Number of Schlotzsky's restaurants in the United States in 2024

Last updated on June 13, 2024

How many Schlotzsky's restaurants are there in the United States?

There are 336 Schlotzsky's restaurants in the United States as of June 13, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Schlotzsky's locations in the US is Texas, with 207 restaurants, which is about 62% of all Schlotzsky's restaurants in the US.


How can I download a list of Schlotzsky's restaurants in the United States into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 336 Schlotzsky's locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Schlotzsky's restaurants


207 (62%)

A restaurant for every 140,077 people, in Texas with about 62% of the total number of Schlotzsky's restaurants


24 (7%)

A restaurant for every 164,875 people, in Oklahoma with about 7% of the total number of Schlotzsky's restaurants


13 (4%)

A restaurant for every 232,154 people, in Arkansas with about 4% of the total number of Schlotzsky's restaurants

State / Territory Number of restaurants Population Population per restaurant
Texas 207 (62%) 29.00M 140.08K
Oklahoma 24 (7%) 3.96M 164.88K
Arkansas 13 (4%) 3.02M 232.15K
Georgia 11 (3%) 10.62M 965.18K
Kansas 10 (3%) 2.91M 291.30K
Arizona (2%) 7.28M 909.88K
New Mexico (2%) 2.10M 262.12K
South Carolina (2%) 5.15M 735.57K
Missouri (2%) 6.14M 876.71K
Alabama (2%) 4.90M 817.17K

There are Schlotzsky's restaurants in 26 states and territories in the United States

States and Territories without any Schlotzsky's restaurants

These states and territories do not have any Schlotzsky's restaurants

  • Virginia
  • South Dakota
  • Vermont
  • Utah
  • Iowa
  • Florida
  • West Virginia
  • District of Columbia
  • Maryland
  • American Samoa
  • Washington
  • Guam
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Maine
  • Rhode Island
  • California
  • Indiana
  • Montana
  • Delaware
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Pennsylvania
  • Connecticut
  • Minnesota
  • Idaho
  • New Hampshire
  • Puerto Rico
  • Hawaii
  • Massachusetts

There are 30 states and territories without Schlotzsky's restaurants in the United States

Cities with the most number of Schlotzsky's restaurants in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Houston Texas 18
San Antonio Texas 9
Fort Worth Texas 6
Austin Texas 6
Oklahoma City Oklahoma 6
Dallas Texas 5
Wichita Kansas 4
Corpus Christi Texas 4
Grand Prairie Texas 4
Tulsa Oklahoma 4

Download the complete database of Schlotzsky's Locations in USA

You can download the full list of Schlotzsky's locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Greer 103 Old Boiling Springs Road Greer SC 29650 864-234-1449 34.86068554 -82.26628732 103 Old Boiling Springs Road, Greer, SC, 29650 USA 2024-06-13
Cool Springs 1708 Galleria Blvd Franklin TN 37067 615-778-0100 35.96605116 -86.81052719 1708 Galleria Blvd, Franklin, TN, 37067 USA 2024-06-13
Poplar Avenue 4758 Poplar Avenue Ste 322 Memphis TN 38117 901-763-0741 35.11552166 -89.90357094 4758 Poplar Avenue Ste 322, Memphis, TN, 38117 USA 2024-06-13
Mt. Juliet 30 Old Pleasant Grove Rd Mt Juliet TN 37122 615-553-2494 36.17489678 -86.51425615 30 Old Pleasant Grove Rd, Mt Juliet, TN, 37122 USA 2024-06-13
Conroe 507 Interstate 45 N Suite E Conroe TX 77304 936-441-2867 30.31287365 -95.47244184 507 Interstate 45 N Suite E, Conroe, TX, 77304 USA 2024-06-13
Sugar Land - Williams Trace 15287 Sw Freeway Sugar Land TX 77478 281-565-2867 29.6053113 -95.61371744 15287 Sw Freeway, Sugar Land, TX, 77478 USA 2024-06-13
Wichita Falls 3916 Kemp Wichita Falls TX 76308 940-691-4415 33.87240276 -98.53609063 3916 Kemp, Wichita Falls, TX, 76308 USA 2024-06-13
West Mason 2420 West Mason Street Green Bay WI 54303 920-497-1313 44.52437852 -88.08991269 2420 West Mason Street, Green Bay, WI, 54303 USA 2024-06-13
Appleton 881 North Casaloma Drive Appleton WI 54913 920-731-7272 44.26887956 -88.47706038 881 North Casaloma Drive, Appleton, WI, 54913 USA 2024-06-13
Charleston 6116 Rivers Avenue Charleston SC 29406 843-554-7600 32.90689259 -80.02123551 6116 Rivers Avenue, Charleston, SC, 29406 USA 2024-06-13

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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