Number of TJ Maxx stores in the United States in 2024

Last updated on November 05, 2024

How many TJ Maxx stores are there in the United States?

There are 1,321 TJ Maxx stores in the United States as of November 05, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of TJ Maxx locations in the US is California, with 122 stores, which is about 9% of all TJ Maxx stores in the US.


How can I download a list of TJ Maxx stores in the United States into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 1,321 TJ Maxx locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most TJ Maxx stores


122 (9%)

A store for every 323,869 people, in California with about 9% of the total number of TJ Maxx stores


100 (8%)

A store for every 214,780 people, in Florida with about 8% of the total number of TJ Maxx stores


79 (6%)

A store for every 367,038 people, in Texas with about 6% of the total number of TJ Maxx stores

State / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
California 122 (9%) 39.51M 323.87K
Florida 100 (8%) 21.48M 214.78K
Texas 79 (6%) 29.00M 367.04K
New York 73 (6%) 19.45M 266.49K
Pennsylvania 59 (4%) 12.80M 216.98K
Massachusetts 52 (4%) 6.89M 132.56K
Georgia 52 (4%) 10.62M 204.17K
Ohio 51 (4%) 11.69M 229.20K
Illinois 49 (4%) 12.67M 258.61K
Michigan 42 (3%) 9.99M 237.79K

There are TJ Maxx stores in 53 states and territories in the United States

States and Territories without any TJ Maxx stores

These states and territories do not have any TJ Maxx stores

  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • American Samoa
  • Guam
  • Alaska

There are 5 states and territories without TJ Maxx stores in the United States

Cities with the most number of TJ Maxx stores in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Houston Texas 9
Miami Florida 8
Chicago Illinois 7
Atlanta Georgia 6
Las Vegas Nevada 6
Philadelphia Pennsylvania 5
Tucson Arizona 4
Jacksonville Florida 4
Memphis Tennessee 4
Cincinnati Ohio 4

TJ Maxx vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
TJ Maxx   vs   Columbia Sportswear 8,487 (+7,166 locations than TJ Maxx) 49 ( -2 states than TJ Maxx) 2,761 (+1,656 cities than TJ Maxx)
TJ Maxx   vs   Ariat 7,047 (+5,726 locations than TJ Maxx) 50 ( -1 states than TJ Maxx) 3,079 (+1,974 cities than TJ Maxx)
TJ Maxx   vs   Lee 5,953 (+4,632 locations than TJ Maxx) 51 (Same as TJ Maxx) 2,734 (+1,629 cities than TJ Maxx)
TJ Maxx   vs   Vera Bradley 2,960 (+1,639 locations than TJ Maxx) 51 (Same as TJ Maxx) 1,591 (+486 cities than TJ Maxx)
TJ Maxx   vs   Patagonia 2,590 (+1,269 locations than TJ Maxx) 53 (+2 states than TJ Maxx) 1,450 (+345 cities than TJ Maxx)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing TJ Maxx with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of TJ Maxx Locations in USA

You can download the full list of TJ Maxx locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
St Petersburg 8201 Martin Luther King St N St Petersburg FL 33702 727-577-1350 27.8477993 -82.646797 8201 Martin Luther King St N, St Petersburg, FL, 33702 USA 2024-11-05
Poinciana 4722 Marigold Ave Poinciana FL 34758 321-273-8149 28.1447086 -81.472595 4722 Marigold Ave, Poinciana, FL, 34758 USA 2024-11-05
The Villages (Lady Lake) 620 Us Hwy 441 The Villages (Lady Lake) FL 32159 352-430-2341 28.9339733 -81.938278 620 Us Hwy 441, The Villages (Lady Lake), FL, 32159 USA 2024-11-05
Sunrise 12801 West Sunrise Blvd Sunrise FL 33323 954-838-0276 26.149538 -80.325706 12801 West Sunrise Blvd, Sunrise, FL, 33323 USA 2024-11-05
Fairview Heights 10850 Lincoln Trail Fairview Heights IL 62208 618-397-6633 38.593399 -89.9775 10850 Lincoln Trail, Fairview Heights, IL, 62208 USA 2024-11-05
Lafayette 200 S Creasy Ln Lafayette IN 47905 765-447-0902 40.4154701 -86.841087 200 S Creasy Ln, Lafayette, IN, 47905 USA 2024-11-05
Jasper 3879 N Newton St Jasper IN 47546 812-481-1807 38.422882 -86.938652 3879 N Newton St, Jasper, IN, 47546 USA 2024-11-05
Thibodaux 357 North Canal Blvd Thibodaux LA 70301 985-446-2388 29.8037433 -90.814964 357 North Canal Blvd, Thibodaux, LA, 70301 USA 2024-11-05
Mandeville 3450 Hwy 190 Mandeville LA 70470 985-727-4541 30.3892002 -90.078102 3450 Hwy 190, Mandeville, LA, 70470 USA 2024-11-05
Fontana 17144 Slover Ave Fontana CA 92337 909-829-0949 34.0661659 -117.43051 17144 Slover Ave, Fontana, CA, 92337 USA 2024-11-05

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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