Number of Sams Club stores in the United States in 2024
How many Sams Club stores are there in the United States?
There are 599 Sams Club stores in the United States as of December 10, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Sams Club locations in the US is Texas, with 82 stores, which is about 14% of all Sams Club stores in the US.
How can I download a list of Sams Club stores in the United States into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 599 Sams Club locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 10 States and Territories with the most Sams Club stores
82 (14%)
A store for every 353,610 people, in Texas with about 14% of the total number of Sams Club stores
45 (8%)
A store for every 477,289 people, in Florida with about 8% of the total number of Sams Club stores
29 (5%)
A store for every 1,362,483 people, in California with about 5% of the total number of Sams Club stores
State / Territory | Number of stores | Population | Population per store |
Texas | 82 (14%) | 29.00M | 353.61K |
Florida | 45 (8%) | 21.48M | 477.29K |
California | 29 (5%) | 39.51M | 1.36M |
Ohio | 27 (5%) | 11.69M | 432.93K |
Illinois | 25 (4%) | 12.67M | 506.88K |
Pennsylvania | 24 (4%) | 12.80M | 533.42K |
Georgia | 24 (4%) | 10.62M | 442.38K |
Michigan | 23 (4%) | 9.99M | 434.22K |
North Carolina | 22 (4%) | 10.49M | 476.73K |
Missouri | 19 (3%) | 6.14M | 323.00K |
There are Sams Club stores in 46 states and territories in the United States
States and Territories without any Sams Club stores
These states and territories do not have any Sams Club stores
- Alaska
- Vermont
- District of Columbia
- American Samoa
- Washington
- Oregon
- Guam
- Rhode Island
- U.S. Virgin Islands
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Massachusetts
There are 11 states and territories without Sams Club stores in the United States
Cities with the most number of Sams Club stores in the United States
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
Houston | Texas | 7 |
San Antonio | Texas | 6 |
Las Vegas | Nevada | 6 |
Dallas | Texas | 5 |
Austin | Texas | 4 |
Orlando | Florida | 4 |
Oklahoma City | Oklahoma | 4 |
El Paso | Texas | 4 |
Albuquerque | New Mexico | 3 |
Plano | Texas | 3 |
Download the complete database of Sam's Club Locations in USA
You can download the full list of Sam's Club locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Casper Sam's Club | 4600 E 2nd St | Casper | WY | 82609 | 307-237-8877 | 42.849924 | -106.264494 | 4600 E 2nd St, Casper, WY, 82609 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Bullhead City Sam's Club | 600 Highway 95 | Bullhead City | AZ | 86429 | 928-754-3900 | 35.165801 | -114.564108 | 600 Highway 95, Bullhead City, AZ, 86429 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Castle Rock Sam's Club | 5940 Promenade Pkwy | Castle Rock | CO | 80108 | 303-379-8049 | 39.418956 | -104.875255 | 5940 Promenade Pkwy, Castle Rock, CO, 80108 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Evans Sam's Club | 3247 23rd Ave | Evans | CO | 80620 | 970-330-1011 | 40.38322 | -104.718655 | 3247 23rd Ave, Evans, CO, 80620 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Newington Sam's Club | 3465 Berlin Turnpike | Newington | CT | 06111 | 860-667-8809 | 41.651822 | -72.731782 | 3465 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT, 06111 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Dover Sam's Club | 1572 N Dupont Hwy | Dover | DE | 19901 | 302-678-4220 | 39.193449 | -75.553338 | 1572 N Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE, 19901 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Coral Springs Sam's Club | 950 N University Dr | Coral Springs | FL | 33071 | 954-345-3443 | 26.243902 | -80.256114 | 950 N University Dr, Coral Springs, FL, 33071 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Gainesville Sam's Club | 4001 Sw 30th Place | Gainesville | FL | 32608 | 352-375-8853 | 29.624231 | -82.384018 | 4001 Sw 30th Place, Gainesville, FL, 32608 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Phoenix Sam's Club | 8340 W Mcdowell Rd | Phoenix | AZ | 85037 | 623-936-8528 | 33.466538 | -112.239399 | 8340 W Mcdowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85037 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
Cheyenne Sam's Club | 1948 Dell Range Blvd | Cheyenne | WY | 82009 | 307-637-3771 | 41.162957 | -104.792737 | 1948 Dell Range Blvd, Cheyenne, WY, 82009 | USA | 2024-12-10 |
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