Number of Red Rooster locations in Australia in 2024
How many Red Rooster locations are there in Australia?
There are 329 Red Rooster locations in Australia as of December 03, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Red Rooster locations in Australia is Queensland, with 121 locations, which is about 37% of all Red Rooster locations in Australia.
How can I download a list of Red Rooster locations in Australia into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 329 Red Rooster locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 7 States and Territories with the most Red Rooster locations
121 (37%)
A location for every 42,934 people, in Queensland with about 37% of the total number of Red Rooster locations
68 (21%)
A location for every 97,971 people, in Victoria with about 21% of the total number of Red Rooster locations
New South Wales
65 (20%)
A location for every 125,738 people, in New South Wales with about 20% of the total number of Red Rooster locations
State / Territory | Number of locations | Population | Population per location |
Queensland | 121 (37%) | 5.20M | 42.93K |
Victoria | 68 (21%) | 6.66M | 97.97K |
New South Wales | 65 (20%) | 8.17M | 125.74K |
Western Australia | 64 (19%) | 2.67M | 41.72K |
South Australia | 5 (2%) | 1.77M | 354.20K |
Northern Territory | 4 (1%) | 247.00K | 61.75K |
Australian Capital Territory | 2 (1%) | 432.00K | 216.00K |
States and Territories without any Red Rooster locations
These states and territories do not have any Red Rooster locations
- Tasmania
There are 1 states and territories without Red Rooster locations in Australia
Cities with the most number of Red Rooster locations in Australia
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
Townsville | Queensland | 3 |
Caboolture | Queensland | 3 |
Baldivis | Western Australia | 3 |
Noosaville | Queensland | 2 |
Woolloongabba | Queensland | 2 |
Pakenham | Victoria | 2 |
Maroochydore | Queensland | 2 |
Brisbane City | Queensland | 2 |
Rockhampton | Queensland | 2 |
Forrestfield | Western Australia | 2 |
Red Rooster vs competitors
Number of locations | Number of States | Number of cities | |||
Red Rooster | vs | Subway | 1,233 (+904 locations than Red Rooster) | 8 (+1 states than Red Rooster) | 1,013 (+709 cities than Red Rooster) |
Red Rooster | vs | McDonald's | 1,044 (+715 locations than Red Rooster) | 8 (+1 states than Red Rooster) | 860 (+556 cities than Red Rooster) |
Red Rooster | vs | KFC | 772 (+443 locations than Red Rooster) | 8 (+1 states than Red Rooster) | 636 (+332 cities than Red Rooster) |
Red Rooster | vs | Dominos Pizza | 729 (+400 locations than Red Rooster) | 8 (+1 states than Red Rooster) | 707 (+403 cities than Red Rooster) |
Red Rooster | vs | Bakers Delight | 513 (+184 locations than Red Rooster) | 7 (Same as Red Rooster) | 462 (+158 cities than Red Rooster) |
If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Red Rooster with any other company, please contact our sales team
Download the complete database of Red Rooster Locations in Australia
You can download the full list of Red Rooster locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Red Rooster Beenleigh | Beenleigh S/C 40 - 48 Main St | Beenleigh | QLD | 4207 | (07) 3478 9479 | -27.71955 | 153.20362 | Beenleigh S/C 40 - 48 Main St, Beenleigh, QLD, 4207 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Red Rooster Flagstone | Shop 002 Flagstone Drive Corner Homestead And Wild Mint Drive | Flagstone | QLD | 4280 | (07) 2105 1548 | -27.8084 | 152.95153 | Shop 002 Flagstone Drive Corner Homestead And Wild Mint Drive, Flagstone, QLD, 4280 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Red Rooster Upper Coomera | Shop T4/27 City Centre Drive | Upper Coomera | QLD | 4209 | (07) 2105 1559 | -27.85045 | 153.30158 | Shop T4/27 City Centre Drive, Upper Coomera, QLD, 4209 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Red Rooster Booval | Lease B2 Booval Fair Shopping Centre 139 Brisbane Road | Booval | QLD | 4304 | (07) 2105 1503 | -27.61458 | 152.7897 | Lease B2 Booval Fair Shopping Centre 139 Brisbane Road, Booval, QLD, 4304 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Red Rooster Wynnum | Wynnum Plaza S/C 2021 Wynnum Rd | Wynnum | QLD | 4178 | (07) 2105 1518 | -27.45793 | 153.15305 | Wynnum Plaza S/C 2021 Wynnum Rd, Wynnum, QLD, 4178 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Red Rooster Gladstone | 36 Far St | Gladstone | QLD | 4680 | (07) 3478 9476 | -23.86002 | 151.24455 | 36 Far St, Gladstone, QLD, 4680 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Red Rooster Mount Louisa | 450 Bayswater Road | Mount Louisa | QLD | 4814 | (07) 4774 7507 | -19.27263 | 146.75158 | 450 Bayswater Road, Mount Louisa, QLD, 4814 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Red Rooster Coopers Plains | 124 Orange Grove Rd | Coopers Plains | QLD | 4108 | (07) 3084 3612 | -27.56437 | 153.03894 | 124 Orange Grove Rd, Coopers Plains, QLD, 4108 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Red Rooster Ripley | 1 Rex Hills Drive | Ripley | QLD | 4306 | (07) 2105 1561 | -27.65834 | 152.77969 | 1 Rex Hills Drive, Ripley, QLD, 4306 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
Red Rooster Rose City Fc | Shop 15 81 Palmerin St | Warwick | QLD | 4370 | (07) 2105 1528 | -28.2150598 | 152.0315756 | Shop 15 81 Palmerin St, Warwick, QLD, 4370 | Australia | 2024-12-03 |
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