Number of Pizza Hut locations in United Arab Emirates in 2024

Last updated on July 08, 2024

How many Pizza Hut locations are there in United Arab Emirates?

There are 156 Pizza Hut locations in United Arab Emirates as of July 08, 2024. The emirate with the most number of Pizza Hut locations in UAE is Dubai, with 70 locations, which is about 45% of all Pizza Hut locations in UAE.


How can I download a list of Pizza Hut locations in United Arab Emirates into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 156 Pizza Hut locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 7 Emirates with the most Pizza Hut locations


70 (45%)

A location for every 59,671 people, in Dubai with about 45% of the total number of Pizza Hut locations

Abu Dhabi

46 (29%)

A location for every 60,522 people, in Abu Dhabi with about 29% of the total number of Pizza Hut locations


21 (13%)

A location for every 113,048 people, in Sharjah with about 13% of the total number of Pizza Hut locations

Emirate Number of locations Population Population per location
Dubai 70 (45%) 4.18M 59.67K
Abu Dhabi 46 (29%) 2.78M 60.52K
Sharjah 21 (13%) 2.37M 113.05K
Ajman (6%) 505.00K 56.11K
Ras Al Khaimah (3%) 417.00K 104.25K
Fujairah (3%) 256.00K 64.00K
Umm Al Quwain (1%) 72.00K 36.00K

There are no emirates without Pizza Hut locations in United Arab Emirates

Cities with the most number of Pizza Hut locations in United Arab Emirates

City Emirate Number of Locations
Dubai Dubai 70
Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 35
Sharjah Sharjah 19
Al Ain Abu Dhabi 11
Ajman Ajman 9
Ras Al Khaimah Ras Al Khaimah 4
Fujairah Fujairah 4
Umm Al Quwain Umm Al Quwain 2
Khor Fakkan Sharjah 1
Kalba Sharjah 1

Download the complete database of Pizza Hut Locations in UAE

You can download the full list of Pizza Hut locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Emirate Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Souq Extra Fujairah - Phut Inside Souq Extra - Mirbah Fujairah Fujairah 25.282843 56.356834 Inside Souq Extra - Mirbah, Fujairah UAE 2024-07-08
Pizza Hut Al Buhaira - Sharjah Corniche Street Al Buhairah Building Sharjah Sharjah 06 574 4265 25.333553 55.3891454 Corniche Street Al Buhairah Building, Sharjah UAE 2024-07-08
Al Khan - Phut 66 Al Khan St - Lamya Tower Al - Al Majaz 3 Sharjah Sharjah 052 641 2258 25.33015644 55.37181645 66 Al Khan St - Lamya Tower Al - Al Majaz 3, Sharjah UAE 2024-07-08
Pizza Hut Kalba Corniche - Sharjah Kalba Corniche Road Store Number A / 74 Kalba Sharjah 055 609 3587 25.0696636 56.3596348 Kalba Corniche Road Store Number A / 74, Kalba, Sharjah UAE 2024-07-08
Pizza Hut - Um Al Quain Fisal King Street Building No 53615 26059 Umm Al Quwain Umm Al Quwain 06 764 1411 25.5446472 55.5428694 Fisal King Street Building No 53615 26059, Umm Al Quwain UAE 2024-07-08
Al Salamah Phut Inside Umm Al Quwain Cooperative Society - Al Waha St - Salama 3 Area Umm Al Quwain Umm Al Quwain 04 339 7826 25.505709 55.594592 Inside Umm Al Quwain Cooperative Society - Al Waha St - Salama 3 Area, Umm Al Quwain UAE 2024-07-08
Mushrif Mall - Phut Inside Mushrif Mall Food Court Area Sheikh Rashid Bin Saeed St Zone 1 Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 24.43401937 54.41283647 Inside Mushrif Mall Food Court Area Sheikh Rashid Bin Saeed St Zone 1, Abu Dhabi UAE 2024-07-08
Pizza Hut Deerfields - Abu Dhabi Ground Floor Deerfields Townsquare Mall Al Shaham Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 055 708 5564 24.523194 54.670764 Ground Floor Deerfields Townsquare Mall Al Shaham, Abu Dhabi UAE 2024-07-08
Pizza Hut Barari Mall Street 137 Barari Mall Al Ain Abu Dhabi 052 441 5251 24.0865278 55.8303556 Street 137 Barari Mall, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi UAE 2024-07-08
Palm Mall - Phut Inside Nakheel Mall Food Court Area The Palm Jumeirah Dubai Dubai 25.113468 55.137871 Inside Nakheel Mall Food Court Area The Palm Jumeirah, Dubai UAE 2024-07-08

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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