Number of Sainsbury's stores in the United Kingdom in 2024
How many Sainsbury's stores are there in the United Kingdom?
There are 1,443 Sainsbury's stores in the United Kingdom as of December 02, 2024. The country with the most number of Sainsbury's locations in the UK is England, with 1,303 stores, which is about 90% of all Sainsbury's stores in the UK.
How can I download a list of Sainsbury's stores in the United Kingdom into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 1,443 Sainsbury's locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 4 Countries with the most Sainsbury's stores
1,303 (90%)
A store for every 43,198 people, in England with about 90% of the total number of Sainsbury's stores
98 (7%)
A store for every 55,745 people, in Scotland with about 7% of the total number of Sainsbury's stores
30 (2%)
A store for every 105,100 people, in Wales with about 2% of the total number of Sainsbury's stores
Country | Number of stores | Population | Population per store |
England | 1,303 (90%) | 56.29M | 43.20K |
Scotland | 98 (7%) | 5.46M | 55.74K |
Wales | 30 (2%) | 3.15M | 105.10K |
Northern Ireland | 12 (1%) | 1.89M | 157.83K |
There are Sainsbury's stores in 4 countries in the United Kingdom
Countries without any Sainsbury's stores
These countries do not have any Sainsbury's stores
- Channel Islands
- Isle of Man
There are 2 countries without Sainsbury's stores in the United Kingdom
Cities with the most number of Sainsbury's stores in the United Kingdom
City | Country | Number of Locations |
London | England | 293 |
Edinburgh | Scotland | 27 |
Glasgow | Scotland | 25 |
Leeds | England | 24 |
Bristol | England | 24 |
Nottingham | England | 23 |
Manchester | England | 20 |
Sheffield | England | 16 |
York | England | 14 |
Newcastle Upon Tyne | England | 12 |
Sainsbury's vs competitors
Number of locations | Number of States | Number of cities | |||
Sainsbury's | vs | Co-op Food | 3,727 (+2,284 locations than Sainsbury's) | 6 (+2 states than Sainsbury's) | 1,159 (+602 cities than Sainsbury's) |
Sainsbury's | vs | Tesco | 2,918 (+1,475 locations than Sainsbury's) | 5 (+1 states than Sainsbury's) | 1,005 (+448 cities than Sainsbury's) |
Sainsbury's | vs | Londis | 1,833 (+390 locations than Sainsbury's) | 3 ( -1 states than Sainsbury's) | 997 (+440 cities than Sainsbury's) |
Sainsbury's | vs | SPAR | 1,766 (+323 locations than Sainsbury's) | 4 (Same as Sainsbury's) | 1,061 (+504 cities than Sainsbury's) |
Sainsbury's | vs | Morrisons | 1,735 (+292 locations than Sainsbury's) | 4 (Same as Sainsbury's) | 742 (+185 cities than Sainsbury's) |
If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Sainsbury's with any other company, please contact our sales team
Download the complete database of Sainsbury's Locations in UK
You can download the full list of Sainsbury's locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | Country | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Last Updated Date |
Wort Ltlhmptn Rd Loc | 68 - 70 Littlehampton Road | Worthing | England | BN13 1QH | 0330 013 7382 | 50.83026 | -0.39639 | 68 - 70 Littlehampton Road, Worthing, England, BN13 1QH | 2024-12-02 |
Sidney St | 42-45 Sidney Street | Cambridge | England | CB2 3HX | 01223 366891 | 52.20712 | 0.11978 | 42-45 Sidney Street, Cambridge, England, CB2 3HX | 2024-12-02 |
Edn Causewayside Loc | 80 Causewayside | Edinburgh | Scotland | EH9 1PY | 0330 013 7414 | 55.93785 | -3.18157 | 80 Causewayside, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH9 1PY | 2024-12-02 |
Peebles | 38 Northgate | Peebles | Scotland | EH45 8RS | 01721 723106 | 55.65344 | -3.18841 | 38 Northgate, Peebles, Scotland, EH45 8RS | 2024-12-02 |
Dlkth Salters Rd Loc | 24 Thorny Rook Gardens Dalkeith | Midlothian | Scotland | EH22 2RF | 0330 013 7207 | 55.89644 | -3.04979 | 24 Thorny Rook Gardens Dalkeith, Midlothian, Scotland, EH22 2RF | 2024-12-02 |
Wy Wembley Place Loc | 349-357 High Road | Wembley | England | HA9 6BZ | 0330 013 7703 | 51.55312 | -0.28867 | 349-357 High Road, Wembley, England, HA9 6BZ | 2024-12-02 |
Apsley Mills | London Road | Hemel Hempstead | England | HP3 9QZ | 01442 218352 | 51.73628 | -0.46543 | London Road, Hemel Hempstead, England, HP3 9QZ | 2024-12-02 |
Woodhall Farm | Shenley Road | Hemel Hempstead | England | HP2 7QH | 01442 247991 | 51.78026 | -0.43563 | Shenley Road, Hemel Hempstead, England, HP2 7QH | 2024-12-02 |
Newbury Park | King George Avenue | Ilford | England | IG2 7SH | 020 8551 6333 | 51.58144 | 0.08721 | King George Avenue, Ilford, England, IG2 7SH | 2024-12-02 |
Wareham | South Street | Wareham | England | BH20 4NX | 01929 498700 | 50.68561 | -2.10871 | South Street, Wareham, England, BH20 4NX | 2024-12-02 |
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