Number of Spinneys locations in United Arab Emirates in 2024

Last updated on July 18, 2024

How many Spinneys locations are there in United Arab Emirates?

There are 62 Spinneys locations in United Arab Emirates as of July 18, 2024. The emirate with the most number of Spinneys locations in UAE is Dubai, with 44 locations, which is about 71% of all Spinneys locations in UAE.


How can I download a list of Spinneys locations in United Arab Emirates into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 62 Spinneys locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 5 Emirates with the most Spinneys locations


44 (71%)

A location for every 94,932 people, in Dubai with about 71% of the total number of Spinneys locations

Abu Dhabi

12 (19%)

A location for every 232,000 people, in Abu Dhabi with about 19% of the total number of Spinneys locations


4 (6%)

A location for every 593,500 people, in Sharjah with about 6% of the total number of Spinneys locations

Emirate Number of locations Population Population per location
Dubai 44 (71%) 4.18M 94.93K
Abu Dhabi 12 (19%) 2.78M 232.00K
Sharjah (6%) 2.37M 593.50K
Ajman (2%) 505.00K 505.00K
Ras Al Khaimah (2%) 417.00K 417.00K

There are Spinneys locations in 5 emirates in United Arab Emirates

Emirates without any Spinneys locations

These emirates do not have any Spinneys locations

  • Umm Al Quwain
  • Fujairah

There are 2 emirates without Spinneys locations in United Arab Emirates

Cities with the most number of Spinneys locations in United Arab Emirates

City Emirate Number of Locations
Downtown Dubai 4
Jumeirah Dubai 3
Al Forsan Village Abu Dhabi 2
Motor City Dubai 2
Meadows Dubai 2
Nad Al Sheba Dubai 2
Al Juraina Sharjah 1
Al Hamra Ras Al Khaimah 1
Airport Terminal Arrival Area Dubai 1
Al Nahda Dubai 1

Download the complete database of Spinneys Locations in UAE

You can download the full list of Spinneys locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Emirate Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Spinneys The Villa Centro The Villathe Centro Dubai 04 874 8210 25.091955 55.369465 The Villathe Centro, Dubai UAE 2024-07-18
Spinneys The Villa Spinneys 1 The Villa Dubai 04 447 5586 25.083257 55.351923 Spinneys 1, The Villa, Dubai UAE 2024-07-18
Spinneys Motor City Swift Foxhill 1 Motor City Dubai 04 432 9445 25.046029 55.241618 Foxhill 1, Motor City, Dubai UAE 2024-07-18
The Kitchen By Spinneys Dubai Mall Downtown Dubai 25.1976428 55.2740957 Dubai Mall, Downtown, Dubai UAE 2024-07-18
Spinneys Trade Center Road Spinney's Trade Centre Road Dubai 04 351 1777 25.24918 55.30038 Spinney's Trade Centre Road, Dubai UAE 2024-07-18
Spinneys Mangrove Rabdan Mangrove Village Abu Dhabi 02 558 3886 24.393481 54.493767 Rabdan, Mangrove Village, Abu Dhabi UAE 2024-07-18
Spinneys Al Jurf Al Jurf The Village Ajman 06 743 2690 25.402438 55.493923 Al Jurf, The Village, Ajman UAE 2024-07-18
Spinneys Uptown Mirdiff Spinneys Mirdif Dubai 04 288 0335 25.2252 55.4246 Spinneys Mirdif, Dubai UAE 2024-07-18
Spinneys Al Forsan Al Forsan Building Al Forsan Village Abu Dhabi 02 556 4585 24.4045015 54.5475225 Al Forsan Building, Al Forsan Village, Abu Dhabi UAE 2024-07-18
Spinneys Jumeirah Golf Estates Jumeirah Golf Estates Dubai 04 546 2799 25.028934 55.207271 Jumeirah Golf Estates, Dubai UAE 2024-07-18

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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