Number of Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies in Canada in 2024

Last updated on October 08, 2024

How many Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies are there in Canada?

There are 1,220 Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies in Canada as of October 08, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Shoppers Drug Mart locations in Canada is Ontario, with 672 pharmacies, which is about 55% of all Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies in Canada.


How can I download a list of Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies in Canada into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 1,220 Shoppers Drug Mart locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 Provinces and Territories with the most Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies


672 (55%)

A pharmacy for every 21,499 people, in Ontario with about 55% of the total number of Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies

British Columbia

180 (15%)

A pharmacy for every 27,889 people, in British Columbia with about 15% of the total number of Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies


176 (14%)

A pharmacy for every 24,693 people, in Alberta with about 14% of the total number of Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies

Province / Territory Number of pharmacies Population Population per pharmacy
Ontario 672 (55%) 14.45M 21.50K
British Columbia 180 (15%) 5.02M 27.89K
Alberta 176 (14%) 4.35M 24.69K
Manitoba 43 (4%) 1.36M 31.63K
Saskatchewan 39 (3%) 1.17M 29.95K
New Brunswick 39 (3%) 772.00K 19.80K
Nova Scotia 34 (3%) 965.00K 28.38K
Newfoundland and Labrador 29 (2%) 524.00K 18.07K
Prince Edward Island (0%) 155.00K 31.00K
Yukon (0%) 40.00K 20.00K

There are Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies in 13 provinces and territories in Canada

Provinces and Territories without any Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies

These provinces and territories do not have any Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies

  • Quebec
  • Nunavut

There are 2 provinces and territories without Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies in Canada

Cities with the most number of Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies in Canada

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Toronto Ontario 100
Calgary Alberta 55
Edmonton Alberta 48
Mississauga Ontario 33
Winnipeg Manitoba 32
Vancouver British Columbia 30
Ottawa Ontario 30
London Ontario 24
Scarborough Ontario 23
Hamilton Ontario 22

Shoppers Drug Mart vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Shoppers Drug Mart   vs   Guardian and IDA 1,422 (+202 locations than Shoppers Drug Mart) 11 (Same as Shoppers Drug Mart) 581 (+223 cities than Shoppers Drug Mart)
Shoppers Drug Mart   vs   Pharmasave 878 ( -342 locations than Shoppers Drug Mart) 10 ( -1 states than Shoppers Drug Mart) 459 (+101 cities than Shoppers Drug Mart)
Shoppers Drug Mart   vs   PharmaChoice 830 ( -390 locations than Shoppers Drug Mart) 10 ( -1 states than Shoppers Drug Mart) 479 (+121 cities than Shoppers Drug Mart)
Shoppers Drug Mart   vs   Familiprix 436 ( -784 locations than Shoppers Drug Mart) 2 ( -9 states than Shoppers Drug Mart) 256 ( -102 cities than Shoppers Drug Mart)
Shoppers Drug Mart   vs   Jean Coutu 420 ( -800 locations than Shoppers Drug Mart) 3 ( -8 states than Shoppers Drug Mart) 183 ( -175 cities than Shoppers Drug Mart)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Shoppers Drug Mart with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Shoppers Drug Mart Locations in Canada

You can download the full list of Shoppers Drug Mart locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Century Park 10956 23 Ave Nw Edmonton AB T6J 7J9 780-436-3055 53.455082 -113.512715 10956 23 Ave Nw, Edmonton, AB, T6J 7J9 Canada 2024-10-08
Stittsville 1300 Stittsville Main Street Unit 101a Stittsville ON K2S 1A3 613-831-0901 45.265259 -75.929963 1300 Stittsville Main Street Unit 101a, Stittsville, ON, K2S 1A3 Canada 2024-10-08
Ouellette & Wyandotte 600 Ouellette Ave Windsor ON N9A 6Z3 519-254-2505 42.3141 -83.0366 600 Ouellette Ave, Windsor, ON, N9A 6Z3 Canada 2024-10-08
Frontier Shopping Mall 11412 Railway Ave E North Battleford SK S9A 3G8 306-445-6253 52.7601 -108.274 11412 Railway Ave E, North Battleford, SK, S9A 3G8 Canada 2024-10-08
York Plaza 1597 Wilson Avenue North York ON M3L 1A5 416-244-6474 43.7195 -79.5106 1597 Wilson Avenue, North York, ON, M3L 1A5 Canada 2024-10-08
New Town Square 90 Thompson Dr Thompson MB R8N 1Y9 204-778-8391 55.7457491 -97.8553376 90 Thompson Dr, Thompson, MB, R8N 1Y9 Canada 2024-10-08
Innisfil Beach & Jans 1145 Innisfil Beach Rd Innisfil ON L9S 4B2 705-436-2874 44.3126 -79.5573 1145 Innisfil Beach Rd, Innisfil, ON, L9S 4B2 Canada 2024-10-08
Regent St 1015 Regent St Fredericton NB E3B 3Y9 506-459-8888 45.942563 -66.655426 1015 Regent St, Fredericton, NB, E3B 3Y9 Canada 2024-10-08
Burlington Mall 777 Guelph Line Unit D1 Burlington ON L7R 3N2 905-632-6666 43.347665 -79.793884 777 Guelph Line Unit D1, Burlington, ON, L7R 3N2 Canada 2024-10-08
Seton Shopping Centre 19489 Seton Crescent Se Unit 106 Calgary AB T3M 1T4 403-279-7726 50.880033 -113.957949 19489 Seton Crescent Se Unit 106, Calgary, AB, T3M 1T4 Canada 2024-10-08

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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