske Automotive) 2 ( -1 states than Penske Automotive) 90 (+12 cities than Penske Automotive)
Penske Automotive   vs   Jaguar 189 (+33 locations than Penske Automotive) 6 (+3 states than Penske Automotive) 129 (+51 cities than Penske Automotive)
Penske Automotive   vs   Audi 129 ( -27 locations than Penske Automotive) 6 (+3 states than Penske Automotive) 123 (+45 cities than Penske Automotive)
Penske Automotive   vs   Group 1 Automotive 104 ( -52 locations than Penske Automotive) 1 ( -2 states than Penske Automotive) 44 ( -34 cities than Penske Automotive)
Penske Automotive   vs   Robins and Day 72 ( -84 locations than Penske Automotive) 2 ( -1 states than Penske Automotive) 34 ( -44 cities than Penske Automotive)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Penske Automotive with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Penske Automotive Locations in UK

You can download the full list of Penske Automotive locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
Sytner Select Wakefield Denby Dale Road Calder Island Way Wakefield England WF2 7AW 01924 970706 53.66354993 -1.50370454 Denby Dale Road Calder Island Way, Wakefield, England, WF2 7AW 2024-11-26
Sytner Land Rover Wakefield 325 Barnsley Road Sandal Wakefield England WF2 6EH 11441924242422 53.66021282 -1.48250062 325 Barnsley Road Sandal, Wakefield, England, WF2 6EH 2024-11-26
Wakefield Audi Calder Park Peel Avenue Wakefield England WF2 7UA 11441924241400 53.65738784 -1.51534275 Calder Park Peel Avenue, Wakefield, England, WF2 7UA 2024-11-26
Sytner Mini Worcester Knightsbridge Park Wainwright Road Worcester England WR4 9FA 114401905343595 52.21302035 -2.17502356 Knightsbridge Park Wainwright Road, Worcester, England, WR4 9FA 2024-11-26
Volvo Cars Chester Sovereign Way Sealand Road Chester Wales CH1 4PH 114401244393909 53.19547499 -2.92643952 Sovereign Way Sealand Road, Chester, Wales, CH1 4PH 2024-11-26
Porsche Centre Chester Longlooms Road Cheshire Oaks Ellesmere Port England CH65 9LF 114401513734899 53.26052747 -2.89037612 Longlooms Road Cheshire Oaks, Ellesmere Port, England, CH65 9LF 2024-11-26
Sytner Mini Shrewsbury Sundorne Trade Park Featherbed Lane Shrewsbury England SY1 4NS 114401743452350 52.7359003 -2.71903857 Sundorne Trade Park Featherbed Lane, Shrewsbury, England, SY1 4NS 2024-11-26
Sytner Shrewsbury Bmw 70 Battlfield Road Shrewsbury England SY1 4AQ 114401743467467 52.74047157 -2.72096831 70 Battlfield Road, Shrewsbury, England, SY1 4AQ 2024-11-26
Sytner Motorrad Shrewsbury 70 Battlefield Road Shrewsbury England SY1 4AQ 114401743457401 52.74019704 -2.72021954 70 Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury, England, SY1 4AQ 2024-11-26
Sytner Mini Solihull 120 Highlands Road Shirley Solihull England B90 4GT 11441217333444 52.39058612 -1.80623758 120 Highlands Road Shirley, Solihull, England, B90 4GT 2024-11-26

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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