Number of Snipes locations in Germany in 2024

Last updated on October 29, 2024

How many Snipes locations are there in Germany?

There are 157 Snipes locations in Germany as of October 29, 2024. The federal state with the most number of Snipes locations in Germany is North Rhine-Westphalia, with 41 locations, which is about 26% of all Snipes locations in Germany.


How can I download a list of Snipes locations in Germany into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 157 Snipes locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 federal states with the most Snipes locations

North Rhine-Westphalia

41 (26%)

A location for every 437,220 people, in North Rhine-Westphalia with about 26% of the total number of Snipes locations


24 (15%)

A location for every 547,500 people, in Bavaria with about 15% of the total number of Snipes locations


23 (15%)

A location for every 482,739 people, in Baden-Württemberg with about 15% of the total number of Snipes locations

State Number of locations Population Population per location
North Rhine-Westphalia 41 (26%) 17.93M 437.22K
Bavaria 24 (15%) 13.14M 547.50K
Baden-Württemberg 23 (15%) 11.10M 482.74K
Hesse 14 (9%) 6.29M 449.50K
Berlin 12 (8%) 3.66M 305.33K
Lower Saxony 10 (6%) 8.00M 800.30K
Hamburg (4%) 1.85M 308.67K
Saxony (4%) 4.06M 676.17K
Rhineland-Palatinate (4%) 4.10M 683.00K
Schleswig-Holstein (3%) 2.91M 727.75K

There are no federal states without Snipes locations in Germany

Cities with the most number of Snipes locations in Germany

City State Number of Locations
Berlin Berlin 12
Köln North Rhine-Westphalia 8
Hamburg Hamburg 6
München Bavaria 5
Leipzig Saxony 3
Düsseldorf North Rhine-Westphalia 2
Frankfurt Am Main Hesse 2
Stuttgart Baden-Württemberg 2
Augsburg Bavaria 2
Wesseling North Rhine-Westphalia 2

Download the complete database of Snipes Locations in Germany

You can download the full list of Snipes locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Snipes Flensburg Holm 25 Flensburg SH 24937 0461 95704822 54.7848138 9.4352994 Holm 25, 24937 Flensburg Germany 2024-10-29
Snipes Köln Mannesmannstraße 10 Köln NW 50996 50.8684621 6.9941262 Mannesmannstraße 10, 50996 Köln Germany 2024-10-29
Snipes Köln Dumont Carré Breite Str 80-90 Köln NW 50667 50.9390328 6.9487337 Dumont Carré Breite Str 80-90, 50667 Köln Germany 2024-10-29
Snipes Köln Hohe Straße 100-102 Köln NW 50667 0221 29062114 50.9378901 6.9561915 Hohe Straße 100-102, 50667 Köln Germany 2024-10-29
Snipes Köln Mannesmannstr 10 Köln NW 50996 02236 322199 50.8684621 6.9941262 Mannesmannstr 10, 50996 Köln Germany 2024-10-29
Snipes Köln Mannesmannstr 10 Köln NW 50996 50.8684621 6.9941262 Mannesmannstr 10, 50996 Köln Germany 2024-10-29
Snipes Wesseling Urfelder Str 67 Wesseling NW 50389 50.8003298 6.9990923 Urfelder Str 67, 50389 Wesseling Germany 2024-10-29
Snipes Gummersbach Steinmüllerallee 5 Gummersbach NW 51643 02261 8174297 51.024746 7.565055 Steinmüllerallee 5, 51643 Gummersbach Germany 2024-10-29
Snipes Köln Kalker Hauptstraße 55 Köln NW 51103 0221 26004984 50.9380678 6.9958777 Kalker Hauptstraße 55, 51103 Köln Germany 2024-10-29
Snipes Dresden-Nickern Kaufpark Dresden-Nickern Dohnaer Str 246 Dresden-Nickern SN 01239 50.9954853 13.7974001 Kaufpark Dresden-Nickern Dohnaer Str 246, 01239 Dresden-Nickern Germany 2024-10-29

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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