Number of Tata Motors dealerships in India in 2024

Last updated on March 28, 2024

How many Tata Motors dealerships are there in India?

There are 2,015 Tata Motors dealerships in India as of March 28, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Tata Motors locations in India is Uttar Pradesh, with 205 dealerships, which is about 10% of all Tata Motors dealerships in India.


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You can download the complete list of 2,015 Tata Motors locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Tata Motors dealerships

Uttar Pradesh

205 (10%)

A dealership for every 1,160,405 people, in Uttar Pradesh with about 10% of the total number of Tata Motors dealerships


182 (9%)

A dealership for every 676,615 people, in Maharashtra with about 9% of the total number of Tata Motors dealerships


156 (8%)

A dealership for every 228,840 people, in Kerala with about 8% of the total number of Tata Motors dealerships

State / Territory Number of dealerships Population Population per dealership
Uttar Pradesh 205 (10%) 237.88M 1.16M
Maharashtra 182 (9%) 123.14M 676.62K
Kerala 156 (8%) 35.70M 228.84K
Tamil Nadu 136 (7%) 77.84M 572.36K
Gujarat 129 (6%) 63.87M 495.13K
Rajasthan 126 (6%) 81.03M 643.12K
Karnataka 124 (6%) 67.56M 544.86K
Madhya Pradesh 101 (5%) 85.36M 845.14K
Haryana 87 (4%) 28.20M 324.19K
Telangana 87 (4%) 38.51M 442.65K

States and Territories without any Tata Motors dealerships

These states and territories do not have any Tata Motors dealerships

  • Lakshadweep

There are no states and territories without Tata Motors dealerships in India

Cities with the most number of Tata Motors dealerships in India

City State / Territory Number of Locations
New Delhi Delhi 39
Bangalore Karnataka 36
Hyderabad Telangana 35
Pune Maharashtra 32
Chennai Tamil Nadu 30
Jaipur Rajasthan 22
Mumbai Maharashtra 21
Ahmedabad Gujarat 20
Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 19
Kolkata West Bengal 15

Download the complete database of Tata Motors Locations in India

You can download the full list of Tata Motors locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Tata Motors Cars Service Centre - Sree Auto, Bh Road No 1 Bh Road Tumkur Karnataka 572107 070452 08773 | 0816 225 2993 13.345004 77.080276 No 1 Bh Road, Tumkur, Karnataka, 572107 India 2024-03-28
Tata Motors Cars Showroom - Cauvery Motors, Channarayapattana Svn Complex Bm Road Channarayapattana Hassan Karnataka 573116 098450 61202 12.90352359 76.38968568 Svn Complex Bm Road Channarayapattana, Hassan, Karnataka, 573116 India 2024-03-28
Tata Motors Cars Showroom - Cauvery Motors Pvt Ltd, Mangalore No 9/501 Svs Complex Bm Road Chenrayapatna Hassan Karnataka 573116 096069 75246 12.912237 76.381348 No 9/501 Svs Complex Bm Road Chenrayapatna, Hassan, Karnataka, 573116 India 2024-03-28
Tata Motors Cars Showroom - Rising Auto Wheels Pvt Ltd Ground Floor Bundu Ranchi Jharkhand 835204 091539 96276 23.18604401 85.56135301 Ground Floor Bundu, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 835204 India 2024-03-28
Tata Motors Cars Service Centre - Sharda Automobiles, South Redma Ground Floor Ranchi Road South Redma Daltonganj Jharkhand 822101 070450 63573 24.022331 84.095992 Ground Floor Ranchi Road South Redma, Daltonganj, Jharkhand, 822101 India 2024-03-28
Tata Motors Cars Showroom - Basudeb Auto, Zulu Park Road Ground Floor Zulu Park Road Hazaribagh Jharkhand 825301 070450 72326 23.99468301 85.3653801 Ground Floor Zulu Park Road, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, 825301 India 2024-03-28
Tata Motors Cars Showroom - Sharda Automobiles, Karkat Nh 39 Karkat Latehar Jharkhand 829207 082911 26394 23.75147901 84.4933101 Nh 39 Karkat, Latehar, Jharkhand, 829207 India 2024-03-28
Tata Motors Cars Showroom - Kvr Automotive, Pattambi Koppan Trade Center Pattambi Palakkad Kerala 679306 070452 37870 10.805121 76.187618 Koppan Trade Center Pattambi, Palakkad, Kerala, 679306 India 2024-03-28
Tata Motors Cars Showroom - Asl Motors, Bara Bazar LIc Building Bara Bazar Chaibasa Jharkhand 833201 082911 25371 22.55542201 85.81255601 LIc Building Bara Bazar, Chaibasa, Jharkhand, 833201 India 2024-03-28
Tata Motors Cars Showroom - Cauvery Motors, Mangalore No 18/15 Lakshmi Devi Complex Karkala Bypass Road Karkala Udupi Karnataka 574104 096060 25198 13.201382 74.995479 No 18/15 Lakshmi Devi Complex Karkala Bypass Road Karkala, Udupi, Karnataka, 574104 India 2024-03-28

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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