Number of Royal Enfield dealerships in India in 2024

Last updated on February 08, 2024

How many Royal Enfield dealerships are there in India?

There are 4,011 Royal Enfield dealerships in India as of February 08, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Royal Enfield locations in India is Uttar Pradesh, with 535 dealerships, which is about 13% of all Royal Enfield dealerships in India.


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You can download the complete list of 4,011 Royal Enfield locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Royal Enfield dealerships

Uttar Pradesh

535 (13%)

A dealership for every 444,641 people, in Uttar Pradesh with about 13% of the total number of Royal Enfield dealerships

Tamil Nadu

381 (9%)

A dealership for every 204,307 people, in Tamil Nadu with about 9% of the total number of Royal Enfield dealerships


284 (7%)

A dealership for every 433,606 people, in Maharashtra with about 7% of the total number of Royal Enfield dealerships

State / Territory Number of dealerships Population Population per dealership
Uttar Pradesh 535 (13%) 237.88M 444.64K
Tamil Nadu 381 (9%) 77.84M 204.31K
Maharashtra 284 (7%) 123.14M 433.61K
Kerala 257 (6%) 35.70M 138.91K
Bihar 235 (6%) 124.80M 531.06K
Andhra Pradesh 213 (5%) 53.90M 253.07K
West Bengal 209 (5%) 99.61M 476.60K
Karnataka 207 (5%) 67.56M 326.39K
Madhya Pradesh 180 (4%) 85.36M 474.22K
Punjab 169 (4%) 30.14M 178.35K

There are Royal Enfield dealerships in 40 states and territories in India

States and Territories without any Royal Enfield dealerships

These states and territories do not have any Royal Enfield dealerships

  • Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
  • Lakshadweep

There are 2 states and territories without Royal Enfield dealerships in India

Cities with the most number of Royal Enfield dealerships in India

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Hyderabad Telangana 59
Bengaluru Karnataka 58
Chennai Tamil Nadu 48
Pune Maharashtra 48
New Delhi Delhi 44
Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 30
Kolkata West Bengal 28
Cuttack Odisha 27
Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh 24
Mumbai Maharashtra 24

Download the complete database of Royal Enfield Locations in India

You can download the full list of Royal Enfield locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Cherry Corporation Station Road Vaijapur Vaijapur Aurangabad Maharashtra 423701 096198 12285 19.93570911 74.73607611 Station Road Vaijapur Vaijapur, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, 423701 India 2024-02-08
Hridaan Motors Gate No 2486 Nashik Highway Chakan Chakan Pune Maharashtra 410501 096196 71158 18.77589051 73.86740561 Gate No 2486 Nashik Highway Chakan Chakan, Pune, Maharashtra, 410501 India 2024-02-08
Suhan Motors Nandurao Road Sutala Sutala Khamgaon Maharashtra 444303 096196 65689 20.73194441 76.55097431 Nandurao Road Sutala Sutala, Khamgaon, Maharashtra, 444303 India 2024-02-08
Trupti Autoworld Plot No 99 Nh 5 Patrapada Patrapada Bhubaneswar Odisha 751001 091674 86591 20.24369111 85.76837111 Plot No 99 Nh 5 Patrapada Patrapada, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 751001 India 2024-02-08
Shivay Motors Plot No 75/5752/2236 Survey No 3470/3393 Station Bazar Road Station Bazar Road Dhenkanal Odisha 759013 091676 15495 20.68235111 85.57948111 Plot No 75/5752/2236 Survey No 3470/3393 Station Bazar Road Station Bazar Road, Dhenkanal, Odisha, 759013 India 2024-02-08
Baba Farid Automobiles Ferozpur Road Sundar Nagar Sundar Nagar Faridkot Punjab 151203 082913 20426 30.69419111 74.74844111 Ferozpur Road Sundar Nagar Sundar Nagar, Faridkot, Punjab, 151203 India 2024-02-08
Sunidhi Motors Jai Marg Khasra No327 Pratap Bass Oppunion Bank Near Overbridge Alwar Alwar Rajasthan 301001 082913 75934 27.567013 76.618629 Jai Marg Khasra No327 Pratap Bass Oppunion Bank Near Overbridge Alwar, Alwar, Rajasthan, 301001 India 2024-02-08
Krishna Motors No 42 Sukkuvadan Patty Periyakulam Main Rd Sukkuvadanpatti Sukkuvadanpatti Theni Tamil Nadu 625531 088797 30597 10.03612971 77.48466111 No 42 Sukkuvadan Patty Periyakulam Main Rd Sukkuvadanpatti Sukkuvadanpatti, Theni, Tamil Nadu, 625531 India 2024-02-08
Senthil Murugan Motor Vengamedu Perundurai Ponnar Sankar Hotel & Noble Honda Show Room Opp Perundurai Erode Tamil Nadu 638056 088792 59026 11.279697 77.595076 Vengamedu Perundurai Ponnar Sankar Hotel & Noble Honda Show Room Opp Perundurai, Erode, Tamil Nadu, 638056 India 2024-02-08
Usha Motors Plot No 2 Nh 6 Nh 6 Jalgaon Maharashtra 425001 096199 16224 21.0048111 75.60044 Plot No 2 Nh 6 Nh 6, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, 425001 India 2024-02-08

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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