Number of Real Canadian Superstore locations in Canada in 2024

Last updated on October 16, 2024

How many Real Canadian Superstore locations are there in Canada?

There are 120 Real Canadian Superstore locations in Canada as of October 16, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Real Canadian Superstore locations in Canada is Ontario, with 38 locations, which is about 32% of all Real Canadian Superstore locations in Canada.


How can I download a list of Real Canadian Superstore locations in Canada into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 120 Real Canadian Superstore locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 6 Provinces and Territories with the most Real Canadian Superstore locations


38 (32%)

A location for every 380,184 people, in Ontario with about 32% of the total number of Real Canadian Superstore locations


34 (28%)

A location for every 127,824 people, in Alberta with about 28% of the total number of Real Canadian Superstore locations

British Columbia

28 (23%)

A location for every 179,286 people, in British Columbia with about 23% of the total number of Real Canadian Superstore locations

Province / Territory Number of locations Population Population per location
Ontario 38 (32%) 14.45M 380.18K
Alberta 34 (28%) 4.35M 127.82K
British Columbia 28 (23%) 5.02M 179.29K
Manitoba 11 (9%) 1.36M 123.64K
Saskatchewan (7%) 1.17M 146.00K
Yukon (1%) 40.00K 40.00K

There are Real Canadian Superstore locations in 7 provinces and territories in Canada

Provinces and Territories without any Real Canadian Superstore locations

These provinces and territories do not have any Real Canadian Superstore locations

  • New Brunswick
  • Nunavut
  • Northwest Territories
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Quebec
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Nova Scotia

There are 7 provinces and territories without Real Canadian Superstore locations in Canada

Cities with the most number of Real Canadian Superstore locations in Canada

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Calgary Alberta 13
Edmonton Alberta 10
Winnipeg Manitoba 8
Toronto Ontario 5
Regina Saskatchewan 3
Surrey British Columbia 3
Coquitlam British Columbia 2
Windsor Ontario 2
Vancouver British Columbia 2
Saskatoon Saskatchewan 2

Download the complete database of Real Canadian Superstore Locations in Canada

You can download the full list of Real Canadian Superstore locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Real Canadian Superstore Surrey 2332 160th St Surrey BC V3S 9N6 778-545-0431 49.043292 -122.775764 2332 160th St, Surrey, BC, V3S 9N6 Canada 2024-10-16
East Village 428 6th Ave S Calgary AB T2G 0G7 825-513-9510 51.047521 -114.053952 428 6th Ave S, Calgary, AB, T2G 0G7 Canada 2024-10-16
Scarborough 1755 Brimley Rd Toronto ON M1P 0A3 416-279-0802 43.778037 -79.263086 1755 Brimley Rd, Toronto, ON, M1P 0A3 Canada 2024-10-16
8th Street East 2901-8th St E Saskatoon SK S7H 0V4 306-956-1605 52.115735 -106.613642 2901-8th St E, Saskatoon, SK, S7H 0V4 Canada 2024-10-16
Huntington 7020 4th St Nw Calgary AB T2K 1C4 403-516-8519 51.11575 -114.069228 7020 4th St Nw, Calgary, AB, T2K 1C4 Canada 2024-10-16
Sargent 1385 Sargent Ave Winnipeg MB R3E 3P8 204-784-7901 49.899249 -97.198948 1385 Sargent Ave, Winnipeg, MB, R3E 3P8 Canada 2024-10-16
Prince George 2155 Ferry Ave Prince George BC V2N 5E8 250-960-1327 53.887271 -122.76931 2155 Ferry Ave, Prince George, BC, V2N 5E8 Canada 2024-10-16
Moose Jaw 30 Thatcher Dr E Moose Jaw SK S6H 7K8 306-691-6000 50.412442 -105.528456 30 Thatcher Dr E, Moose Jaw, SK, S6H 7K8 Canada 2024-10-16
Leamington 201 Talbot St E Leamington ON N8H 3X5 519-322-1371 42.058734 -82.587042 201 Talbot St E, Leamington, ON, N8H 3X5 Canada 2024-10-16
Joe Fresh Mobile Store #4450 No Place In Particular Toronto ON L5B 1V3 43.575687 -79.621441 No Place In Particular, Toronto, ON, L5B 1V3 Canada 2024-10-16

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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